kara1990 Member


  • only went and lost the app on my phone!! downloaded another and its included side planks :( which means im prettymuch deffo going to fall on my *kitten* lol , still no upper body strength to speak of! plus i have to start it all again to incorporate the side planks xx
  • i`v never tried the challenge before , i used to plank a lot when i was about 16 (i did kick boxing , it was park of our routine ect) but that was many moons ago now and iv had 2 kids since then , iv got very little upper body strength too :/ hope people will keep us updated on how they get on with it though if they do it!…
  • http://whineywife-jn.blogspot.co.uk/2013/07/30-day-plank-challengeday-1.html it explains it way better on this page then i ever could , also shows correct way to plank and times ect xx
  • o god , deffo couldnt manage burpies! lol , i`m using the guide from this page to do it with , it also explains what it is for those who asked xx http://whineywife-jn.blogspot.co.uk/2013/07/30-day-plank-challengeday-1.html
  • how much of each please? lol , i`m new to this , so far iv tried the 2 apple , 3 carrot and 4 celery and actually liked it lol xx
  • no way!!! me too!!! mine flaired up and got worse when i as 17 cos i fell pregnant lol x
  • i liked the yoga on the wii fit , i found it helped with my hip dysplacia , so wanting to continue doing some of them lol x
  • i understand ppls concerns.... but as already mentioned my diet is mainly healthy ( dont get me wrong i indulge myself end of week as my "off day" such as a bar of chocolate , sometimes fast food..... no one is perfect) but as said before this is something which i find appealing .... and like i said..... if it dont work…
  • wow...... i wanted recipies , advice from ppl who have done a diet like this , and as iv mentioned a **** load of times already , i have no problem staying the same weight , hence why i havn`t gained any weight in nearly a year and have been slowly loosing it!
  • i`ve already stated i already eat healthy..... this is just to help me loose some weight in a way i`ll enjoy , if it fails it fails , im not overly fussed , but thought it was worth a go since i actually like soup and it seems like something i could stick to for the alloted time and hopefully see some results which i could…
  • thank you sweet_potato and ron2e!! i shall give them a go :D i`m actually rather excited about it , i love trying new things , even better if i can make it myself!! :D
  • put myself thru it??? i dont understand what you mean??/ i love soup! so this kind of sounds good to me lol , theres plenty of soups i already know and love , and many more to try which are new! not sure if i`ll last a full 10 days but i`m pretty sure i could do 5 at least and more then likley 7
  • hmmm it seemed to me that it was aimed at ... if thats not the case then i apologise (im always told im quick to go off on one lol)
  • i asked for advice , recipies and just to see if anyone had tried it with any success.... not for judgments to be made on my choice!
  • think what ya like , i`m gonna give it a go , i reckon i can keep it off , i dont struggle with keeping to an even weight , i struggle with loosing it , the only reason im the size i am is cos i had my 2nd child and pretty much ate what i wanted , when i had my first i went from 12st (pregnancy weight) back down to 9 and a…
  • lol literally!! you can survive on less so long as you drink water , i had issues when i was younger and was daft and didnt eat for days on end , only drinkin water , i ended up really ill obvs ... so cheers for the sarcasm there dude
  • also the soup i`m on about eating would have big chunky bits in it , like beef and veg , big chunks of beef.... carrot ... broccili ect
  • o dear me... obviously i eat healthy , hence why i would be returning to a healthy diet after , not "starting" it fresh lol , and i reckon i`ll be able to keep the weigh off once the 7-10 days are finished , i`ll just up my exercise reguim (cant spell lol) and portion control , i`ve been ill latley so iv put weight on as…
  • i have no trouble keeping the weight off once its off , i struggle with the loosing of it , and i plan to incorprate exercise too , and then return to healthy eating after the 7-10 days xx
  • actual soups with veg n meat in , lol not the cabbage one , dont think i could have that much cabbage lol xx
  • i`m 22 , had my 2nd baby 6months ago ... apparently my body decided it didnt want to just ping back into shape like it did after my 1st , 4 years ago lol , so now i`m a uk size 14 and around 11 and a half stone , which i know isn`t massive lol , its just the biggest iv ever been without actually being pregnant lol , so my…
  • lol , thats actually quite wierd , never spoke to anyone from the us york lol , our york aint too great tbh , very touristy , great history tho if your into the vikings lol x
  • not too sure on zumba lol , i suffer with congenital hip displasia and went to a few Bokwa classes , they are brilliant , but i ended up not being able to walk properly for the rest of the day and dosing myself up on prescribed pain killers lol , i`ll try the just dance ones tho , my mum has them and they dont hurt :D xx
  • hi! i`m in the uk too! also on the mission to loose the mum tum lol , just had my 2nd (well i say just had but he`s 6months old now lol ) and didnt just ping back into shape like i did with my first lol x
  • york , uk :D anyone else??