

  • I don't know my starting waist measurement... at the smallest point it is 23 inches. Its always been small compared to the rest of me, my bust is 33 inches and my hips are 34.5. I'm 5'6" :) bang on average!
  • Thank you so much for all your support, I was genuinely really moved by some of the comments here. I really appreciate everyone being so supportive. I've decided I'm not going to delete my account, just try to wean myself off. There may be some days where I want to document my food and I might give into it sometimes. Also…
  • I confess that I know I'm not overweight, but still feel fat most of the time. I confess that part of the reason I calorie count is for personal control. I confess that I sometimes wish bad things on a girl I really hate... I try to just put her out of my mind and not be hateful but its really hard. I confess that I still…
  • Wow you look amazing, you look so much younger as well! :)
  • Thanks to everyone being supportive, I wish I could do some hardcore exercise but my back is still very weak so I'm limited in what I can do. I had a talk with my mum and feel a bit better! Thanks again everyone x
    in :( Comment by hs100 January 2011
  • Thanks everyone :) I'm getting my gym membership back soon (I had to cancel it before because I wasn't using it due to my back problem) so will be spending a lot of time on the exercise bikes and treadmill! x
    in Legs Comment by hs100 January 2011
  • I'll probably get rid of the salt because I HATE it but without the salt I think it sounds great!
  • I'll probably get rid of the salt because I HATE it but without the salt I think it sounds great!
  • Caffeine is a diuretic, so you will be dehydrated if you drink that instead of water, which is bad! :( unless you mean green tea, or decaffeinated. Although remember water is calorie free, whereas tea isn't!
  • Hi, I didn't used to get thirsty much either, but now I drink so much water! Firstly, take a litre bottle of water out with you to school/work, and just keep it with you. You'll drink it because its there half the time. Also, whenever you get hungry, drink a glass of water. I know its not what you fancy when you are…
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