
I was doing well then I went and ate a praline chocolate from an M&S selection box and its pushed me over my calorie limit, I'm sure :( I'm not sure how many calories are in each one but I'd guess at least 80-100!!

Feeling bummed now :(



  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    I did the same thing with sausage mcmuffins with egg this morning. I had two of them. I'll work it out tonight. You can do it too!
  • BuceesNana
    BuceesNana Posts: 302 Member
    Don't sweat it! Or maybe do...do a little exercise to work off those few extra calories. Just don't get down on yourself if you are over your calories. There are worse things in life.
  • Pinoy_Pal
    Pinoy_Pal Posts: 281 Member
    Come on now! Don't let that piece of chocolate bum you out...RETALIATE!!! Make up for it!

  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    This makes me LMAO...! Seriously thought it was for somethin' more serious...LOL
  • October1234
    Run up and down the stairs a few times clean your room or hoover!! Thats what I do if Iv'e went over and its to late to go out a walk!! or you could just go 80 cals less tomorrow maybe to make u feel less guilty, also a bit of going over your cals is good every once in a while, shakes your body up a bit!!
  • laurenward1990
    laurenward1990 Posts: 82 Member
  • hs100
    hs100 Posts: 14
    Thanks to everyone being supportive, I wish I could do some hardcore exercise but my back is still very weak so I'm limited in what I can do. I had a talk with my mum and feel a bit better!

    Thanks again everyone x
  • SheehyCFC
    SheehyCFC Posts: 529 Member
    Please also realize that going over 80-100 calories won't make a difference really. I am sure you are UNDER 80-100 calories every once in a while :)
  • lisapisa1
    lisapisa1 Posts: 115
    a single chocolate? some of us struggle not to eat the whole darn box
  • bigcurt61
    bigcurt61 Posts: 51 Member
    That's nothing to make a sad face over, clean the kitchen, bathroom, and you'll have made those calories up. You get credit for those task under the exercise tab. No more sad faces for 80-100 calories please!!
  • ADawnRose
    You had a peice of chocolate...I had a whole peice of birthday cake...

    I'll be on the treadmill tonight a little longer tonight wondering if the cake was worth it :)
  • cmyrick75
    cmyrick75 Posts: 187 Member
    I agree with lisapisa1!!!!!
    Workout and do extra exercise to burn it off!
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    a single chocolate? some of us struggle not to eat the whole darn box

    *likes this* - its so hard to just have one... i have to have four or five... or the whole box... mmm chocolate :happy: