clf1960 Member


  • made it through the day, even with a scare with my son.(he's fine). I even stayed under my calories. I was told not to drink any carbonated beverages after surgery, so the diet coke won't work for me. It probably would have been a good idea to go for a walk, but it was FREEZING out and I was trying to get homework done. I…
  • Hi, I also had a lot of problems with hair loss, and I was told to try Biotin. I did find that it helped, so you might want to give it a try.
  • Eating on a schedule and planning the meal and considering the values before eating, and of course making sure I get in my glasses of pure water.
  • How are you doing on2anewme? you didn't mention when you had your surgery, how have you done with it. We went on our first cruise in 2011 but our 20 yr old went with us, we went to the western Carribean, then to Disney world for 4 days. We also drove from Nebraska to Florida and back so it was interesting. This time it…
    in My story Comment by clf1960 January 2013