kencord Member


  • I'm 33 and I had surgery last year too (knee). I have a pretty active job but I've been eating terrible and not exercising so I'm back on here again to get back on track
  • Search the database for egg salad and it'll give you choices for egg salad. Or if it was store bought just scan it with the Barcode reader. :) good luck
    in Just joined Comment by kencord June 2015
  • I'm 6'0 about 190 just trying to get down to 180 175ish. Look for a bit of muscle and to cut down a bit and maintain it as a lifestyle change
  • Just keep the positive people around and keep focused on what u want to accomplish. I've noticed so far this site has a lot of people that help and generally care, which is great! P.s. don't worry about weird old men lol