getting started again

I have tried this so many time it is not funny Seem that each year I start all over again and then get tired of the tracking and all that. Well, here I am again starting again. This time I have the hosue to myself so that I can exercise without anyone around to watch me look like a fool. I am 48 and stay at home most of the time. I play a lot of video games, this is a downfall to getting my exercise. September of last year I had surgery and was unable to finish the year out since I had to recover from that. I am more or less starting all over being that anything that I did was undone with recovery and the holidays. Could use some friends.


  • kencord
    kencord Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 33 and I had surgery last year too (knee). I have a pretty active job but I've been eating terrible and not exercising so I'm back on here again to get back on track