astrummortis Member


  • I believe the actual myth here is that ONLY insulin drives fat storage, which isn't true, obviously. If it was we'd be able to maintain a perfect weight eating Atkins. However, I do believe that it's the mixture of over eating calories AND carbs had gotten so many people so big. High carbs and high calories compliment each…
  • You know, I feel like this doesn't have to turn into a low-carb-or-not debate. The issue is not that the OP chooses to eat low carb. The issue is that there's a perception going on here that carbs are inherently bad and that any 'you could just pick this and eat it' natural food could also be bad. That is just simply not…
  • Anything that came straight out of the earth and can be eaten with little (or ideally, no) processing is good for you, starch and carbs or no. That said, I find keeping my carbs around 100 g a day helps compliment my weight loss and makes me feel amazing. So, eat any starch you want, but since grains and legumes require so…
  • Wow, if I could quote every amazing transformation I've seen here I'd have a looooooong post. So I'll just say: amazing work, everyone! I've lost 58 lbs since I began my weightloss journey. I started eating whole foods, I keep my carbs around 100. g a day, and I walk5.2 miles a day. I began on June 9, 2012.
  • Barbi: awesome! I'm glad my low IQ isn't disrupting my reasoning capabilities. ;)
  • You know... starvation mode. I hate that term because it gets tossed about so willy-nilly, like 'love" and other words like that. I just can't believe that if your body has an excessive amount of stored, easily broken down fuel, it'll get anywhere near your muscles, bones, or *gasp!* your own brain cells! I just can't…
  • ROFL *breathes* *recovers* I haven't logged a d***ed thing since joining. I'll do that when I feel like 1200 cals net fits my weightloss pace more closely. Don't trust my progress bar, either; I've actually los 56 lbs since June >:=D Edit: wow, look at me not even able to answer the question. Mine's not open because I…
  • LOL I doubt everyone who eats paleolithic-ally says that. Whenever I say, "yup. I eat like a caveman," it's just an amusing spin and a simplification process. So I don't get into the entire thing with people and I can get a laugh out of them.
  • 199 lbs, 35.5 inches around... next goal, 32 inches around my waist and the ability to go into almost any store I damn well please and try their clothes on. My ultimate goal is to be around 28-29 inches around. With my bone structure, I'm not putting my hopes up for too much smaller.
  • I used to freak about sodium, but I make so much of my own food at home now I just don't feel the urge to worry. I'm more concerned about my macronutrients than my sodium :)
  • I forget that this is so sensitive a topic. I can only imagine people have issues with Paleo (and those who speak of it's benefits) feel like someone is telling them that how *they're* eating is stupid and destructive. Of course, some people are fine eating dairy, legumes, and grains.... a lot of people are not. And I…
  • I've been eating paleo for about four months (imperfectly, I might add), so I'm not expert, but I know the basic rules and things. I find it works incredibly well for me. I have lots of endurance and energy, and it's prevented me from stalling at losing certain weight. I've dropped grains, legumes, and am in the process of…
  • More protein and healthy fats. Bring a couple of hard boiled eggs to work for a morning snack and then full-fat yogurt for the afternoon, either with low sugar flavoring or just add your own fruit/honey/whatever. And lots of water.
  • I suspect water weight. Did you eat a lot more carbs and/or sodium than usual? Your mind is right; it just isn't possible to have actually gained two pounds of fat from one meal. I experimented with a diuretic diet for one week, got down to 198 pounds. That was two weeks ago; now the scale reads 200.2 but my waist is an…