

  • Good luck! It's hard work. Just by signing in to this site, I know that you are ready to JUST DO IT. :) It's so hard to get back on track and now you are on your way. GREAT JOB! I've lost 120 pounds in total and recently started gaining it back. I have lost those nasty 35 pounds now and currently at goal. One thing that I…
  • Stretch! If you get on your hands and knees and slide your gluts back to touch (or almost touch) your heels, you go into a yoga pose called child's pose. Your bodies weight will press against the leg and stretch the shins.
    in Ouch! Comment by yogaangel March 2011
  • If you are up to it, what about placing some small weights by your chair? You could focus on upper body strengthening while rehabilitating your leg. Just make sure that you sit up straight and have good posture - you certainly don't want to injure your back! :) There are also many yoga poses that you can do in a chair.…
  • I'm sorry that happened to you! Hang in there - you should feel good for what you have accomplished. I know that was hard, but maybe that lady needed to learn a lesson about restraint and sensitivity. She is probably at home MORTIFIED that she said that to you and will be more aware of when she opens her mouth in the…
  • my dad sang the song "roly poly, daddy's little fatty" to me at the dinner table when I was a little girl one time and it was the beginning of the low self-esteem and body image. :( A 35 year old memory that still hurts.
  • I used to have a problem with this and I made a list of non food treats. I had categories of items such as less than $5, less than $10, etc. Once a week if I stayed on plan, I would go and get something on the list. From a money perspective, you end up spending less. Those food treats can be costly! That feeling of reward…
  • Melba Snacks - Roasted Garlic flavor. Yum 4 crackers equal 50 calories.