

  • So proud of you for doing 30 days straight of exercise!! I have not been able to accomplish that EVER! I can definitely see a difference in the pics and you have motivated me to drag my tired butt over to the dusty exercise bike that beckons to me:)
  • hahahaha!!
  • Amazing! You look wonderful! Thanks for the motivating pictures:) Today is day 1 on the message boards for me and you all keep me pushing towards success!
  • Good job! Three pounds is great! I just got back on track today and I will definitely be celebrating once I hit three pounds lost too:)
  • Hi Mrsway! You are right about the outdoor activities! I was just reading about local hiking trails (now that it isn't blazing hot anymore) so I plan to get some boots and try it out. I have also been thinking of buying a bike as it has been at least two decades since I rode one!! Craziness! I will add you as soon as I…
  • Hello Everyone, I woke up this morning motivated to once again use MFP and make changes for my health. This is my first time doing a challenge or even talking to others about my weight loss attempts. Please add me and I am excited to get out of the house today a and head to the gym!!! P.S. Thanks for the water bottle…
  • Good job!! I am sitting here in workout clothes, telling myself to get up and go to the gym (that I also pay for and rarely go to anymore!) You have motivated me to get up and moving:)