Oct. Challenge Week 1 Open!



  • Emwalker3406
    Emwalker3406 Posts: 308 Member
    Yesterday was a HORRIBLE day. I was away from home almost all day & only had 2 bottles of water. I rarely drink soda but ended up drinking 48oz of Mt Dew. Only exercise was the walking at Pumpkin Hollow. I was doing great on my food right up until dinner. We stopped at hardees (i was out voted) and tried to order a salad they were OUT and waiting on a Food truck TUESDAY. OK fine a grilled chicken nope they only have the fried left. Do you guys ever just want to scream. You are trying to make good choices and it feels like everything is against you. Today is a new day ( I hope). Sorry I guess I needed to vent.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Yesterday was a HORRIBLE day. I was away from home almost all day & only had 2 bottles of water. I rarely drink soda but ended up drinking 48oz of Mt Dew. Only exercise was the walking at Pumpkin Hollow. I was doing great on my food right up until dinner. We stopped at hardees (i was out voted) and tried to order a salad they were OUT and waiting on a Food truck TUESDAY. OK fine a grilled chicken nope they only have the fried left. Do you guys ever just want to scream. You are trying to make good choices and it feels like everything is against you. Today is a new day ( I hope). Sorry I guess I needed to vent.

    Vent away! That is what we are hear for!!! Not to be negative, but OMG that is a lot of mt dew! I just had to say it! Wow! So next time why not bring more water bottles with you. It is crazy that Hardees was out of so much! That you can't control. I know all about being out voted, I have 3 kids and a hubby, do not feel bad about that. **** happens, we just get back up and dust ourselves off and start over.

    Maybe, just maybe this blunder with kick start a weight loss. Some people say they zig zag calories, and it works. Zig zagging is where you have let's say 3000 cal for the week, but do like 800 on monday 1500 on tues and so on. The weekly amount is the same but you are "tricking" your body. My numbers are not right for the example, just making round numbers there. My guess is you go 1200 every day your body gets used to it so sometimes you need to shake it up. At least that is what I have read here. I haven't done it ever, but I HAVE had days like yours.

    Just try to do better today, put yesterday out of your mind!

  • Emwalker3406
    Emwalker3406 Posts: 308 Member
    Thank you for the encouragement & I agree it was HUGE amount of soda. Especially since I mainly drink water all day. I think my body was shocked and i was so thirsty. We went to see Courageous at the movies and i had 1 1/2 large (32oz) cups of the Mt Dew. I am going to have to bring my own water places and not count on being able to buy it on the go. As for my cal intake yes I try very hard to hit my 1200. Weekends are hard if we are going to be on the road but I did good the last two weeks until yesterday. Maybe it is the shock it needs. Back on the wagon lol
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    Happy Sunday to our Challengers!!! :flowerforyou:

    Just wanted to drop in and say a quick hello before I head off to work :tongue:

    Hope everyone is staying on track, getting off the couch and drinking your water :drinker:

    The ONLY reason I'm staying on track is because I feel accountable to all of you!

    Have a blessed day!

  • Jmiqbel
    Hello Everyone,

    I woke up this morning motivated to once again use MFP and make changes for my health. This is my first time doing a challenge or even talking to others about my weight loss attempts. Please add me and I am excited to get out of the house today a and head to the gym!!!

    P.S. Thanks for the water bottle reminder. I bought a one liter bottle from the $1 store and always forget it at home!!
  • galaxyhearts
    galaxyhearts Posts: 258 Member
    Hello everyone!!! This is my first challenge EVER but I always want to try something at least once!

    I definitely (after only 6 days) am already used to the increase in drinking water. I have almost completely cut out diet soda (I think I had one cup in the past 6 days) and I've also cut back big time on sugar!

    Loving this community of helpful/supportive people!!! Add me if you want. I'm on here every day making quirky comments and trying to keep it interesting! :)
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    usually i am really good about my water but today, not so much. i will get it all in but i hate starting so late because i will be in the washroom all night! :ohwell:
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member

    First of all, your body stores fat in your midsection (your abdomen, hips or buttocks) due to basic biomechanics. The midsection of your body is the best place to store extra energy because it takes less energy to carry it around. Remember, fat storage is a survival strategy, so your body wants to maximize energy efficiency in the creation, storage and use of body fat.

    It wouldn't make sense to have a lot of extra fat on your fingers and toes because you'd have to swing those around when you moved and that would require extra caloric expenditure. So given that your body wants to store fat as a way to have portable energy, it makes perfect sense that it would prefer to store that fat in your midsection.

    Secondly, from an anthropological point of view, the placement of body fat also has some implications for mate selection. This is especially true in women, where fat is stored in locations like the hips, buttocks and breasts to actually create a more attractive physical body in order to attract a potential mate. In this way, the fat is stored in predetermined locations on your body for much the same reason that a male peacock has brightly colored feathers -- it's part of the mating game, so to speak. Exaggeration of physical traits is a common evolutionary strategy for mate attraction in primates, including humans. And body fat can be used cosmetically to pursue this strategy. (Of course, it all happens automatically. You don't have to "think" about where to put your body fat on any particular day, any more than you have to "think" about why you might sometimes feel attracted to another person.)

    Thirdly, your body stores fat wherever you have fat cells. This may sound obvious, but it's actually interesting when you realize that people who undergo liposuction to remove fat cells from their body end up causing a redistribution of fat to other locations that might be less desirable.

    For example, if a person follows an unhealthy lifestyle that results in the accumulation of excessive body fat, then they undergo liposuction to remove that body fat from their abdomen, but they continue to pursue the same overconsumption lifestyle that creates more body fat, then the body has to store that fat somewhere and since the fat cells have been removed from the abdomen, it's going to put that fat somewhere else like the knees, or under the chin, or under the arms and so on. Your body has to work with the fat cells that exist, and if you start removing certain fat cells, you end up with fat being stored in places you might not have expected.
  • beginswithb
    I usually slack on weekends but I'm kinda proud of myself for staying on track this weekend! I worked out a LOT yesterday and while I splurged on a cheeseburger, I still came in under calories. Today, I inadvertently skipped lunch (I was busy and didn't realize I did) but I ate a healthy dinner and completed my 30DS when I thought I wouldn't! To others, it may not seem like much but it is such a VAST improvement from where I was three months ago. This challenge is keeping me on my toes, for sure! :D
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I usually slack on weekends but I'm kinda proud of myself for staying on track this weekend! I worked out a LOT yesterday and while I splurged on a cheeseburger, I still came in under calories. Today, I inadvertently skipped lunch (I was busy and didn't realize I did) but I ate a healthy dinner and completed my 30DS when I thought I wouldn't! To others, it may not seem like much but it is such a VAST improvement from where I was three months ago. This challenge is keeping me on my toes, for sure! :D

    Hey that is wonderful! Congrats!!!
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    So far: I have done 22 minutes of strength training, 24 minutes of cardio, I have logged everything, and went over 8 glasses of water so far... This week my getting out of my comfort zone is... I joined a workout class. booty camp, mon, wed, fri for a hour! I have to work out with other people doing something I have never done! EEK!!! My food vise is hard. I have already cut out most of them. I am going to have to think about that one...
  • Emwalker3406
    Emwalker3406 Posts: 308 Member
    Today I did pretty good. I drank all my water, came in under my cal, & did 30 min of cardio. I'm looking forward to tomorrow since I will be on my routine not someone else's.
  • SaishaLea
    SaishaLea Posts: 333 Member
    I started the 30 Day Shred on Oct 1st. It already seemed a bit easier today if that is even possible.

    My 3 month old baby was baptized today, so I had a piece of her baptismal cake. But I still stayed under my calorie goal.
    I hope this is a good week for everyone!!!
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I'm rockin the water challenge. We bought a Brita pitcher recently and decided to just refill bottles. I am going through the stuff like...well...water. LOVE it!! We had a dinner @ church tonight, but I had been good ALL day, so I had the pumpkin pie and a bite of the german chocolate cake. STILL under my calories. As for my upcoming late night munchies...thinkin about hummus. I Sweated to the Oldies for 28 min and got one song further. As for my food vice...I've only had one diet coke today. As for getting out of my comfort zone...I decided to go biking with my hubby in the AM. I'm nervous bc he's been harrassed for biking, jogging because of his weight. I dont want that to happen to me. BUT, Imma do it!! I'll check back in TMW!!

    Another issue I have...I have been on my TOM since September 2. This is not a new thing for me. Dr's have recommended BC pills, but they make me sick. So I really think it has affected my weight loss this month.

    ANYWAYS...Hopefully it will end soon and I can get back on the downward slope. ;) LOVE Y'ALL!!
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    since other people are posting what they have done so far, so will i! sat: 15 cardio and 38 weights sun: 32 cardio and 26 weights. i have been doing low impact cardio because i have an on going knee injury :sad: i have been doing a mix of turbo fire and CLX along with iceing my knee as much as possible.

    i also do intermittent fasting and started this challenge off with a 24hr fast which felt so good.
  • brandynicole28
    brandynicole28 Posts: 102 Member
    Good Monday morning to everyone!! I'm in a good mood this morning, especially since Monday is MY Friday! lol (i work fri-sun every week)

    I've done really well with my food logging, and so proud of myself for getting my water in everyday so far!!! Also happy to report that I have not had any chocolate since last Tuesday and haven't had any Diet Mt Dew(or any soft drinks actually) so far since the challenge began!!! The caffeine withdrawal headaches are gone!! I exercised Saturday morning after i got off work(walking 1 mile-16 mins). Had good intentions Sunday morning but after a 14 hr shift @ the hospital i was exhausted and my knee hurt, but i plan to workout twice today to make up for it!!! As far as getting out of my comfort zone, i've tried to take the stairs as much as possible all weekend here at work.

    Hope all has a great wkend.
  • Katemarie34
    Katemarie34 Posts: 144 Member
    I'm not doing measurments but weight for starting week is 150.8!
  • minadee
    minadee Posts: 44 Member
    Hi Ladies!! Hope you all are getting off to an awesome start! One of my biggest challenges is going to be to keep up with logging on the weekends. They are so busy around my house but I have to make it a priority. Good luck to you all!!!
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    So 3 days of doing something out of my comfort zone....has been interesting. I like to complain so I decided that I would not complain about anything for the whole month. I only messed up 1 time all weekend. That's pretty amazing. My eating wasn't so good, but I give myself one day a week to cheat on my calories. Hope everyone is doing well.