Oct. Challenge Week 1 Open!



  • amccord2
    amccord2 Posts: 363 Member
    I am excited to be apart of the challenge and have the community with others! I'm in South Carolina! Thanks!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Boy 30 minutes of strength training this week might be harder than I thought. I just did:

    33 Squats, 100 Arm curls, 30 shoulder presses, 20 front dumbbell raises and 20 side dumbbell raises... Total time in minutes??? 12 yeah 12 stinking minutes! My legs hurt, and It is killing my arms to type this! Then again I haven't done strength training in a month. I used to do the arms daily. I have 5 pound weights, well my home and food scale weighed them as 4.8. whatever.

    Strength TIP: If you don't have weights at home, try cans! Stick them on the scale just to see the weight of them. Try a empty milk jug or laundry soap. Fill it up with water some and put it on the scale to get the poundage you are interested in. or a water bottle filled with beans or even dirt! No need to spend tons of money on weights, if you don't have to!
  • synret
    synret Posts: 3
    .... the prairies of Nebraska.
  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member
    208 (I'm already on the spreadsheet, just letting new people know I am here!)

    I like your weekly challenges. I like feeling like I can accomplish something this day or this week instead of waiting til the month is over to feel like I did it.
  • alirae75
    I'm in St. Louis. Walked/ran before our day got started. Early morning weekends will be rough!
  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    Going through a naughty leg and 30DS deal I hope to be sorted in a couple of days

    OKIES so here is what I intend to do workout wise


    Early Morning- 15min Zumba

    8am onwards- 50min walk (4km pushing pram with twins) +stretches when I get home

    Evening- 30DS + extra stretching (If i need rest days I will spend this time doing light bike riding, resistance band and exercise ball)

    So far I have been so good water wise and truly I always was until about two weeks ago. So I hope I can keep this up

    Getting out of comfort zone. I HATE people watching me exercise but yesterday, I let hubby watch me do 30DS and when i take it back up we will be doing it together. He may be working away so I am thinking we will have to do it and just ring to check up on each other

    And finally I have decided to give up two vices. I am going water and milk only! No more soft drink, flavoured milk, caffeine (ok so first two days I am cutting it to one cup of tea ect a day), juice ect and next no more sugary foods i expect there to be tears by the end of tomorrow as this caffeine and sugar addicted girl goes crazy. especially because i have church tomorrow....lots of cake, tea and cordial around!
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Ninja: Thanks! I was going for easy for first week, to get us all into some good habits, then maybe kicking it up a notch.

    SO..... If anyone has any ideas for next week, let me know!

  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Going through a naughty leg and 30DS deal I hope to be sorted in a couple of days

    OKIES so here is what I intend to do workout wise


    Early Morning- 15min Zumba

    8am onwards- 50min walk (4km pushing pram with twins) +stretches when I get home

    Evening- 30DS + extra stretching (If i need rest days I will spend this time doing light bike riding, resistance band and exercise ball)

    So far I have been so good water wise and truly I always was until about two weeks ago. So I hope I can keep this up

    Getting out of comfort zone. I HATE people watching me exercise but yesterday, I let hubby watch me do 30DS and when i take it back up we will be doing it together. He may be working away so I am thinking we will have to do it and just ring to check up on each other

    And finally I have decided to give up two vices. I am going water and milk only! No more soft drink, flavoured milk, caffeine (ok so first two days I am cutting it to one cup of tea ect a day), juice ect and next no more sugary foods i expect there to be tears by the end of tomorrow as this caffeine and sugar addicted girl goes crazy. especially because i have church tomorrow....lots of cake, tea and cordial around!

    Awesome! Do you have 2 sets of the 30 day shred? I have twins as well, but mine turned 13 this past week... I hate people watching me as well. I HATE those mirrors in the gym, I hate to even look at me doing it! ewe! and as for the drinking thing... think of it like this... good for your body, water. AND saving money! Not purchasing that pop! LOL
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I'm in St. Louis. Walked/ran before our day got started. Early morning weekends will be rough!

    Wonderful! Keep track of the minutes so you can post your hour for the week! I am a morning person. If I sleep past 7am, to me, it feels like 1/2 the day is gone! I get up at 4:30 to get ready for work, so my clock is set. lol
  • MrsSarahScire
    I am REALLY looking forward to this challenge! Great motivation, which really is what I need! Thanks!
  • collinsellyson
    I don't see my name on the spreadsheet :( I'm wondering if my email went through.... I will give my info below hoping I can still be added. Also- I'm not understanding how to update. Do I come back to THIS page and email you? How exactly does this work?

    Weight- 221lbs
    Waist- 41 inches
    Hips= 51 inches
    Arms- 15 inches
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I don't see my name on the spreadsheet :( I'm wondering if my email went through.... I will give my info below hoping I can still be added. Also- I'm not understanding how to update. Do I come back to THIS page and email you? How exactly does this work?

    Weight- 221lbs
    Waist- 41 inches
    Hips= 51 inches
    Arms- 15 inches

    Well, then I'll add you! LOL Yeah you message me your weight every week. measurements will be done at the end. on the first page it explains everything!
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    the vice i am going to cut out is eating out. something i will add is my vitamins - i havent been taking them since march... :(

    my comfort zone thing will be eating in the lunch room at work :( but if people start talking about my food again, i'm out!
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    the vice i am going to cut out is eating out. something i will add is my vitamins - i havent been taking them since march... :(

    my comfort zone thing will be eating in the lunch room at work :( but if people start talking about my food again, i'm out!

    Eating out is mine as well. The gals at work ALWAYS convince me to... peer pressure. What I now do is bring no debit card, no case with me. ha ha no money, so I have to eat what I brought! Take that! :tongue:

    What do they say to you? Maybe we all can come up with some good comebacks to get them to knock it off!
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    Great job Jenn!
    Hope you can move tomorrow!!:laugh:
    Stretch, stretch, stretch!

  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    the vice i am going to cut out is eating out. something i will add is my vitamins - i havent been taking them since march... :(

    my comfort zone thing will be eating in the lunch room at work :( but if people start talking about my food again, i'm out!

    Eating out is mine as well. The gals at work ALWAYS convince me to... peer pressure. What I now do is bring no debit card, no case with me. ha ha no money, so I have to eat what I brought! Take that! :tongue:

    What do they say to you? Maybe we all can come up with some good comebacks to get them to knock it off!

    i usually eat out for dinner because i get lazy... and my boyfriends has been letting me give in a lot!

    they say things like:
    thats all your eating?
    you always eat vegetables
    you always eat the same kind of stuff

    its mostly from one person. one time last year i was walking in the hall with my salad and dressing and she said something like "salad again?" and i was kinda rude back to her with something like "ya so whats wrong with being healthy?" and she didnt really have a response... so maybe she will stop. my close friend at work has the same problem with her and suggested she might be jealous because she looks 7 months pregnant and her son is 2 years old now. people always ask her when she is due and stuff, i feel bad. but if she wants help, all she has to do is ask.
  • Giantess
    Giantess Posts: 213 Member
    October 1st!
    Okay, here are my stats:

    Starting Weight: 276.0
    Neck: 15'
    waist: 39'
    Hips: 50'
    Bust: 47'

    At least I'm still an hourglass, sorta. Um. Yay?
  • elz22
    elz22 Posts: 96 Member
    My SW is 158lbs, for the month of October i will be doing the Zumba DVD's , not drinking any alcohol, taking my multi-vitamins everyday and will include more veggies in my meals.
  • babycinders
    babycinders Posts: 8 Member
    Ok, so I actually re-weighed myself this morning and also took some measurements. My actual starting weight for this challenge is 215lbs. I know that seems like a dramatic drop from just yesterday (when I said it was 220) but when i weighed myself yesterday I was already dressed and had already eaten breakfast..plus Thursday started my "my time of the month". Sorry if that's tmi but as I'm sure the rest of you ladies know, it can have an effect on out weight lol

    Officially as of this morning with no food in the stomach and no clothes on (every little thing counts lol) my stats are:

    weight: 215lbs
    neck: 14.5in
    waist: 40in
    hips: 45.5 in

    So I'm down 5lbs since I really got serious with this two weeks ago. I'm also down a half inch in my neck and an inch both in my waist and hips :)
  • Waalien
    Waalien Posts: 5 Member
    SW is 212.5
    GW for Oct is 202