radzer0 Member


  • Been so busy with work I forgot about this till now. Eating fruits and veggies is expensive, i get brocolli and brussels on occassion with steamfresh but thats about it. Anyone know if that almond/cashew blend from silk is fortified? I know it has pea protien too, not sure how much of which is in it.
  • Mainly im just trying for dried fruit and veggie pills on this post. Without any of the extras from other sources. I get very little in both of them working 80ish hours a week. I also only drink a almond/cashew milk blend. Side note, grapefruit is disgusting. :)
  • I will have to do some back stretches. I do the treadmill cooldown by slowing down and walking slow for 5-10min after and it really keep my leg soreness down. Didnt know about the back part though.
  • I have ALOT of fat to loose. Also as far as treadmill. That should keep most of my leg muscles and all in shape on its own shouldnt it? Because I can deff feel the muscle burn in them. As far as weight loss on a treadmill goes. Ive been told that around 131bpm is the optimal on a treadmill for burning fat vs cardio…
  • The timed vitamins I take are a GNC one. Suppost to optimize metabolism but not a weight loss one. If you think they cost so much more check out sams club on them. There $21 for a dual pack vs $25 for a single at GNC.
  • Also if it would be low blood sugar or something like that. Would that be something to "sleep off"? I always thought that was something you would have to eat something to help solve not something that time solves.
  • I know all about dehydration.. Ive been to that point where your 10min from needing an IV because you cant keep water down... I know for a fact its not that. On other sites ive been *****ed at because sometimes I may drink upwards of 100oz of water in a 2hours period and there saying its bad for my kidneys (dont know if…
  • I guess I can try to do regular powerade for a few days and see whats what. But ive used it at home before as a drink just with dinner and things without any headaches. Sleep Id say averaging a week I get 9hours a night. Eating I had a 5guys mini burger with frys for lunch and at dinner i had 3 sushi rolls. Than the 2…
  • Blood pressure is well within the normal zone.
  • I actually use the powerade zero. Been drinking it for a few years and i dont think that could be causing it unless this new formula they have now is causing it. My energy level seems pretty good. Its just this damn headache. Drinking water during exercising i would end up drinking 100oz because it doesnt seem to wet as…
  • When you say supliments are snake oil. When I saw timed release it made me think of timed release multivitamins. Your saying with diet and exercise a mutlivitamin doesnt add any benefit?