danimalkeys Member


  • 6 weeks at 20 carbs is not necessary. I never did any induction phase or anything like that- just set my macros to 50 net carbs and went from there. Now, I aim for 50 but if I hit 100 a couple days a week I dont' worry about it.
  • How long did you try it? The energy/brain fog thing goes away pretty fast once you are adapted to it. I've been doing it for almost a year now and feel great.
  • I count it all too. Most of the time what's left in the pan is just a coating- there are never puddles of it left behind.
  • I enjoy eating Keto, but would tend to agree with the advice you have received here about getting a good meal plan in place and getting off your butt and exercising and lifting. You are a big kid and need to eat a good bit, even while losing weight. The idea is slow and steady, and change your eating habits for good. Don't…
  • Thanks everyone! It hasn't been easy but it's been very rewarding as I'm sure you know. I'm setting a new goal of another 10lbs, to see if I can get my belly completely flat. There's still a little bit of a squishy pooch there lol. Those glasses- there is a couple that come to see my band who are mildy mentally challenged.…
  • I mostly do salads for lunch, with some kind of meat on top. Today it was leftover steak. The whole salad was a little over 300 calories and 9 net carbs. I use olive oil and balsamic vinegar as dressing most of the time. For dinner it's always a big portion of some kind of meat- steak last night, roasted chicken thighs…
  • Recently I was bringing 2 40lb bags of salt down to the basement to put in our water treatment system and realized that I used to carry that 80lbs around 24x7.
  • 6'1 here. Started at 280. People began to notice when I was about 30-40lbs down.
  • I went from 280 to 225 in about 7 months. I didn't count anything, just cut my portions down and started doing cardio. Then I hit a huge stall that lasted for months. I put a little weight on over the holidays that year, up to 235 or so. Started counting, etc, after joining here. Lost the 10 and got back to 225 and stayed…
  • I'd keep the peanut butter and skip the bread you put it on!
  • No matter how you do it it comes down to eating less than you burn. I do a lower carb type of eating plan and still count calories. I can't see how anyone could lose weight eating over their maintenance calorie number.
  • I lost my 1st 50 prior to joining MFP. I did that in about 7 months just by portion control. I didn't weigh anything, etc- just ate less and cut out soda and sweet tea. Thanksgiving/Christmas rolled around and I put about 10lbs back on then joined here. I got the 10lbs off in a couple months then plateaued. I changed my…
  • I didn't even touch on his horrible lifting routine because it wasn't the subject here. Maxing out deadlifts even once a week is going to bring a quick stall to progress, even for a newbie. Plus as a newb, there are surely form issues that will happen, and you want to fix those when the weights are light, not during a…
  • Peanut butter and fresh jalapeno or habanero sandwich. Chiles and peanuts area great combo. I don't think the sweet potato/peanut combo is too weird. I make Thai curry with sweet potatoes in it and top it with peanuts, it's a good combo.
  • Looking at your diary, you are not just a little over your sodium, you are getting 5000-7000mg, which is a lot over your suggested limit, especially if your doc said to cut back on it. One day you had over 11,000mg. The one day I saw where there wasn't much you had buffalo wings and they reported zero sodium, which is…
  • My goal is .5lb a week, but it's generally more like .5lb every 2-3 weeks. I'm within a couple lbs of my goal weight.
  • You can eat pretty much anything. I only skip "white carbs" like bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, but even those you can have some in moderation if you have the carbs to spare. Typical day for me is 2-3 eggs and 2 sausage patties for breakfast. Big salad with chicken or pepperoni and cheese on it for lunch. Big portion of…
  • He also said he lost 20lbs of muscle in that 50lbs... which resulted in lower lifts, hence his bailing on the idea. Which of course, is fine- if the method interferes with your goals, don't use it.
  • Are you suggesting that you lost 50lbs eating at a caloric surplus? Keto doesn't mean eat everything you want as long as your carbs are low, you still have to eat at a deficit to lose. That's why it works for a lot of people, because they can eat foods that satisfy them with less calories.
  • It's only high sodium if you eat a lot of high sodium foods. My goal is 2500mg a day as well, and I can usually stay under it or just a little over. There are days where I'm way over, like when eating out. All it affects is water weight, so if you gain a couple lbs after a high sodium day, it's not going to matter in the…
  • Any time you are a caloric deficit, no matter what diet plan you follow, you are going to lose some muscle mass and lose some strength. You can limit that loss for sure, but it's very difficult to prevent it from happening. Hence the bulk/cut cycles people use. Can you make muscle gains on a ketogenic diet? Absolutely- eat…
  • 2-3 eggs and 2 sausage patties is my most common breakfast. 2 cups of coffee with full fat cream every day.
  • they are one of my go to snacks. good fat and some protein and relatively low in carbs.
  • I'll count them if I'm creating a recipe, but if it's adding pepper to dinner, I don't worry about it. Curry- depending on the sauce, could be very high in calories so while the dry spices themselves may not be much of a factor, oils/coconut milk/butter/dairy and things like should surely be tracked.
  • Yes, I probably shouldn't worry so much about the number, but it is a pretty important goal to me. I've never really done any kind of recomp, I'll have to look up what that entails. I definitely don't want to go on any kind of bulk. My time for lifting is really limited, 1-2 days a week is all I can squeeze in.
  • Sorry, 20/25% is not high fat. That's actually pretty low fat.
  • I went from 204 to 202.4, but those are always my lowest recorded weights. Right now I'm 204.1.
  • My wife eats at work, and she takes a couple eggs and some precooked turkey sausage patties or links, and microwaves them together.
  • I use it for cooking, but only when I want that kind of flavor in my food. I like it for Asian type dishes, but for my eggs, I'll stick with butter. I had one brand of coconut oil that had zero coconut taste. The brand I have now has a nice coconut taste and aroma.
  • 2 cups of coffee with light cream and a bowl of homemade chili. (I had the coffee when I woke up and the chili around 10am) 373 calories, 12 carbs, 22 fat, 30 protein