Thank you much ya'll
I sure do eat.... I cook my meals a head of time, I get about 130-150 g of protein every day. I eat when I'm hungry every 2-3 hours. The scale doesn't scare me. Just want to push the limits at the gym hah.
Thanks, I will definitely try the cutting the drop sets out. My rest periods now stand about 90 seconds so I'll give it a little longer. =)
Yes and at work when I have to get to the lower drawers of the medication cart.... my patients get a laugh sometimes haha.
Weighted planks, I can feel my core engaged more with 25lbs on my back. I then turn over and use the 25lbs for seated side to side crunch.
I've always been the gym type from high school to adulthood. I just love the atmosphere and all the free weights. I push myself more at the gym because I want to know I lift heavier than some guys haha. Sounds funny but it makes me happy.
I've always been a fan of the burn, except when I have to hold onto something when bending down to pull myself back up....
My favorites for leg days: Deadlifts, Leg Press, hack squat, and my all time fave Walking lunges with a 40-50lbs barbell on my shoulders.... soooo good! When I played football we would do walking lunges (no weight) the length of the field and back.
First off you don't get results in 3-4 even a week into starting a program. You will fluctuate a couple pounds as it is. For the love of all that is good in the world the weight does not reflect your over all health or make up. Go by inches, not pounds.
I'm amused at the fact you do some pre-written routein for so long makes you an expert. We are all unique our muscles respond to different things better or worse than others....
Oh but my competitive nature says it’s fun to throw out numbers. It gives me something to aim for and all that good stuff.
My heaviest sets currently: Dumbbell Curls: 35lbs Preacher curls: (I don't use the ez bar) I load 55lbs Tricep cable extension with flat bar and reverse grip: 55lbs Tricep extension with dumbbell: 45 Skullcrushers: 60lbs barbell Bench press: 135lbs Bent over barbell rows: 110lbs 4 unassisted close grip pull ups
What specific exercises are you asking about ie: bicep dumbbell curl or barbell curl?
Ideally: Day 1: Legs Day 2: Chest/Tri Day 3: Cardio Day 4: Back/Bicep Day 5: Cardio Day 6: Shoulders Then start over or rest day, depending what the body tells me. On days off of work I do cardio in the morning then lift at night.
Anyone who wants fries and a burger or any junk food should watch Hungry for Change... It will at least help you understand why you have the cravings and why it is so important to change the way you eat. The food it's self sets you up for failure. Nutrition poor calories are well spent calories at all.
I have 3 different bands, because they are easy to travel with and use as part of a mobil gym. I can do 5 chin ups without the aid of the bands. I recomend the Medium, Heavy, Robust Resistance Band Combo if you use for more than pull ups but otherwise look at their scale for pullups to weight.
Look into
We threw out all of our gum because aspartame is probably to blame for my girlfriend's migraines.... migraine free since the switch and counting. I will spend the extra money for better quality "organic" food haha. And the calorie/nutrition ratio is ridiculous in the US. Such a good doc.
some recent adds: MIMS "Move (if you wanna)" Puscifer "Conditions of My Parole" Chevelle "Still Running" Wax Tailor ft. Jennifer Charles "Heart Stop" some old standbys: Rob Bailey and the Hustle Standard "Try and Hold Me Back" The Kills "Fried my Little Brains" Queens of the Stone Age "Sick Sick Sick" Sleigh Bells "Demons"
For this problem I search weight training under the Cardio section and plug in the minutes.
Why not focus on both. Split your time so when you lose body fat you will have some already toned muscle showing through. How many workouts can you commit to in a week? It's best to split up cardio separate from weight lifting, such as run in the morning and lift in the evening. If you can't look into HIIT for 20-30…
Thank you for noticing the biceps, made me giggle. =) There is no 100% correct way I just believe from the stand point of getting all you can out of a work out in a reasonable amount of time.
My saying "don't get in the habit of resting 3-5 minutes" was directed to the OP not you. If you are power lifting go for it.
So you are power lifting? That's the amount of time power lifters generally take in between sets? Heavy lifting is not power lifting. I like my pump I get from the 60 break in between my bench and I toss up 135lbs now, and no I don't do one rep max.
Don't get in the habit of resting that long in between sets... Not very beneficial. Should only be resting 45-90 seconds generally.
I maybe step on a scale once every 2 months or so... weight means nothing to me. It's all about body composition. %body fat and % lean body mass is so much more important than how much you weigh. Muscle is so much more appealing than a twig who does nothing but cardio. Might just be me though....
Girl you will only be intimidated the first time. Just be polite, take a friend. There are a good amount of ladies who lift in the free weight areas.
As heavy as you can go for 6-12 reps. There is not a magic number for heavy for everyone. Then you build it up. I bench 135-125 range for 6-10 reps for 3 sets. Start as heavy as I can then drop as I need to.
I’ve always read and believe the best way to combine cardio with your lifting is to do cardio in the AM (if you can) and lift in the evenings. If you must do cardio when you do your lifting keep it short 20min, best results with HIIT (high intensity interval training). The diet is more person specific. I am on a bulk where…
Fruit should be consumed in the mornings unless you workout later in the day. Fruit is full of sugars which you may want to limit... Maybe try raw veggies. As for the tread mill, what do you do while on it? Walk, HIIT, jog, or run?