

  • That's why the ratios - where you are getting your calories - is so important. Just cutting calories can put you into starvation mode, where your body lays down extra fat because it thinks it is not getting enough. By feeding yourself protein and restricting carbs, the body is getting the fuel it needs without stimulating…
  • Suggest looking closely at what your eating, not so much on caloric intake. Try the following ratio 20% carbs, 50% protein, 30% fat. 1) No sugars or starch, no bread , no potatoes, no carrots. Your carbs should only come from fresh veggies. 2) Protein for the morning meal (I use a protein shake); Coffee or tea. Make sure…
  • Kinda depends where you are going, but I think #2 is sexier. Besides if the access is too easy, you might not make it to dinner. ;-) Regardless, you're lovely, I don't think either dress will find you wanting for attention. Congrats on your weight loss!
  • You need to determine your basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is basically the number of calories your body consumes through normal functions. There are a number of online tools (including one on myfitnesspal) that will help you calculate this number, but the basic formula is: Basal Metabolic Rate Women: BMR = 655 + (4.35 x…
  • You're beautiful as you are. Don't worry about the thigh gap.:smile:
  • Speaking as a guy, I never considered thigh gap as attractive or unattractive by itself. Really never thought about it as an attribute. Physically, speaking just about the body, I prefer proportionality - legs, bottom, breasts. It's the whole physical package. But none of that makes up for a bad personality.
  • You don't say what your specific symptoms are. It might have something to do with entering ketosis, but you should definitely get checked out. Be sure to tell the doc about your diet.
  • I am starting on phase 3 and having similar issues. A few weeks ago, I had just started phase 2 and I basically went off protocol during the holidays, and gained a couple of pounds. I went back to phase 1 for two weeks and had dropped 4 pounds by my next weigh in two weeks later. Just remember that if you do slip, you only…
  • I have had success substituting Atkins bars and EAS shakes. Still losing and saved tons of money. Just compare labels so the carb/fats/protein ratios match, and treat the bars as restricted items.
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