Thigh gap - Beauty is in the eye of the beholder



  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
  • susheetush
    susheetush Posts: 621 Member
    I said I don't find it attractive but I accept that others would - that's kinda why we all come in different shapes, sizes, skin tone and tastes etc. I don't think it's shaming to say that I don't personally like it.. And I can accept that someone may not find my olive skin attractive but it doesn't mean they're hating on me, it's just a personal preference wrt to aesthetics. I don't care if they don't like it, someone else will like it just fine.
  • JuicyLu
    JuicyLu Posts: 2
    Hating on other women's bodies is wrong, and needs to stop. Whether or not you have a thigh gap depends on your bone structure. Some women will have one even when their body fat percentage is quite high (e.g. high end of the normal range) - others will not have one even at 13% body fat.

    Calling it "unfeminine" and "unattractive" is not really fair on women who naturally have one. Maybe a thigh gap looks bad on someone who starved themselves ridiculously underweight to get one..... but they look good on women who have them naturally when their body composition is healthy.

    This is one thing I really can't stand.... when women of one body type hate on women with another body type.... it's all over MFP. Why can't you learn to love yourselves without putting others down in the process?

  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
  • How dare you body shame my thigh gap!


    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA brilliantly clever!!!!
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Oh god please stop with the thigh gap threads.
  • Hating on other women's bodies is wrong, and needs to stop. Whether or not you have a thigh gap depends on your bone structure. Some women will have one even when their body fat percentage is quite high (e.g. high end of the normal range) - others will not have one even at 13% body fat.

    Calling it "unfeminine" and "unattractive" is not really fair on women who naturally have one. Maybe a thigh gap looks bad on someone who starved themselves ridiculously underweight to get one..... but they look good on women who have them naturally when their body composition is healthy.

    This is one thing I really can't stand.... when women of one body type hate on women with another body type.... it's all over MFP. Why can't you learn to love yourselves without putting others down in the process?

  • mum212
    mum212 Posts: 173 Member

    thats really nice of you to say but everyone i know say i have great skin and its olive as i am half italian and follow that side of my family. olive is beautiful
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I am not bothered by what other people want their own bodies to look like.
  • liannexxx
    liannexxx Posts: 201 Member
    I want a thigh gap soooooo badly. I have such chunky legs though I might be a long way off haha.
  • axgman
    axgman Posts: 9
    Speaking as a guy, I never considered thigh gap as attractive or unattractive by itself. Really never thought about it as an attribute. Physically, speaking just about the body, I prefer proportionality - legs, bottom, breasts. It's the whole physical package. But none of that makes up for a bad personality.
  • axgman
    axgman Posts: 9
    You're beautiful as you are. Don't worry about the thigh gap.:smile:
  • Hating on other women's bodies is wrong, and needs to stop. Whether or not you have a thigh gap depends on your bone structure. Some women will have one even when their body fat percentage is quite high (e.g. high end of the normal range) - others will not have one even at 13% body fat.

    Calling it "unfeminine" and "unattractive" is not really fair on women who naturally have one. Maybe a thigh gap looks bad on someone who starved themselves ridiculously underweight to get one..... but they look good on women who have them naturally when their body composition is healthy.

    This is one thing I really can't stand.... when women of one body type hate on women with another body type.... it's all over MFP. Why can't you learn to love yourselves without putting others down in the process?

    This, so much this. It's obviously completely OK to not find it 'attractive', everyone has their own opinions. But threads like this, "Who else hates this body type/feature?" are so incredibly hurtful and unnecessary. I don't know why there's this bandwagon for hating the thigh gap - maybe because it's become unofficially symbolic of thinpso or pro-ana - but it's absurd. There would be enormous backlash if someone posted a thread about hating small breasts or body hair or someone's skin color. When it comes down to it, the thigh gap is part of how someone is built. Dismissing it as unfeminine is not different than saying because a female has less than a certain cupsize, they're also unfeminine.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i'm completely indifferent to this topic.

    me too!
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    Another one of these ridiculous threads. Listen, I am not underweight or overweight but I have a bit of a thigh gap, it's just the way my body is. I had never heard of thigh gap until I joined MFP. So I have never had thighs that rub together, am I going to make a thread about how disgusting and unfeminine it is if you have big thighs that rub together when you walk???
    No! Grow up OP!
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    I wouldn't mind a thigh gap.. just to say I have one. that must mean I'm skinny enough.. right?? right???!

    No really though, I know plenty of men who would prefer their women to have thicker legs.. not as in thick=fat and very jiggly, but thick as in something substantial to grasp.

  • MeeshyBW
    MeeshyBW Posts: 382 Member
    I am really not bothered about it.

    I have always had really slim legs, even when I was 170lbs so perhaps my opinion on the matter would be different if I had chunky legs.

    Let's be honest, I'd rather badass toned arms that a thigh gap.
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    This, so much this. It's obviously completely OK to not find it 'attractive', everyone has their own opinions. But threads like this, "Who else hates this body type/feature?" are so incredibly hurtful and unnecessary. I don't know why there's this bandwagon for hating the thigh gap - maybe because it's become unofficially symbolic of thinpso or pro-ana - but it's absurd. There would be enormous backlash if someone posted a thread about hating small breasts or body hair or someone's skin color. When it comes down to it, the thigh gap is part of how someone is built. Dismissing it as unfeminine is not different than saying because a female has less than a certain cupsize, they're also unfeminine.

    Point well made.

    To be honest I didn't even know that "the thigh gap" was a thing until recently when it seems to be the thing to aspire to on MFP. And I personally just don't get what the attraction is. And I think the hating comes as the whole thigh gap thing is a icon for pro-ana behaviours and websites.

    I wish the world was not so tightly wound. I'd genuinely interested in different body shapes and difference preferences. I was expecting people to come back and say "I love the way the thigh gap looks because X and Y" but no, everyone just gets angry.

    Nevermind. Sorry I asked.
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    Another one of these ridiculous threads. Listen, I am not underweight or overweight but I have a bit of a thigh gap, it's just the way my body is. I had never heard of thigh gap until I joined MFP. So I have never had thighs that rub together, am I going to make a thread about how disgusting and unfeminine it is if you have big thighs that rub together when you walk???
    No! Grow up OP!

    If everyone was going on to you about how you should be aspiring to get the "thigh rub" because its so amazingly attractive then maybe you might write a post to try and find out what all the fuss was about. Because it might seem odd to you.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Hating on other women's bodies is wrong, and needs to stop. Whether or not you have a thigh gap depends on your bone structure. Some women will have one even when their body fat percentage is quite high (e.g. high end of the normal range) - others will not have one even at 13% body fat.

    Calling it "unfeminine" and "unattractive" is not really fair on women who naturally have one. Maybe a thigh gap looks bad on someone who starved themselves ridiculously underweight to get one..... but they look good on women who have them naturally when their body composition is healthy.

    This is one thing I really can't stand.... when women of one body type hate on women with another body type.... it's all over MFP. Why can't you learn to love yourselves without putting others down in the process?


    I have a thigh gap. I didn't try to get it and I'm right in the middle of the healthy weight range for my height. I didn't even know it was a thing until I started coming here but now I'm kind of self-conscious about it.

    OP I get that you're just trying to discourage girls from starving themselves or setting unrealistic expectations, but body shaming is wrong regardless of motivation.
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