

  • As a general suggestion start writing down what you lift, reps, weights and rest between. Multi-muscle lifts are a good place to start. Squats, push-ups, dips and pull-ups come to mind. Free weights help build small support muscles that are not stressed by the machines. Ask a trainer to guide you through proper form and…
  • I attend a Gold's near my house and 24-Fitness as I travel around the country a lot. Just about all of them have a mix of folk. I have some flexability in my workout times and notice that if I go between 10AM-Noon and 2-4PM, the gym is mostly empty with a few retirees around. Most folks are at work, so its can be pleasant.…
  • You can do it! I'm only half way through my journey, but getting a kitchen scale really helped. I bought one at Target for six bucks. It weighs in grams and ounces up to a pound. I really had no idea how much food I was eating and wondered why I had steady weight gain.. A lot of the food on MFP, and most labels, will tell…
  • Definitely! High 101!
  • Eat well, slightly less calories then your TDEE every day and nutritious, balanced food and do what exercise you can. A friend of a friend shattered his hip in a car accident and was in a hip-cast for a few months. Mostly because he was bored sitting in bed, he grabbed some dumbbells and would spend an hour or more a day…
  • Logging food, sometimes before I start the day, has been great. There are a lot of great folks on MFP to help out as well. Like a lot of things it can be great if you give it the effort. Congrats on starting a new phase of life! Welcome to the healthier you!
    in New Comment by txs78746 March 2013
  • I was on the road to ruin so far today. Now that I have logged what I ate I will be a lot smarter with dinner. It won't be a great day (already ate so much butter and chocolate) but considering what I was going to have for dinner I can do better. MFP logging saves the day. Happy Easter!
  • Great to hear that you went anyway. Makes my reasons for not going to the gym seem lame. You inspire me!
  • Do you weigh your food with a scale? I found that I was not being accurate with my food measurements. Depending on the food you are eating, a little bit of weight can be a lot of calories. I picked up a six dollar food scale at target and started weighing my food, after cooking it. I saw that my previous guesses were ten…
  • EVERYONE knows that diet soda will cause a huge, new, orifice to open in the middle of your forehead....:noway: On a serious note - often the stuff in diet foods can affect your system. We all handle stuff differently. If I eat red onion I get horrible gas, I can't get the taste out of my mouth for hours, and if I eat more…
  • You are an inspiration for those of us who struggle. It can be done! Thanks!
  • Its too bad it didn't come with a DVD or something to show you the ropes. An easy way would be to google the various exercises, such as lat pull down, curl etc. Various bodybuilding websites have youtube channels where they show how to do exercises with proper form. I can send you some links if you'd like. You could also…
  • Some folks use the gym as a pickup place. The Golds I go to is one of those places. The 24 Hour fitness nearby is not. Spending hours on the elliptical I see a lot of this play out. It seems they guys who say hi on a regular basis as they walk by, over time, end up having longer chats. If the lady says hi back its worth…
  • I love to pretend its sour cream and cover my potato with it. Its texture is close enough that I don't miss the sour cream (much). :smile:
  • Water is very heavy. Cell retention and just keeping hydrated can throw off scale readings. Chances are it took you a while to put the weight on, it will take a while to get it back off. The extra lbs will, of course, suck but all is not lost. Look to average your readings over time and get a better feel for how you are…
  • Or simmer shrimp some shrimp in it... a little bit of curry sauce and the coconut milk is a nice counterpoint to the heat. Great over whole wheat pasta (or other healthy carb)
  • Congrats! The gym can be a great place. Not all gyms are equal. Some cater to bodybuilders, some to just women etc. Many are open and welcoming to all. I would suggest doing a walk through of the gym and get a feel for the facilities, lockers - do you need a lock, do they provide towels? Ask them when they are busy,…
  • I have one of those guts. Actually it was hidden under even more fat until recently. I have dropped about 20 pounds, which the scale machine says is a little more then 3% body fat. The fat seems to be going down everywhere in equal amounts. My ring is loose, collars to shirts fit better and I've been able to move my belt a…
  • Starting weight was 245. Goal weight is 200. Dream weight would be whatever 7% body fat with lots of muscle is. (somewhere around 185 I think). Why? Look and feel better. Live longer. Tired of being husky and called the "big guy" and want to be the "well built", "muscular" or "athletic" guy.
  • Great posting! I have found making friends online to be as difficult as losing weight. Now that the lbs are finally starting to come off maybe MFP will also bring new friends. :happy: Of course I just added up today's intake and see that I'm waaaay over my calorie limit. Perhaps friends should wait until tomorrow...
  • I agree with ^^^. The scale is just an easy reference. Two people of the same weight and height could have much different muscle vs fat mass. Get your body fat % checked as well as write down your body measurements. Some gyms have a device that will measure body fat built into the scale. I found that when I eat a balanced…
  • To some extent a calorie is a calorie. But if one's body does not get the nutrition it needs there can be other issues. Weight loss tends to happen better when the body is not in panic mode. As long as you are getting enough "good" food the body won't care if you consume 500 calories of bacon or broccoli. As an example,…
  • Way to go! Its great to hear that it can be done. I've been hitting a plateau recently (because I'm eating too much) and this sort of success helps me keep from drowning my sorrows in a bacon double cheeseburger.
  • Dropping weights and failure to re-rack. Six inches is one thing. One gym I frequent has guys dropping them from a few feet up. Great to dodge an 80 pound dumbbell while trying to get in a set. And please, please re-rack your stuff. Personally I think failure to do so should get one ejected.
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