kamoi Member


  • I get my abs back :) and fit back into my size 8 jeans
  • Honestly try chocolate or strawberry milk. They are a perfect form of recovery drink because they have an almost perfect 4:1 ratio (4 grams or carbs to every 1 gram of protein). The simple sugars will help you system recover fasting by getting the carbs back into your muscles quickly and take away that weak sick feeling.
    in Over did it Comment by kamoi May 2011
  • I'm in too! I have about 75 lbs to lose and I could use all the support I can get. feel free to friend me or I'll friend you :)
  • Whew, it's nice to know I'm not the only one but have any of you successfully stopped doing it even for a short period of time and if so how did you do it? Ps. feel free to friend me
  • I wear this thing called a bodybugg and it counts the calories for me it's 99% acurrate
  • btw vickie have you tried eating a banana before you workout to get more muscle cramp fighting potassium, magnesium, calcium and zinc in your system? A shortage of any of these nutrients in your body can cause your muscles to contract and cause spasms in your foot.
  • Hey guys is anyone here a p90x grad? I did the X 5x attempted and got bored and gained a lot of weight so I'm trying a new hybrid and could use support.
  • Optimum brand protien powder! It can be mixed with anything, made into ice cream, has 24g of protein per serving (as much as a chicken breast of fish fillet) and can be found at you local vitamin shop. Score!
  • Hey! I've been thinking about running a rugged maniacs for a while now but havent been able to find one in or around my area which one are you planning on running?
  • Need friends? add me :) I have about 80lbs so I'll be here for the long haul
  • Pop chips are the same as potato chips except that the cooked with air (or something like that) instead of being deep fried.
  • I agree you're body fat % is still too high but I'm sure you can reach your goal of getting your abs to show. I have 3 suggestions add a little more cardio to your training sessions, add more intensity to your lifts or cut a few more calories, casue when it comes down to it you'll either need to put on more muscle to…
    in six pack Comment by kamoi May 2011
  • I sorry to hear about it but trust me you're better off without him. If you ever need support in your weightloss goals feel free to add me