six pack

Aiming to get in shape before my holiday's! After losing 20lbs with the use of myfitnesspal and plenty of exercise, i'm still having difficulty getting a six pack? Any ideas welcome! Thanks


  • purpl3sox
    purpl3sox Posts: 38
    if your not seeing the 6 pack its because your body fat percentage is still too high.
  • kamoi
    kamoi Posts: 15 Member
    I agree you're body fat % is still too high but I'm sure you can reach your goal of getting your abs to show. I have 3 suggestions add a little more cardio to your training sessions, add more intensity to your lifts or cut a few more calories, casue when it comes down to it you'll either need to put on more muscle to increase your metabolism or cut your calories closer to what your metabolism currently burns.

    Good luck