p90x Support Group



  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 472 Member
    Hey all!

    Was broswing through, saw the topic. I'll actually be starting round 1 week 1 on Sunday May 29th but you all seemed a friendly bunch so am looking forward to hanging out and hanging in with p90x and see what the results are. I'll let ya all know Sunday how my first day goes!

  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,003 Member
    Hi everybody, and welcome to the newcomers!

    I've been really busy this week and not posting much. I think things will settle down soon. My daughter has an out-of-town visitor who is flying back home Friday. It's been fun having her, but it will be nice when the household is back to "normal" again, whatever that is. LOL.

    I have been keeping up with all my workouts. I've been slacking a little with my eating, but not too bad. Tonight we're celebrating my daughter's birthday with dinner at the Cheesecake Factory, so I imagine I'll be racking up more calories than I need this evening. Oh well. I plan to enjoy it without going hog wild, and then I'll really buckle down after this.

    I'll be doing Shoulders & Arms and ARX today. I'm looking forward to it!
  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    I'm in with Kenpo this morning before work. The baby is sick & woke me up around 4:30 a.m., so once I got her settled back in, I went ahead with Kenpo. I'm so glad I did b/c now, I have the baby (who is 5 y.o., btw) with me at work & I've got to take her to the dr. this afternoon. Last "sick" dr visit, we waited 4.5 hrs before ever getting an exam room - then another little while before the dr. saw her. I totally :heart: our pediatrician, but so does everyone else in our county & he's in high demand! I think I'll be trying to find a new dr. when she's well though. My time is way too valuable!!

    Good to see the new faces! Keep pushing play Xers!

    P.S. I think I noticed an ab line this morning - could've just been the light playing tricks on me, :ohwell: but ... it was enough to get excited about!! (but don't get too excited, it's the one on the side - on either side of the canteloupe I carry around with me!!!:laugh: )
  • I've got a question for everyone. What time do you do your P90X workout, morning, or night? I usually do mine a few hours after dinner, that way I can eat another meal before bed. Workout out in the morning would have its advantages, like having an extra hour and a half free time at night. The only bad thing about a morning exercise is that I'm not sure if I'd be able to have the intensity like at night because I wouldn't have eaten in so long!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I got Kenpo in today, and felt great afterwards, like always a good fun workout.

    I work shift work. Days and afternoon shifts. When i work days I do the workout as soon as I come home.
    When i work afternoons I do my workout shortly after waking up.
  • I also did Kenpo today. The first time didn't really feel like much of a workout, more cardio than I would like, so I decided to bulk it up a bit. Today I wore 2.5 lb ankle weights for the entire workout, and used 3 lb dumbells for all the punches. That made a huge improvement, I could keep up with the dvd, it just took a few extra seconds because of the extra weight, and I feel like I just got done with a sparring session!
  • VickieMW
    VickieMW Posts: 285 Member
    I am a day behind in my second week because I was weeding on Sunday and just had to get it done! =) So today I did Shoulders & Arms with ARX.

    Questions: I have two. One really weird thing that happens in all my routines now is foot cramping. I run and don't have foot cramps. I don't understand. I get foot cramps while doing Ab Ripper X or in the shower after I workout. It hurts and is very painful. This is really weird and frustrating. Please help me!

    Today while I was doing the (not the right name) double tricep move - second set of exercises. Arms up to shoulders and then back up two shoulders and turn your hands around. Okay you are bent over. About half way through my stomach started cramping. I think maybe I pulled a muscle or strained a muscle. I had to stop, rest & finish. It hurt when I was doing the Ab Ripper too.

    I am probably too hard core. Any suggestion??? Thanks in advance! Vickie
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,003 Member
    Hey Vickie. First of all, I'm no expert, but I'll take my best guesses.

    The foot-cramp one during ARX is odd. I can't think of a connection between abs and feet, but I do know that dehydration can cause foot cramps. Maybe you're not drinking enough water, so by the time you get to the end of your workout (ARX or the shower after), it's finally caught up to you?

    I can see how one might strain a muscle doing the flip grip tricep kickback. When you do them, I'd recommend you try to be really aware of keeping your core nice and tight (not TOO tight) and of using really good form. Focusing on good form is smart during any move. Again, if it's cramping, just staying hydrated might help.

    I'm really curious to see if anybody has ideas about this I haven't thought about. I hope you figure out a solution!
  • Hydration sounds like the cause. Instead of just drinking water during a workout, dilute a glass of juice with water 50/50 or dilute even more and add a little pinch of salt... it makes a very healthy drink, better than "sports drinks" you can buy. This way you're sure to get hydrated along with electrolytes and it won't cause gut rot like a very sugary drink. It might take some time getting used to watered down juice, but I'm used to it now, and can't drink juice straight up anymore!

    Another thing to be aware of... if you're not stretching before you press play, that could be what's causing the cramps. If you don't feel limber enough when you start doing a specific exercise, take a minute to work on stretching out your legs. Extra stretches before a workout can do no harm!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,003 Member
    I overate/overdrank so badly yesterday, it's not even funny. Our daughter is turning 19, and we went to Cheesecake Factory for her birthday dinner. Suffice it to say I am extremely grateful today's scheduled workout is a mellow X Stretch, which I'm just about to do. Hope you all have a great day!
  • mikbsirhc
    mikbsirhc Posts: 3
    Boo. I unfortunately did not wake up in the time to do my third day. I actually did wake up in time, but my legs, arms, back, abs are so sore, I did not want to get out of bed. Do I want to power through and make my body ridiculously sore? Or is it more beneficial to let my body recoup for a few days by just going for a brisk walk to keep active?

    My second question for ya'll is, how do you keep up with the diet plan? I read through the menu/diet plan, but I'm sorry, it seems way too time consuming. I know everything requires effort, but this seems like way too much work. With a busy schedule, I try my best to eat healthy, but I don't have time to cook a different healthy meal 7 evenings a week, plus breakfast foods. any tips?
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hi guys,
    I have a question about logging the exercise. I realized that I have been logging EVERYTHING as cardio because i can then enter the specific calorie burn from the HRM. I consider these my "exercise calories" and on a typical day, I eat them back.

    However, if I'm recording workouts like arms/shoulders and legs/back as "cardio", and that's my only workout for the day, then this means that a lot of the time, I'm not actually doing cardio.... right? And if my biggest goal right now is to shed the last layers of belly fat, then I really need to make sure I'm getting the cardio in, in addition to these strengthening workouts.... (am I on the right track or off base?) I'm starting to feel very confused.

    So.... I'm considering only logging the calorie burn from Plyo and Kenpo, and then aiming for more cardio (walking, running, elliptical, zumba, etc.) in addition to the daily P90 X workouts. Is this a solid plan?

    I think I need help. I'm seriously feeling burned out and I think it's because I need a better plan.

    Thanks in advance, I appreciate ideas and suggestions. :)
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hi guys,
    I have a question about logging the exercise. I realized that I have been logging EVERYTHING as cardio because i can then enter the specific calorie burn from the HRM. I consider these my "exercise calories" and on a typical day, I eat them back.

    However, if I'm recording workouts like arms/shoulders and legs/back as "cardio", and that's my only workout for the day, then this means that a lot of the time, I'm not actually doing cardio.... right? And if my biggest goal right now is to shed the last layers of belly fat, then I really need to make sure I'm getting the cardio in, in addition to these strengthening workouts.... (am I on the right track or off base?) I'm starting to feel very confused.

    So.... I'm considering only logging the calorie burn from Plyo and Kenpo, and then aiming for more cardio (walking, running, elliptical, zumba, etc.) in addition to the daily P90 X workouts. Is this a solid plan?

    I think I need help. I'm seriously feeling burned out and I think it's because I need a better plan.

    Thanks in advance, I appreciate ideas and suggestions. :)

    Smiles your doing great - Don't worry about it too much. Logging the strength exercises as cardio is ok. Remember you are burning calories "all day" after doing strength exercises. Cardio, you only burn calories for that time period.

    If you want to add cardio in, do it. You can go for run on days you do shoulders, yoga, kenpo, plyo, chest/back, basically I would do extra cardio every day except for my legs/back.

    I would stick with the Ab Ripper - Remember you told me, uncharted territory. Don't expect to do all the ab exercises, but each week when you can do a couple more, think about how many you'll be able to do when you get to Week 12.

    mikbsirhc - I can't really comment because I try to keep up, and can't seem to constantly get up to 50% protein each day - but instead of making meals, I just cook bigger meals and have leftovers.

    Got in X-Stretch today, that felt great, and I've been missing it on Sundays, resting instead of stretching.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Hey guys -

    I am just having a bad week for P90X. I took 2 weeks off for recovery because of my race and I cannot seem to get back into it.
    Was all excited to do Chest and Back on Monday and threw my back out in the morning so I was afraid to chance it. I had to run on Tuesday night and pushed it so hard that I had nothing left for the P90X. Yesterday I had a su[per busy day, left the house at 7am and got home at 11pm ... and now today I realize that my class that I am teaching starts today ... and I wont be home until 10pm or later tonight...

    So what should I do .... how should I handle the rest of this week?
    I have to get a 5 mile run in on Saturday ...
    So I was thinking Chest and Back tonight - Yoga X on Friday - Arms and Shoulders on Saturday after running and Legs and Back on Sunday morning -- but if I do that it will screw up my routine for next week ...

    Smiles: I agree with the other poster. I do not follow the diet plan ... I follow MFP and BMF. I do also log my P90X calories as cardio... but I dont get nearly as high of a burn as some people get. I get about 300 calories or so per workout and this is per the Body Media Fit ... so I think its pretty accurate!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Emma - I wish I could offer helpful advice but seeing how I'm lost and confused at the moment it might be like the blind leading the blind... My best advice is not to impose too much pressure on yourself but I don't even know If that's something you struggle with. Great job with the running, btw. :)

    Peter, thanks for the encouragement too ( you too, Emma). Much appreciated and much needed! I did t wear my hrm for chest/ back today or ab ripper x. I'm struggling with staying near my calorie goals so I thought maybe I should stop logging these workouts, but log the cardio, then if I go over I will have a buffer of already burned calories. I know, mind games, but I'm recognizing the need to take a new approach. I think whenever I do "hard" workouts I feel justified in eating more.... TOO MUCH MORE... And it pisses me off that I end up ruining my hard work with food.

    I did fnd that ab ripper x felt the most like an ab workout since I started. The first few exercises seem to strain my thighs and it is discouraging to feel like quitting before you e en get through the first 3 exercises.'I just paused between each differed move and had to pause during a couple of them. I did every rep except for one move that I now forget... But at the end it actually felt like I got a decent workout from it... Instead of failing more than doing. I will stick with it. Thanks so much. I think I really needed a mental re-boot !
  • I LOVE p90x....it's one of those "love/hate" relationships for sure. =P I'm for a round of it. I'll start with you tomorrow...I'm only a couple of days behind you but I'll jump right in. =) YAY US!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Smiles -When you do Ab X next time. think of this.
    When you can't finish the 25 ab moves.
    If you can do 3 or 5. Finish the remaining 25 off with 20-22 normal ab crunches.
  • Hi everyone!! I've been doing P90X Classic for almost a month now, I'm on my recovery week and I'm very anxious to get back to the lifting parts.....I feel like I'm slacking!! LOL

    So far I LOVE IT!! I've added some cardio in because I'm training for the Ragner NW Relay race coming up in July.

    I've noticed a big difference from day 1, and so far I'm loving the results! Days 30-60 are going to be tough because I have a 15 day vacation cross country coming up, but I'm going to try and push play as much as possible. I'm thinking I'll use the bands for as much of the exercises that I can, because I'm not loading my 8 pound weights in my suitcase......I need all the clothing and shoes I can get before I hit the extra fee for baggage ;-P

    Anyways, nice to be here!! :-)
  • VickieMW
    VickieMW Posts: 285 Member
    Thanks Jill for the great advice! I drink tons of water but there has to be a reason why my feet cramp so bad.

    Frogman - Thanks for your input too! Actually that kinda made sense to me. I avoid salt and sugar like they are acid. but I need some, so that is a great idea! I know that they keep talking about a recovery drink but I don't want to order their products!

    Thanks for the input! Foot cramps are not fun! Vickie
  • kamoi
    kamoi Posts: 15 Member
    Hey guys is anyone here a p90x grad? I did the X 5x attempted and got bored and gained a lot of weight so I'm trying a new hybrid and could use support.
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