p90x Support Group



  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,004 Member
    Question about YogaX... can anyone advise what to expect for the first time? I have a large knot in my right calf... which i feel with every step I take. Any chance this will actually be good for it and stretch it out?
    I'd be sure to warm up really well first and not push it too far if it feels tight. Good luck!
  • Hi everyone i just started the P90x today is my 3rd day can i be added to the list?
  • yursza
    yursza Posts: 5
    Hello P90X Support Group,

    I'm new to MFP and hope to join this thread (albeit a little late). I've used P90X on and off for a few years now in conjunction with other fitness regimens. Very recently, when I joined MFP I started a new training sequence, a hybrid of Insanity, P90X and P90X+ videos. I am looking forward to sharing stories and results with everyone.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,004 Member
    The more, the merrier. Welcome, lovekinds2001 and yursza!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    YESSSSSSSSS!!!! (Insert huge feeling of accomplishment here). :bigsmile: I tackled yoga today. It almost beat me about half an hour in when I said out loud "I don't want to do this" and almost turned it off. Then gave myself an attitude adjustment and not only completed but, dare I say, ENJOYED, the rest of it? Awesome! I bit it on the crow pose and the half moon really was a stretch, but I gave it my best. :) (Pats self on back!!) Now off to do paperwork. Have a great weekend guys!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,004 Member
    YESSSSSSSSS!!!! (Insert huge feeling of accomplishment here). :bigsmile: I tackled yoga today. It almost beat me about half an hour in when I said out loud "I don't want to do this" and almost turned it off. Then gave myself an attitude adjustment and not only completed but, dare I say, ENJOYED, the rest of it? Awesome! I bit it on the crow pose and the half moon really was a stretch, but I gave it my best. :) (Pats self on back!!) Now off to do paperwork. Have a great weekend guys!
    Way to go!!! How's the calf?
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    YESSSSSSSSS!!!! (Insert huge feeling of accomplishment here). :bigsmile: I tackled yoga today. It almost beat me about half an hour in when I said out loud "I don't want to do this" and almost turned it off. Then gave myself an attitude adjustment and not only completed but, dare I say, ENJOYED, the rest of it? Awesome! I bit it on the crow pose and the half moon really was a stretch, but I gave it my best. :) (Pats self on back!!) Now off to do paperwork. Have a great weekend guys!

    Awesome job - I think a lot of people hate the first 45 mins. I can't keep up with all the push up , plank, downward dog, blah blah yet. I do some and then try to keep up with all the warrior positions.
  • Allegi32
    Allegi32 Posts: 302 Member
    Hi all!

    I just recently joined MFP, but am at the end of Week 3 of P90X. I am loving it, but have to admit that Yoga is my downfall. I'm supposed to do it tonight and I HATE IT!!! I'm doing Classic. Have only lost about 2 pounds, but have lost inches and joining MFP is keeping my nutrition in check so I hope to do really well! I have about 60 pounds to lose to hit my goal weight.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hi all!

    I just recently joined MFP, but am at the end of Week 3 of P90X. I am loving it, but have to admit that Yoga is my downfall. I'm supposed to do it tonight and I HATE IT!!! I'm doing Classic. Have only lost about 2 pounds, but have lost inches and joining MFP is keeping my nutrition in check so I hope to do really well! I have about 60 pounds to lose to hit my goal weight.

    Hi ! 3 weeks in, with good nutrition, is great!! It's not always easy to get both sides of the equation (exercise / nutrition) in balance but I bet you're going to see some great results because you're paying attention to it. You can do the yoga again, you can!!! (Trying to be motivating here, hope it helps).

    Peter, that's my approach too - doing what I can and working up to better. :)

    Jill, the calf still feels knotted but I think it will just work itself out. Tomorrow is legs and back so hopefully I won't pro-long the issue. I think it's just my body reacting to the intensity of the program that I'm not used to. Thank you for asking and for your encouragement. Where are you at in your program? Are you doing a hybrid?

    QUESTION FOR EVERYONE: Which is your favorite workout of the series and why?
  • I'm on the first week, first time through. I'm using P90x to bulk up a bit, so I don't go quite as high with the heart rate as they say... going for an hour at my cardio target heart rate would make me lose weight, which I barely have any to lose in the first place. Today is day 4, so I can't wait for work to be done and start yoga! I usually do yoga 3-4 days a week so I'm excited to see how challenging this 90 minute version is. How long does the soreness last? I work in a restaurant and some of the things I do make me wince in pain, like rolling out bread... kills the abs and shoulders. My calves are also killing me, hopefully I can run fast enough for softball Monday night!
  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    Good Morning my lovely Xers! So sorry to have been MIA all week. We had a wonderful time in VA for our mini vacay & I did do all workouts as promised while on the road (yay me for being dedicated enough for 90 mins of Yoga X in the stairwell!) On Monday's drive home, I started to feel a little off though & by Monday night, I had come down with a terrible stomach flu. I found that I couldn't eat a thing & my energy level was severly suffering, so I pushed back my first 3 workouts of the week. Since I'm doing a mini hybrid (shorties really), it's really not that big a deal, but I may try to double some next week to catch up. I did get in ARX & Legs & Back yesterday. My mat is on the floor for Yoga X & I'm waiting on DH to get off a Web Cast before I sweat it out! I totally LOVE yoga, so I really want DH to hurry UP! :laugh:

    Happy Birthday to Hillary & Daisy! Sorry to have missed your birthdays!

    I had lots of pages to catch up on this morning - wow, you guys have been really active! Yay Group! :bigsmile: You Rock! Bring It!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,004 Member
    Jill, the calf still feels knotted but I think it will just work itself out. Tomorrow is legs and back so hopefully I won't pro-long the issue. I think it's just my body reacting to the intensity of the program that I'm not used to. Thank you for asking and for your encouragement. Where are you at in your program? Are you doing a hybrid?

    QUESTION FOR EVERYONE: Which is your favorite workout of the series and why?
    I hope your calf loosens up soon. That's no fun.

    I'm doing an abbreviated/modified Lean version. I'm basically doing Phase 1 but extending it a week so that my fifth week is a recovery week. I do X Stretch instead of Yoga X during the four main weeks, and I take a rest day Sunday, but I'll do Yoga X twice during the recovery week, still taking a rest day Sunday. I figure working out six days a week is plenty. Then I'll do five weeks of a hybrid of Slim Series/Slim In 6/Yoga Booty Ballet. Then I'll do five weeks of P90X again, and so on, until I feel like I need to mix things up even more.

    My favorite workout is Kenpo X. It's fun and easy to do, but I feel like I get a good workout even though it's enjoyable. It just feels rejuvenating for some reason. And today is Kenpo X day. Hooray!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,004 Member
    I'm on the first week, first time through. I'm using P90x to bulk up a bit, so I don't go quite as high with the heart rate as they say... going for an hour at my cardio target heart rate would make me lose weight, which I barely have any to lose in the first place. Today is day 4, so I can't wait for work to be done and start yoga! I usually do yoga 3-4 days a week so I'm excited to see how challenging this 90 minute version is. How long does the soreness last? I work in a restaurant and some of the things I do make me wince in pain, like rolling out bread... kills the abs and shoulders. My calves are also killing me, hopefully I can run fast enough for softball Monday night!
    The soreness was mostly in the first week for me, and then again in the fifth week when you start a new phase, but not nearly as bad as the very first week. I hope your soreness eases soon!

    Let us know what you thought of Yoga X.

    What kind of restaurant do you work in? Rolling out bread... Yummy.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,004 Member
    Good Morning my lovely Xers! So sorry to have been MIA all week. We had a wonderful time in VA for our mini vacay & I did do all workouts as promised while on the road (yay me for being dedicated enough for 90 mins of Yoga X in the stairwell!) On Monday's drive home, I started to feel a little off though & by Monday night, I had come down with a terrible stomach flu. I found that I couldn't eat a thing & my energy level was severly suffering, so I pushed back my first 3 workouts of the week. Since I'm doing a mini hybrid (shorties really), it's really not that big a deal, but I may try to double some next week to catch up. I did get in ARX & Legs & Back yesterday. My mat is on the floor for Yoga X & I'm waiting on DH to get off a Web Cast before I sweat it out! I totally LOVE yoga, so I really want DH to hurry UP! :laugh:

    Happy Birthday to Hillary & Daisy! Sorry to have missed your birthdays!

    I had lots of pages to catch up on this morning - wow, you guys have been really active! Yay Group! :bigsmile: You Rock! Bring It!
    Welcome back! I think it's awesome you did all your workouts on vacation.That's dedication! So sorry to hear about the flu. At least you were well during your vacation. I don't think you need to double up your workouts. Don't want to make yourself sick again. That would suck.
  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    Yoga X done! :love: Today's burn wasn't nearly as good as the last two weeks, but I'll take it! I still have some remenants of the bug I brought back evidently b/c I experienced some nausea, :sick: so I had to go a little light on some of it. I'll be glad when this junk is gone!

    Jill: Maybe you are right, but I'm only doing a shortie every day - meaning I do the warm up & cool down of the dvd plus about 30 mins (this week is the first half, next week is the back half). Even if I "double", it will only mean roughly 40 mins in the morn & 40 mins in the evening. It just means I have to get up earlier. I'll see what happens come Monday morning. If I'm still a little under the weather, I won't be adding in anything. Right now, I'm doing good to get through the shorties. I don't shorten Kenpo, Yoga or X-Stretch. Thanks!
  • VickieMW
    VickieMW Posts: 285 Member
    Good Morning everyone! Friday night I did P90X Chest & Back - Pushups and pull ups! I was able to do the assisted pullups and chin ups with a chair in the garage. I was suprised that I could do them and very happy that I won't have to go to the gym. When I tried this before in my garage I had the chair so it was "loose" like they do on the video for the girl. I turned the chair around this time and put it up against the wall/doorjam so it wouldn't move. I was scared that I could fall. The chair did not move and I was able to put one foot on the top of the chair and hang the other down (like in the dvd) and IT WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My upper back muscle pulled again just like Wednesday. :( The Sholder & Arms routine. So I couldn't complete the second half but I did Ab Ripper X to and it isn't getting easier but I am doing more. LOL

    I have to tell you that I was absolutely wasted when I was done. My arms were like noodles. I LOVE that feeling becasue I know I did the most that I could do even though I couldn't complete the workout.

    Today I will do X-stretch as this is my Sabbath Day of Rest! I haven't done this video yet but have missed quite a bit of my program the last two weeks as my mom hasn't been well and I missed 4 days my first week :( and two days last week on the weekends. Haven't been able to run for a week which KILLS me!!!!!!! I like running 20 - 25 miles a week. Not a lot but makes me feel good and relieves the stress.

    I workout when I get home from work but am changing to 5 a.m. this coming week! I hate getting up that early but its cooler and that way I get it done and can run after work if I want to or just relax!

    I love Kempo I burned 500 calories - Yeah!!!! (first time this week) and Plyometrics! Love to feel the burn in Plyometrics! If that doesn't firm up your butt, nothing will! LOL Have a fabulous weekend and Lets get Buff Baby! =)
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,004 Member
    Vickie, that's super you were able to get your chair situated right do assist you with the pull-ups! I'm really sorry to hear you pulled that muscle again. I hope X Stretch helps with that today. You sure don't want to keep aggravating it.

    Well, it's about time for me to push play and do some Kenpo. See ya!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,004 Member
    Just finished Kenpo X. I chose "Silence and Cues" again. I especially liked that for this workout. I would get started sooner instead of listening to Tony talk, and then I'd run in place until the next exercise, so I'm sure I burned even more calories. I also think my form is better when I'm focusing on watching what they're doing rather than listening to what's being said. I've never seen another program that gives you the option of silencing the trainer. I think that's kind of funny. I wonder how much feedback they've gotten about Tony's corny chatter. Oh, I came up with one more reason Kenpo is my favorite in the series: There are no run-lunges in the warmup!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Kenpo X done - Great workout - makes me feel good for the whole day - 700 calorie burn.

    For the last 2 days I've been looking at other threads and people's 90 day transformations.
    There's been some awesome work done in 90 days, and some for 135 days.
    They all mentioned about nutrition is very important. So I think I will go from 40-30-30 to P90x's fat shredder 50-30-20.

    How are all P90x's doing with their nutrition.
    Going on their own? following P90x nutrition plan?
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,004 Member
    I'm not a big fan of the P90X nutrition plan. When I first did P90X, it would have had me eating 2400 calories, which was too much. Now that I've lost my weight, it would have me eating 1800, which is too little. I'm doing well with maintenance now, eating 2100 calories consisting of 50% carbs, 25% protein, 25% fat.
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