

  • Thank you so much for all of the advice, you are all great. I'm hoping it will help with weight loss. I'm not expecting it to just fall off but after 5 months of 5-6 workouts a week and a regulated diet and cutting out soda... it's been very discouraging to only lose a couple of pounds (and gain in back immediately if I…
  • I will try this, I did two four days of 1800 calories and was up to 172 by the end of it. Maybe I need to hang it out for a while longer though.
  • Thank you, I have been told not to go in with an "i can't lose weight" approach because unless you are overweight to the point where it's having an impact on your health... that's not what they care about. Bringing up that I'm always tired might be a more effective way to get them to treat something if it is just…
  • I suck at taking measurements, I need to have someone else do it for me because I swear I measure a different part of me every time. I have gone down a pants size (went from a 12 to an 8 from August to December and then at 8 to 6 since January) but I really want to lose my body fat. I haven't had my exact body fat…
  • I hate whole cheat days. I end up feeling like SUCH crap if I eat terribly all day. What about a cheat meal? Or a cheat dessert? I let myself have a cupcake from whole foods the other day that had 31 grams of sugar. Normally I'd NEVER let myself eat something like that... but it was Valentine's Day and that seemed like a…
  • Thank you! I thought that may be the answer. I'd love to weigh in the 140s but I am naturally muscular. I will just have to learn that the way I look > the number on the scale. I'll keep an eye on it as I lose more weight though and see how it turns out.
  • On days that I have eggs for breakfast, I wouldn't usually have eggs for a snack too. I don't buy my meat prepackaged but from a deli. Some other fruits and veggies I add in throughout the week are broccoli, asparagus, kiwi, blackberries, raspberries, mango and cauliflower.
  • That could work
  • For a long time I was eating about 900/day, way too low... I know that now. I had to bump myself up to 1300 around November.
  • All I know from mfp is fat... I'm usually left with about 4-6 after consuming about 38. All of my numbers are checking out right where they should be.
  • If anything at all I am a little low, as I track what goes on my plate and then sometimes don't finish it.
  • I split between cardio and strength, some high intensity dance classes/barre classes and circuit training, Jillian Michaels 30 day shred videos when I can't get to the gym. I eat about 75-100 g protein a day.
  • When you say it evened out, did your weight loss just slow down or did you gain some of that 15 back that you lost?
  • I have, and I'm not completely sedentary either. I work out and make up for the calories that I burn. I have borderline thyroid issues, but not enough for my insurance (blue cross) to cover medicine for it. My doctor recommended bumping up to 1200-1400 to try and fix my thyroid problems on my own and if I can't we can…
  • The paleo diet is very easy for me. I am gluten free (through celiac) which limits a lot of the food that paleo cuts out. My meals over the past few days have included salmon, swordfish, avocado, sunflower seeds, olive oil. I don't feel like I'm restricting my diet at all.
  • I know that my starting weight of 174 doesn't reflect that, but the food into my body is generally healthy. I have been gluten free and do not eat processed foods almost at all (I would occasionally eat some cereal or gluten free pasta). I work out regularly (barre workout classes like pure barre, as well as a few other…
  • As someone who has lived at around 800 calories a day, I am really struggling to meet the 1200 as it is. Is it too low even if MFP recommended it?
  • Should I expect this to come back?
  • A day seems excessive, what about a cheat meal or one cheat snack
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