What am I doing wrong?

I would love some advice from anyone out there who may be knowledgable on this topic. Between late 2011/early 2012 I went from 197 to about 173. This was done through eating healthier and some exercise, but not much. In the summer of 2012, I picked up more exercise and in fall 2012, switched to a paleo diet. I eat a set 1200-1500 calories per day and work out about 4 days a week. Since September, I have lost only about five pounds. My body REFUSES to go under about 167.

I met with a nutritionist who told me to eat more, they suggested eating bread, even though it's not part of my diet. I am 5'7'', have a bmi of 27 and a fat percentage of 35. My goal weight is 140 (and that is what is recommended by the wellness coach) but no matter how healthy I am, nothing is changing.


  • fit4life1985
    fit4life1985 Posts: 23 Member
    What do you do for workouts? Cardio, weights? How much protein are you consuming per day?
  • feelagain
    I split between cardio and strength, some high intensity dance classes/barre classes and circuit training, Jillian Michaels 30 day shred videos when I can't get to the gym.

    I eat about 75-100 g protein a day.
  • badmojo108
    If you have been dieting for 12 weeks or more, you may have a hit a legitimate plateau. You could try boosting your calories to maintenance or just below for a full two weeks. Then get back to you old routine and see that jump starts your weight loss again.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    How accurate are you logging? Are you weighing everything? Counting all condiments?
  • feelagain
    If anything at all I am a little low, as I track what goes on my plate and then sometimes don't finish it.
  • fit4life1985
    fit4life1985 Posts: 23 Member
    What is the breakdown of your macronutrients?
  • feelagain
    All I know from mfp is fat... I'm usually left with about 4-6 after consuming about 38. All of my numbers are checking out right where they should be.
  • Troublemonster
    Troublemonster Posts: 223 Member
    kind of a non-specific answer but I can tell you I have been where you are. I actually did what your nutritionist recommended and raised my intake by a couple hundred calories (still at a deficit, just less of one) and as soon as I did that I started dropping weight again. It is a scary move to make but as the previous poster stated, sometimes you just have to take a deep breath and ease up for a couple weeks then re-attack with a new plan to get over the hump.
  • fit4life1985
    fit4life1985 Posts: 23 Member
    Have you ever tried more of a lower carb approach to paleo? Lower your carb cals and replace them with more fat?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    How long have you been at a caloric deficit?
  • fit4life1985
    fit4life1985 Posts: 23 Member
    Maybe try a ratio of like 120g of protein, 60g fat and 50g of carbs? This might be slightly on the Ketogenic side of Paleo though. Not sure if that's something you would like or not.
  • feelagain
    How long have you been at a caloric deficit?

    For a long time I was eating about 900/day, way too low... I know that now. I had to bump myself up to 1300 around November.
  • feelagain
    Have you ever tried more of a lower carb approach to paleo? Lower your carb cals and replace them with more fat?

    That could work
  • fit4life1985
    fit4life1985 Posts: 23 Member
    It is possible to lose weight with same calories but with different macros. A calorie isn't a calorie, like many people think on these message boards haha. I would try that out and see how it goes.
  • fit4life1985
    fit4life1985 Posts: 23 Member
    And it is also good to have a higher calorie day also (ex. cheat day). It will help with the plateau. I use it and I continue to see progress.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    How long have you been at a caloric deficit?

    For a long time I was eating about 900/day, way too low... I know that now. I had to bump myself up to 1300 around November.

    I would recommend a diet break for 2 weeks - if you are on low calories for a very long time your hormones and metabolism get messed up.

    There is a good explanation of it here:


    After that, set yourself at a reasonable caloric deficit and see how you do for about 4 weeks,

    If that does not work, then you should see your doctor to make sure you do not have something like thyroid issues or PCOS.

    Edited for typo
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    It is possible to lose weight with same calories but with different macros. A calorie isn't a calorie, like many people think on these message boards haha. I would try that out and see how it goes.

    You are talking about TEF. Protein has the highest TEF, fat actually has the lowest. However, she should keep her fats up as it helps keep hormones regulated.
  • smartin0181
    smartin0181 Posts: 45 Member
    I would try to eat a little more calories, and try a completely different exercise, like cycling class, or swimming just to throw your body completely out of sync. Keep that body surprised!
  • lovelee79
  • SheenSZF
    Try reducing your sugar. I don't know which nutrients you're tracking on MFP, but I recommend sugar be one of them.
    Vary the amount of carbs you get throughout the week - one day go on the higher side, the next day go lower.