

  • How do you do a hard reset of your metabolism??
  • i weighted myself the week of my ToM & it said i had gained 3lbs. i freaked out. i weighed myself again a few days after & it said i had lost 5lbs. lol. now i make sure to not do that. lol. maybe just try to up the intensity of your workouts. i try to change mine up so my body doesnt get used to it. i have been going to…
  • haha i agree. i go to the gym to work, not look like pretty like the little highschool girsl there. lol. some days if i have a headache i'll still put it up but just not as tight, which makes me have to redo every 5 minutes. lol. i want cut my hair shorter but dont think i will because it'll be hard to put up.... oh no! i…
  • i like to get the fajita's & make a salad out of it. i will ask for no beans, no rice, no sour cream, no cheese. I ask for a plate with lettuce & some guac on the side. then i'll put my fajita mix on top of the lettuce & then the guac. it's soooooo good. i feel bad for being complicated but they always understand &…
  • eating a clean diet helps with loosing the belly & toning that area.
  • I made these instead. Totally took care of the chocolate craving. You may have to join her site & donate a $1 to view it, but she has SOOOOOOO many healthy recipes it's totally worth it. :wink::happy:
  • i thought the exact same thing. i always thought well i am eating healthy why are my sugars so high? well i found out that if you eat a lot of fruit it will jump your sugars up. like bananas have 14g of sugar. my nutritionist told me that sometimes natural sugars can be just as bad so to try to keep them to min. she…
  • ignore the haters, if you have acheived your goal good for you! i have also been blessed with large thighs & calves. part of my goal is to have them smaller. i am not a fan of the super muscular legs on women, probably because i have always had large legs. its all about personal preference. i want pretty legs, not super…