sarahann513 Member


  • It's hard to be exact with that, because personally for me, each day is totally different. :) But it's still fun to see, and a little extra motivation to have good days, I suppose.
  • I usually do once a week, but I'm thinking about doing every other week, just so that like you hinted towards, the number is a little bigger and a little more motivating!
  • I'm with a few of the other people on here. When you are thin pre-pregnancy, it is likely that your belly will bounce back. I however was overweight before I got pregnant and have come to accept the fact that my belly will never look normal. I also don't want anyone to feel inferior or bad about themselves if they are in…
  • You have to find your will power. Remember why you are doing what you're doing... picture yourself at your goal weight. Put a sticky note on the junk food that reminds you why you aren't eating it... whatever you have to do. But you should probably really have a talk with your family about the chance of them being more…
  • I know exactly what you mean... I have a hard time getting people to understand that one day can ruin an entire week for me if I'm not careful.
  • I don't do cheat meals because for me, it sets me back in terms of my self control with food. Once I have one bad meal I feel like I can have another, and another... I may eat what I want on a special occasion- my birthday, etc... but I don't have regular "cheat days".
  • Kristina, I know exactly how you feel. It is a vicious cycle and to get out of it it's going to take every ounce of strength and courage you've got, but you can do it! I have a team on facebook... we're all in a facebook group and we post each day to stay motivated and help each other out. Just let me know if you'd like to…
  • I feel ya! I try to keep motivation all around me. I have a team of ladies on facebook who've joined together in a group and we post each day to help each other. Just let me know if you'd like to join!
  • I don't work outside the home, but I do have my own business. I have a new baby and it can be hard to get everything done when you keep getting interrupted. My best advice is to maybe take an hour at home, if you have the kids- plan something to occupy them for that hour that way you can get your workout in... even if it's…
  • I do a lot of different things... progress pics, searching motivation on pinterest, I have a team of ladies that are all dedicated to living healthier lives (msg me to join), challenges, mini challenges, posting on facebook for accountability... etc. You just gotta find what works for you, and most importantly find your…
  • I know I have every right to be there, and that no one cares, but it still doesn't change how I feel unfortunately.
  • Thanks! .......anyone else? :)
  • Everyone is different! But I think you could definitely see a flat tummy. If you look at before and after pictures of others, it will definitely make you feel better. There are tons of ladies that have done it. I'm 22, and I had a baby in Dec, and I think that even I will have a relatively flat tummy once I'm done. I'm…
  • Yes ma'am, I am 5'6 or 5'7... not 100% sure LOL and my goal is 150 because I feel like that is a number I'd be happy with and that I could easily maintain. I've always been told that I don't look my weight so maybe when I get to 150 I'll look like I'm 140 ;)