

  • I've found that it takes at least a week to see the results of what I'm doing now. And at first, it's discouraging. It took me a couple of weeks before my appetite consistently lowered and it was easier to map out my daily calories. I think exercise is really the key to losing! I have to do a few different kinds of…
  • I found out a few years ago that I was allergic to dairy. It was so difficult to stop eating it, because it was a staple in my diet! And last year I found out I'm allergic to SUGAR! At first it was really tough to give those up. But I had to make a conscious choice of whether it was worth the inflamed eyes, breakouts, and…
  • I have three pictures of myself at my wedding reception that I keep where I can see them often. I will reach that weight again soon!
  • I have had an issue with stress-eating for several years. I also cope with depression, but the best anti-depressant I have found is working out and putting all of my energy into doing something I enjoy. It's tough at first, but it gets easier when it becomes a habit. Also, I noticed that even eating a little sugar makes me…
  • I usually do my workouts from 6-7 a.m. so that I have time to get the kids where they need to go and my workouts don't interfere with the daily activities, but today I woke up late and had to work out later in the day. It was not easy. But I have to work out or I get grumpy. So I did it! I ran on the treadmill for 1/2 hour…
  • I need to lose the same amount! Thanks for the inspiration - you look fabulous!
  • Hi, I've been on this site since just after Christmas and have been looking for a group to sort of join. I am a stay-at-home mom most of the time, except for the fact that I'm taking classes part time. My husband is really supportive of all my endeavors, and losing weight is no exception! We have five kids. The last one we…