SAHM 01/10 to 01/16



  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Did Day 1 of Jillian's 30 day shred this morning, feeling great, a little worn out and can tell I'm out of shape....then my MIL was getting ready to go out and shovel snow (she should not be!) bc the FIL complained about the driveway, so I helped shoveled the driveway after doing the 30 day shred, and boy, am I ready for a nap!!!

    Now that this afternoon is here, I still haven't gotten to nap yet. My 6 yr old is home and we're working on her homework, then I promised her if she didn't get a color change today, we'd play some wii bowling, so in a lil bit off to go bowling, lol.


    Welcome all newcomers!!! Feel free to add me, always looking for new friends! :flowerforyou:
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    First welcome to all the newcomers!

    Amanda~I hope that your lil one is doing okay.

    Stacey~I am with you on in awe that Katie gets two workouts in one day. I am having a hard time getting the one.:laugh:

    Katie~Seriously you are a rock star (something we tell each other here at my house when we are impressed with each other). Oh and I told the hubby about your post and he says see that is right the snow is great. :tongue:

    Newmomma~I hear you on the P90X. My hubby loves it and is always trying to get me to do it with him. I have a few times but man it really kicks your butt.

    Brittany~I know the zero motivation. I have been struggling with that myself lately. I lost my workout buddy when it got cold here and she just doesn't want to workout. So I thought about seeing if another of my friends wants to exercise with me so I have that workout buddy. If not I guess I will be doing it with the hubby. Feel free to add me as a friend.

    I did good today. I actually just got done doing the Cardio Party (turbo jam). It has been a long time since doing it and boy was I struggling through it. I feel great now though.
  • CariRH
    CariRH Posts: 3
    Hi all! I'm a newbie here at MFP. I'm a SAHM with 2 kiddos and hoping for another one but not until I empty a little (or A LOT) of junk from my trunk, if ya know what I mean!

    I think I would like to become a runner. I use to play soccer and I liked my laps around the field before practice. I think I would really like the time inside my own head while I run without having a kid yanking on me or calling out for me or the hubs asking me where something is. Just time to hit the pavement and be by myself. Well, myself and the cast from Glee via my iPod.

    Any one have any advice about starting from scratch to take up running?
  • roughneckswife
    roughneckswife Posts: 341 Member
    I'm late but I want to join!
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    Hi all! I'm a newbie here at MFP. I'm a SAHM with 2 kiddos and hoping for another one but not until I empty a little (or A LOT) of junk from my trunk, if ya know what I mean!

    I think I would like to become a runner. I use to play soccer and I liked my laps around the field before practice. I think I would really like the time inside my own head while I run without having a kid yanking on me or calling out for me or the hubs asking me where something is. Just time to hit the pavement and be by myself. Well, myself and the cast from Glee via my iPod.

    Any one have any advice about starting from scratch to take up running?

    Hi Cari.......I started runnin about 2 years ago.....just decided that I wanted to see what these runners were all talking about..........and I LOVE is ME time....I have 3 kiddos and a hubby to take care of and it is the time that I can be by myself ......ipod in hand and rock it out for 45 min or so......start out slow......see how far you can go without stopping and then gradually build on that each will not believe how the weight will peel off when you eat right and run......good luck on your endeavor......
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    The scale finally moved!!!!!!!! sooo needed that encouragement......I hopped on the treadmill last night with the intent of runnin 3 miles and then remembered how much I wanted that scale to move and did 4..I really want to be able to work up to at least 5 soon....It payed off this morning and Im down another pound.......The weekend is always rough.....hopin to stay strong though......Have a good weekend everyone.
  • mamato4boys1girl
    One week down, two more to go. But honestly it has been a great week overall and I could do 2 more standing on my head, it will be the 6 months that's the killer! Luckily we will have summer vacation in there so I will take the boys & go visit my parents and brother in Utah, which will help break up the day to day routine. My oldest will get to spent time with his cousin which he only gets to do in the summers and all the boys will get some much needed by that time male attention from their papa & uncle.
    Today is one week down for my Slim in 6 also, do 6 days then take a break. Think I will try out the stretch dvd tomorrow though just to give my muscles a good break. I am proud of myself for sticking to something, even if it has only been a week... baby steps! I am going to check out the next dvd in the set this weekend to see how much harder it looks cause the first almost doesn't seem to be enough & it says you can actually move up at any time. So I will see if I think I am ready to move up or I need to finish out week two on the first dvd.

    Okay totally random thing here but does anyone else find it annoying that the ads that keep popping up on here mostly seem to do with food and fast food at that? I kept noticing that yesterday all I saw was Domino's pizza and this morning it is Burger King, is that really fare to a bunch of people who are trying to loose weight & get in shape, haha!! Just thought that was interesting.
    Alright I will stop rambling & go get DS#1 out the door to school, have a great Friday everyone!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Hey ya'll! Can I join?!?! :) I'm a new SAHM to a beautiful baby boy. He'll be 6 months on Sunday and I can't believe how fast the time has gone by!!!! I had some serious preeclampsia issues right after he was born and was readmitted to the hospital. And now I'm just back from a 3 week long trip and my blood pressure spiked again up into the 150's. So it's time to take my health seriously!!! I lost 7 1/2lbs. while on vacation and I have a Dr. appt tomorrow to see if I'm cleared for exercise. I want to make sure my heart is healthy and that I'm ok to start doing some serious cardio. The hubs wants me to do P90x with him and I have to admit, I'm a little weary! LOL!! I think I'd rather try the Zumba dvd's my mom bought me :) Looking forward to being apart of a healthy mom group! I'm in MOPS and that nurtures my mind and mommy I have all of you to support me in MY physical goals! YAY!:smile:

    welcome! and one word of unsolicited caution--make sure your dr clears you for VIGOROUS exercise. generally spking, p90x is not for the beginner. it is VERY intense and challenging. so given your recent history, you should really review with your dr first. zumba can be pretty intense too---but other girls have done it, so ask them.
    in any case, hope you like our thread---we are a really great bunch of women!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    got my workout in this am--short but at least it's done!!

    did good on my water yesterday and eating till 8pm--that's when the pan cookies were done. cuz i sabotage myself. seriously, i have an addiction to cookies. so i need to sit down and figure a way around it--one day at a time. i know the easiest is to not have the ingredients in the house and not make the goodies....but i'm just not there. signs of addiction....
    so this is a struggle i need to work thru.

    new ladies--welcome!

    krisl--congrats on the loss!
    katiem--we are here for you! pick one of us to be your workout buddy---i'm happy to help. :)
    i have a list of workouts and each day i get to check them off. that's helped me stay on track these last 2 weeks.

    now i just have to get that EATING under control and get in those 5 fruits/veges.

    off to breakfast
  • tonisteedley
    Hey everyone, I would love to join as well. I am a stay at home mom with 2 girls 14 & 4 " yes your right!!" lol. I have been on a major plateau for almost a years now. " yes a year ". This has been soooo tough for me. I workout 5 days a week and I eat pretty clean 90% of the time. My problem is that I dont eat enough, I have been on here for about 2 weeks and cannot seem to come close to eating my calories. There are some days I feel so full that I am going to be sick...

    I think this contributes to: for many years I had galbladder problems with gallstones. So I learned not to consume very much food expecially if it was bad food. Well then about 5 months ago I finally had my Gallblader taken out. But I am still on that eating habit and it just dont seem like I can fit any more food in my stomach.

    But I have gotten better with it. I have about 17 lbs to lose, and I dont think it is ever going to come off. Good luck to everyone on here. I am sure we can all do it !!!!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    I've survived both day 1 & day 2 on Jillian's 30 day shred....on top of my other daily routine for exercise....this week, I've lose 2.4 lbs! Good number! We've been doing really good about not eating out as much, eating more at home and making healthier meals at home. Cut back on the soda, went to diet dr pepper and water mostly. I'm ready to get moving onto next week! How is everyone doing? Hopefully tonight, I can get to bed early, was up way too early today.......Hope everyone is having a good day!!

    Welcome all newcomers, if I missed ya! :flowerforyou:
  • jsmjboertlein
    Hi everyone! I have lost 6 pounds this year and then I found this site. I hope it will help me over my slump. I wanna take my kids to Florida in May and would like to be around 125lbs when we go. I thought some of my fellow sahm's might be able to help me. Nice to meet you all!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    hi jsm and toni! great group!

    barb--congrats on the loss! you are making real progress!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Stacey~ I hear you on the cookies being your weakness. That is what I have done is I have stopped keeping that stuff in my house because when I make them I can eat A LOT in a very short time. Now how to get the hubby from buying the store cookies which are just as bad of a temptation?! I actually made up a workout schedule yesterday. I am hoping that helps me. We will see right?! How about I check in with you every day maybe that will keep me accountable?

    Toni~Try eating seeds and nuts they are high calories but don't make you feel full.

    Kris~Way to go on the running. I am not a runner here so I can not imagine running 3 miles. I can barely run 1/2 mile and that is down hill. :laugh: Maybe one day I will be there.

    Christi~Good job on your first week.

    So I got up and did my exercise today. YAY that is three days in a row. I took some "before" pics, yeah I know it really isn't before but it is the first time of doing it in a swimsuit :blushing: :sad: . I got to say that right there is some motivation! I do not want to look like that in a swim suit NO more!!! I am right there with Christi I wouldn't even let my innocent little ones see me and I was very self consicious (sp?) of having the hubby see me. :blushing: I had him take the pics.

    Edit Barb~Way to go on the loss!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Thanks Stacey and Katie!
  • mamato4boys1girl
    Can tell I am really BORED because I have caught myself in the kitchen looking through the cupboards & frig several times in the last two hours. A week trapped in this house with no real adult time is starting to take it's toll, haha! So instead of eatting I logged onto MFP to see what everyone else has been up to today. :happy:
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Welcome Erika! Nice work on the shred!

    NewMomma ~ Your little boy is sooo cute! I hope you get cleared to exercise, it's the worst waiting when you just want to get out and go! Let me know how you like the Zumba DVDs!

    Brittany ~ welcome to the group! Any questions, just ask, nothing is too silly :)

    Katie ~ thanks! You're too sweet (and we use rock star here too lol) I love cardio party!! I guess that's why went ahead and got the TurboFire DVDs, I knew I was gonna love them!

    Cari ~ Have you heard of the Couch 2 5k program? It's a great place to start! It's a walk/run program that gets you used to running 30 minutes comfortably in 9 weeks. I did it almost 2 years ago, and it's still one of my favorite forms of exercise. I ran a 1/2 marathon in Nov and plan on another on in May. I also downloaded these free podcasts that had more hip/hop and pop music:, they were a huge help because they told me when to walk and when to run, all while playing music I liked! Sounds like you and I like running for the exact same reason..time to myself without kids crawling all over me! LOL

    Roughneck ~ Join away!

    Kris ~ Congrats on the loss!

    Toni ~ Welcome!!

    Barb ~ Congrats on the loss!!

    Hi JSM! Congrats on your loss so far!

    Christi ~ Yes, MFP is an excellent distraction! LOL

    You ladies have been busy, phew! So I met again with the trainer today and went through all the machines to make sure I knew how to use them properly, and got a plan set! I start my weight training on Monday! I will do it 5 days a week, along with all my crazy cardio I do. I'm going to have start eating like an athlete soon! LOL I'm excited though, I wanna be buff! ;-P

    Off to have a glass of wine! I've been having trouble filling up my calories lately...I know wine isn't the best thing to fill it up with, but it's been a long week!!
  • CariRH
    CariRH Posts: 3
    Thanks for the warm welcome ladies and for all the advice. I'm totally gonna look into Couch to 5k.

    Day 2 and I noticed today how often I reach for something to put in my mouth. I lost count of how many times I went to eat something (FOR NO REASON) but stopped myself with the thought of having to record whatever it was in my food diary. It really does work to record your food.

    The hubs and I had to eat on the go tonight. He was quite impressed with my choice of a healthier fast food dinner (grilled chicken sandwich from Chickfila). He was not so impressed when I wouldn't share our traditional milkshake with him. "You're gonna make me drink this all by myself?!" Um...YEP! He was even less happy when I talked him into not having a shake at all! Heehee.

    We are getting family pictures taken with my entire side of the family in May. I'm hoping to drop 20lbs by then. Diet going good. Now I just gotta get moving and up my water intake.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Thanks Katie!

    I'm impressed with myself. I have done the shred twice on both Day 1 and Day 2.....wonder if I can keep it up? I thought once, but its actually kinda fun for me, is that sad to say,lol?

    Anways, I'm off to bed, been up since 5:30 this morning with no nap and I'm pooped! Night all!
  • paigeofpearls
    I usually do my workouts from 6-7 a.m. so that I have time to get the kids where they need to go and my workouts don't interfere with the daily activities, but today I woke up late and had to work out later in the day. It was not easy. But I have to work out or I get grumpy. So I did it! I ran on the treadmill for 1/2 hour and made it to 2 1/4 miles. (Running's not my thing, but it works.) I just wanted to let you all know that I'm still here and working hard!

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