SAHM 01/10 to 01/16



  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Welcome to all the newcomers!

    Katie~LOL I got to say that you sound A LOT like my hubby. He LOVES the snow and if it doesn't snow enough for him he gets really grumpy.

    Well the hubby is feeling a little bit bettter from his sledding incident. It still hurts him to sit down and bend over but he says it doesn't hurt him as bad. The hubby is back to working out so I am hoping that motivates me some more to get back on track.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    good thinking skinny! and how cool to have a workout room!

    article may be useful

    probably have to paste the link into your browser. happy tuesday!
  • mamato4boys1girl
    Morning Ladies
    Welcome to all the newbies!
    Today will be day 4 of Slim in 6, so far it's going good. I am almost able to do everything on the Start it Up dvd which is great. The only pain I feel is in my lower back & neck but everything else feels great. Having 3 kids in 3 years messed up my back so it always hurts when I start a new exercise so not surprised about that. The scale seems to be staying seady the last couple of days but hopefully it will go down before my next weigh in on Monday. I kinda feel like I need to be doing more of a workout than just that dvd, it's only about 35 minutes and I was doing 60 minutes of cardio at the gym before hubby left. Oh well we will see what it does this week then maybe next I'll add something else in if I don't feel like it's enough.
    So this morning I did not want to get out of my nice comfy bed, the wind is howling outside and it is negative something out there. Add that on top of being up to many times with sick kids & a restless baby the bed just seemed way to warm & snuggly. Only thing that made me move was the fact that I had to get my oldest up & out the door to school. I was so wishing for a snow day like so many others are having but no luck, not even a flake falling from the sky. Darn maybe we'll get that big drop they say is possible in the next day or so and we can enjoy a nice cozy day watching the white stuff. Plus then I can get in a good workout while I have to shovel it all since hubby is still gone, haha!!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member

    KatieM- I am glad your hubby is starting to feel better! I hurt my tailbone before and it isn't pleasant!

    TOM is I am feeling pretty sluggish today, but I have completed 2 out of my 3 days so far this week on the 30 day shred, so I am happy with that!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    i am NOT going on the scale again till FEB 1!!!

    i hate seeing the #s go up when i'm making actual changes. it's probably still going up as catch up from the bazillion days of overeating....but it's so discouraging just the same.

    maybe tmi---but do any of you eat activia yogurt or other such thing? nicole, what did you mention before for constant tummy trouble?
    any advice in that dept appreciated.

    and val, your tip on waiting till the next eating time is definitely helping me stop mindless snacking. thank you!

    later chicas!
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    Im with you stacey........stepped on the scale this morning as I have every morning for the past 10 hasnt gone down in like 4 fact went up 1lb.......makes me soooooo mad!!!!! but even more determined to lose:0) just had the most amazing veggie, cheese and egg white omelet......i couldnt believe how big it was and only 230 anxious to see how full it keeps me.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Wow, somehow I missed the post in the other forum that we I didn't see the new posting for this week until today.....Anways, I was out running my normal errands and paying bills and while I was at Wal-mart I found that 30 day Shred by Jillian Michaels and I'm going to check it out tonight. Has anyone here ever done it and if so, how do you log it?

    They are talking about more snow for our area, I"m hoping it goes the other way, I don't want no more. Just relaxing before my daughter gets home from school. I'll check back in later!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Hi Paige, Time, and Fitmom! Welcome to the group!

    Time2Lose ~ I'm in Dayton, OH so we're not too far from each other! Congrats on your loss!

    Stacey ~ I'm a carbaholic too, I could never cut it out! Just trying to increase the protein in each meal a bit :) We didn't have a cell for 4 years, until about 4 months ago...we're crazy! Thanks for the awesome link! Good luck staying off the scale...I weigh in every morning, but I think it actually helps me

    Skinny ~ Totally jealous! I want a workout room! and holy smokes, 11lbs?! Great job!

    Katie ~ Your husband sounds like a smart man ;) LOL We actually did get 5 inches yesterday so I'm a happy girl!

    Barb ~ It is a killer workout, but I had a hard time sticking to it, I'm not big on repetitive things, I like to do something different with every workout

    Got a run in this morning, followed by booty shakin' cleaning (I'm surprised by the cal burn that I'm NOT counting), and an arm and ab workout tonight with the girls. I'm a machine today! LOL No wonder I'm hungry again...and I just ate lunch. Bring on the protein shake!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    I would love to have my own workout room too....maybe once things get better for us and we do buy our own home, that dream will come true.

    11lbs in a week, wow! Awesome!

    Thanks Katie! I wanted to check it out. I know its a hard workout, but I'm willing! I have my goals set for this summer to be back to my prepregnancy weigh, and I know I can do it!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Stacey~try some acidolphlus (sp?) for the upset stomach. Also glad to hear that you are doing good on the snacking.

    Everyone is getting so much snow and I am at an empass (sp?). A part of me is glad that it isn't snowing here because MAN it is cold here and a part of me would love to see some more, it is so pretty. LOL Doing good so far on the eating today lets hope that I hold strong the rest of the day. I should since yesterday was grocery shopping day and now the house is filled with good choices. :)
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Stacey- I agree with KAtie on the acidolphlus (sp?) ...Yogurt is a great way to get good bacteria in your system. Also, if you have a tummy ache right now, ginger is a great tummy soother.

    Barb- I do the 30 day shred as cross training for my running sometimes. I am actually doing it right now. I log it as low impact aerobic exercise.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Had a really good day today. I exercised stayed under my calories and drank quite a bit of water. YAY! I got to say though that I did not expect that much calories in the Costco muffin. WOW!!!
  • mamato4boys1girl
    Morning All ~ Up to early again :drinker: (picture that being coffee in there!), the baby's schedule seems to be off a bit. He is 3 months now so maybe he's hitting that growth spurt but it sure keeps messing with my plans! :wink: Not up early enough to get in a workout before having to wake up oldest for school but just enough time to sneek on the computer & enjoy a cup of coffee by myself!! My middle two still have runny noses & a bit of a cough so we will be spending another day at home, which means I can't run any errands but I really would like them to get a little better first. Had to cancel two dinners with friends & reschedule a playdate for them so I have been without adult conversation all week other than when hubby makes his nightly phone calls & even then the boys want to talk to him so bad that I let him talk to them more than me so please forgive me if I ramble on to much!! :tongue:
    On to day 5 of Slim in 6 today and I actually saw the scale go down this morning when I stepped on it! I won't log in the weight until Monday so it has to stay down until then, fingers crossed! My eatting has been pretty good which is great since hubby is gone & it can be a bit more stressful by myself some days & I am an emotional eatter. So the fact that I haven't been going off eatting a bunch of sweets is a real accompishment for me! Looks like I my actually stick with it this time, passed that first test!
    Well time to get the kiddo up & ready for school, hope everyone has a great day!
  • AmandaR910
    Hi everyone. Hope you're having good weeks.
    My son had a seizure last month and finally got his EEG results yesterday and they were normal thankfully.
    My second has a cardiologist appointment tomorrow.
    We're just a mess here lol.

    I haven't weighed yet this morning. I want to wait but I know I wont lol. I've lost all the weight I gained during my pregnancy (35lbs since 12/14/2010) so I'm a bit worried the weight will stop coming off so easily.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Had a really good day today. I exercised stayed under my calories and drank quite a bit of water. YAY! I got to say though that I did not expect that much calories in the Costco muffin. WOW!!!

    i KNOW!!! i let my kids eat 1/2 at a time cuz it's crazy. and i try to eat NONE. i also don't buy them that often to not have such temptation in front of me. i'm so cued by seeing and smelling what i want to eat. :(
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    always so much happening on here. katie, i'm impressed you get in 2 workouts a day. and christi--congrats on continuing with slim in 6 and not eating the sweets. hope the boys feel better soon--so you can get out and about.

    i'm proud--i did my workout this am. another nike training one--45min. i will FEEL it tomorrow in my thighs, i am sure. i'm just so proud that by 9 am i had worked out and showered/dressed. dd1 very late to school, but whatever. at least she's clean and fed.

    as far as the #s on the scale for me. on the one hand, it makes we want to give up. like why bother? but then i tell myself that quitting now won't help me reach my goal. and do i really want to be this fat/uncomfortable? so i know i must trudge forward. my goal is to lose 1# per week which by June will put me very close to my goal.
    long term goals are hard for me....

    ok. back to chores with dd2 and then schooling.

    plan to drink that 40 oz today and 5 fr/vege. here i go!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    We just got a family membership at the Y yesterday, so I went in for a fitness test. I scored superior on my VO2 Max test! I'm so happy to know that at least my heart is healthy. Now if I could just get my body fat down to 25ish I think I'd be happy. I think it said 31% when I was there. I am going to start a weight lifting program in addition to all the crazy cardio I already do to see if it will help me over this hump.

    Amanda ~ Sorry to hear about your kids, hope things settle down for you!

    Stacey ~ Thanks :) I will probably get two workouts in most days now that we are members of the Y, I can't beat the 2 hours of childcare so I can just do it!

    Well, better go try and get my 2 year old to nap...he's been in there for 45 minutes talking to himself, while my 4 year old is actually sleeping...what gives?!?!
  • Erikitamay
    Erikitamay Posts: 2 Member
    Hello all! New to the site and really liking it. This seems like a great thread with lots of support for moms. I'm on day 6 of the 30 day shred after months of doing nothing more than occasionally walking around the neighborhood at a snail's pace :) Ready to get in shape again and enjoy this summer in beautiful Oregon. Have a good week rest of the week!
  • NewMomma1982
    NewMomma1982 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey ya'll! Can I join?!?! :) I'm a new SAHM to a beautiful baby boy. He'll be 6 months on Sunday and I can't believe how fast the time has gone by!!!! I had some serious preeclampsia issues right after he was born and was readmitted to the hospital. And now I'm just back from a 3 week long trip and my blood pressure spiked again up into the 150's. So it's time to take my health seriously!!! I lost 7 1/2lbs. while on vacation and I have a Dr. appt tomorrow to see if I'm cleared for exercise. I want to make sure my heart is healthy and that I'm ok to start doing some serious cardio. The hubs wants me to do P90x with him and I have to admit, I'm a little weary! LOL!! I think I'd rather try the Zumba dvd's my mom bought me :) Looking forward to being apart of a healthy mom group! I'm in MOPS and that nurtures my mind and mommy I have all of you to support me in MY physical goals! YAY!:smile:
  • Bpierce03
    Bpierce03 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, I am a SAHM and it is sooo hard to keep friends when you are stuck at home allll the time. My name is Brittany, I am 26, I will be 27 in April. I am married to a wonderful man named Martin and we have three beautiful babies. A 5 yr old boy, soon to be 3 yr old boy, and my baby girl just turned 1. After every baby I lost the weight, the second baby was a lot slower, but I did lose the weight. This time though I have not been able to stay motivated and I have kept the weight on. I have pretty much zero motivation. My sister-in-law told me about this site and I joined this past monday. I really like it so far. It is way better to have friends who are on a weight loss journey in your life tho. The one time I was really successful with losing weight was when I was doing it with a great friend! So I just hope I can meet some people on here that I have a lot in common with and we can support each other! :)