Davidea76 Member


  • I have 100 to lose to be at the minimum of a healthy weight for my height. It sucks being this overweight and honestly I don't recall how it happened. I have always been overweight so I suppose I just was allowed to eat what I wanted as a child and just continued to do it as an adult. My mom was overweight as well and so…
  • Thanks for the tips. I am going to try everyone's advice and start walking when I am allowed to. Right now I am not even suppose to stand up on my own. that's not to say I don't but I make sure the nurses aren't around when I do it. lol I just want to lose a lb a week or even half a lb and I think I would feel like I'm…
  • I started on this weight loss journey looking for something that would kick start my losing weight. Since becoming disabled and not being able to walk like I use to I have a hard time finding exercises that I can do. It gets boring riding a bike every day. Considering I can only use bike peddles and not a real bike does…
  • Anyone that is searching for friends that get on and motivate everyday then add me. I absolutely look forward to logging everyday because it helps me be more accountable for what I am putting into my body. I am a college student and have nothing better to do with my free time then to be on MFP annoying the crap out of…
  • I have type 1 diabetes and have learned in the limited time that I have been taking the green coffee bean extract and also exercising that my sugar remains under a 100 every time my sugar gets checked. I love that fact because before all this I was always having over 150 and even as high as 300-400 at times. It amazes me…
  • In 2010 I was right there in your shoes. I also had a miscarriage and had a very insensitive doctor. He told me basically the same thing and I did not know it at the time but you can get the doctor in trouble for saying those types of things to you. First off a 250 calorie diet would kill you. Your body would realize you…
  • My personal opinion is to start out with something small and inexpensive that way if you give up on it you are not stuck in a big debt. With gym memberships you are locked into a year contract on each of them and who wants to pay for a membership that they won't be using? The truth is I would go with 1 DVD that you would…
  • well I'm a college girl but I'm 36. lol However if you would like to add me I would be willing to still be your friend. I'm a freshman as well studying Psychology.
  • I started at 250 and I have only lost 4 l but I am like you and I feel like I try harder when I know someone is watching. I know that if there is someone out there to encourage me then I will try harder to lose weight. It's very sad but I do not have a lot of confidence in myself to stay on a diet if someone is not…
  • Motivation is a team effort sometimes. I understand the thought of being able to get motivated but staying that way is difficult. If I get on that scale and it doesn't show a weight loss I will give up immediately. That is why we have to stick together and hold each other accountable for the things that we do. We really…
  • I am definitely in on this challenge. I accept to lose at least 1 lb a week for the next year. I really just need a lot of support and motivation to keep me going. There are days when I just want to give up but every week when I get on that scale and see the numbers going down it keeps me moving on and setting that goal…
  • you know they say that some people just do not have a filter on their mouth. I believe this to be true about this person. She said exactly what she thought and probably never even questioned her thought or words she said to you. It is sad that people in this world are so rude. I probably would have said something back to…
  • I realize that my story is a sad one but I do not expect sympathy. The truth is that I did not take care of myself the way that I should and that is why I have the life that i do. I take the blame for it but with that said I have learned that God lead me through this life and did what He felt was best for me because I…
  • I am with you on this challenge. I want you to remember though that there are still going to be bad days where you fall off the wagon but the best thing you can do for yourself is to remember that you are human and humans make mistakes. With that said get back up on the track you were on and keep going with a new day.…