Advice/Opinions please!

Good morning to all!

I have a question for those who might be able to offer some advice....

I am going to start the year off, like most of you, with healthier eating and more exercise. My husband and I are debating over whether or not to purchase two gym memberships (one for each of us), or to buy the things necessary to work out at home.

Gym membership: We live about 30 minutes from the nearest gym and we live in Maine. For those who know the area, this is not the best time of the year for driving. It can be really nasty when winter weather hits; and it does so frequently between now and April. Also, we have 3 children. Two of which aren't old enough to stay home alone- so child care can sometimes be an issue.

On the other hand, I love the idea of all the different machines that are offered at the gym, the satisfaction of being able to say we actually WENT and had a great workout, the support from trainers/classes that the gym offers, and, of course, the free tanning you get with your

Our other option is to purchase some workout videos, Zumba/Just Dance for our PS3, some light free weights, and maybe an exercise ball along with walking when the weather is agreeable. This would make working out more convenient at least and perhaps by watching us, the whole family could benefit by getting involved.

I think either way, the chance that we could fall off and stop using our membership or not be motivated to use what is available to us at home is about the same. That is going to depend on us. So.. with all this considered, what do you all think would be the best option for us in order to get the best results, most calories burned, and best chance of success? A big thanks to all who respond! :)


  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    ...I feel like I have heard this story before. I think it really has to do with who you are. If you are the type that would be motivated by spending a ton of money on a gym membership...or if it is something you would invest in and then stop going.

    I went with the compromise when I first started out. I bought a $500.00 bow flex. My thinking was " least if I don't use it, I can sell it and get my money back - can't do that with a gym membership".

    It has been a while now...needless to say, I love my bow flex, though I hardly use it - I have really enjoyed doing at home fitness videos instead. I also have my bow flex when I do need to get a good lift in.

    I would consider maybe focusing on eating healthy first - once you commit to that for a long period of time, I would then try different means of exercise...experiment...then decide. :) I am trying to lose 100 pounds, down 34lbs so far. I figure maybe once I get closer to my goal, a gym and lifting heavy would be best.

    Do your research and good luck! :D
  • AmyK2003
    AmyK2003 Posts: 16 Member
    Based on the weather this time of year and the distance to the gym, it might be a better idea for you to do the at-home exercise for now. You could always make a bet with yourself that you'll get a gym membership once you lose so many lbs or inches or whatever. Also, being active around your kids will certainly be a positive influence on them now and in the future as they will see the benefits of being active firsthand. Good luck on your journey!!
  • shepram50
    shepram50 Posts: 27 Member
    Lets see i started the monday after Thanksgiving after i saw friend of mine lose 50 lbs on here he looks great......... that was motivatin for this. Since then i havent joined a gym cause im honest with myself bout it i will be hot an heavy on it for two three weeks then will fall off the wagon. So what i had done was start slow started walking around my area i know its cold out but layer upan go for a walk it feels amazing to me really. Next incorporated my peddle bike an go on bike rides im on the east coast myself an yea it gets chilly. But ill be out today in my sweatshirt walking around the neighborhood. I am acquiring a indoor stationary. Bike so that will cure one problem from the elements. But take it at ur own pace an see what fits an feels right to you all i can say :)
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    30 minutes from the gym? I'd buy some home stuff instead. My gym is about 15-20 minutes away and it is just too easy to calculate how that's a 30-40 min drive, plus the time to get ready, etc... and just skip it all. We don't get much snow, but I can just imagine throwing that on top - even more excuses not to go.

    If you do get a gym membership make sure it's one w/childcare for the kiddos.

    I do a mix of both - gym and at home stuff. My home stuff includes an exercise ball (came w/a video to go w/it), 30-day shred video, some Wii exercise games, a hula hoop, kettlebell (w/video) and hand weights - I also have a small stair stepper thing I don't use often enough and my new things I haven't used are a weighted jump rope and some Bob Harper videos.
  • Christabelle79
    Christabelle79 Posts: 80 Member
    There are a TON of videos on Youtube that you can workout to for free. Our gym is 30 minutes away and the only time we go is when our son has lessons. The other times we work out with the Wii or the Youtube version of 30 Day Shred.
  • Phoenyx78
    Thanks everyone... you all made great points. I think I will go ahead and combine the advice and start out with the healthier eating habits, let that become a little more secondhand for me, then follow up with walking (hey, it's free!)/working out at home and once I start seeing some movement on the scale, I can re-assess the gym membership idea. You guys are the best! It's only my first hour back and I already am sitting here kicking myself for ever leaving in the first place!
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    i love going to the gym. i think i feed off of the energy of the others when im at the gym, and it keeps me working hard while im there. ive tried having at home equipment, and id use it for 5 minutes, and then remember that i had a load of laundry in the dryer that i needed to fold, and id stop and do it.. then again, i live in sunny southern california and i only live less than 5 minutes from la fitness, so its really easy for me to get there... do whats bets for you, and what you feel will keep you motivated and working hard. once you loose your motivation, thats it... STAY MOTIVATED!
  • Fred4point0
    Fred4point0 Posts: 160 Member
    As a former personal trainer, I would suggest going with home equipment. You can purchase and elliptical machine or treadmill for cardio and some dumbbells...5 lbs to 25 lbs to start and a portable bench for weight lifting. I trained my clients in their home and took all my equipment in one of my smaller cars. I suggested that my clients purchase a equipment for cardio. Add up the money you're going to spend on membership and you will find that you can buy all of the things I just mentioned and workout in the privacy/convenience of your home w/o the worry of weather or traffic.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    My wife and I were in the same boat last year at this time, we live in a tiny town 30 min from a big town. We have a treadmill and later on I bought a total gym, It has worked well. Remember 95% of weight loss is in the kitchen, the exercise comes into play with keeping it off and getting fit. Both are important. Good luck to you.
  • Davidea76
    Davidea76 Posts: 16 Member
    My personal opinion is to start out with something small and inexpensive that way if you give up on it you are not stuck in a big debt. With gym memberships you are locked into a year contract on each of them and who wants to pay for a membership that they won't be using? The truth is I would go with 1 DVD that you would really want to do. If you like dancing then go with the Zumba fitness. If you don't really care for dancing then there are other programs that you could find. Just do something that is fun and that you already enjoy doing because that will help to keep you motivated.

    i got a set of bike peddles and it's all I use other then my stretch bands. I use the peddles for my arms and my legs and it gets my heart beat up and I burn tons of calories everyday. It is what works for me in my condition and it only cost me 25 bucks. It's the best investment I ever made.