need some buddies!!!



  • ogg27
    ogg27 Posts: 2

    I just started this today! I read about the website in Consumer Reports and just had to check it out. My weight has been a roller coaster for the last few years, and every time I think I'm making a difference I fall back into old routines. I tend to shed inches before I see ANY actual difference in my weight, which is probably okay, but still really frustrating for me. It's just hard for me to find an exercise I won't get bored with, but counting my calories seems like a great way to get on track! :) I'm looking to lose about 20 lbs. I can't wait to be inspired by the people on here who have already lost weight. I think that will be a huge motivator for me.

    Feel free to add me!
  • I can be one of your buddies. I can't give meal planning tips, but I can offer support. I know can use some support.
  • taschulz
    taschulz Posts: 43 Member
    Some people may give you a hard time about logging food and exercise. BUT the real deal is when you see results and feel great. So keep up the good work and keep 'keepin' track'. Good luck!
  • tchell99
    tchell99 Posts: 434 Member
    I need some buddies, too. I had several abdominal surgeries a couple years (Crohn's for 12 years and it finally caught up with me). I packed on nearly 40 pounds in just 12 months - metabolism is all screwed up. It's time to get it back under control and am open to tips.
  • New to this site, overweight, stressed out, mother of two, wife and nursing student seeks friends for mutual encouragment on this road to weight loss! I am now at the heaviest I have ever been in my life at 201 lbs. and I want to live again and be happy with myself and my body. I am not sure how to add/request people on here but I sure would love to find some friends to help motivate each other! We've got this. 2013 is our year!
  • Trishkit
    Trishkit Posts: 290 Member
    I wouldn't mind a few new friends as well! I've been on the site for a while and had gotten down to 167 (from a high of 210), but 2012 brought so much stress and absolute insanity that I haven't been taking care of my own needs and have been eating to make myself feel just a bit better (not that it works). I'm back on board, back in the gym (my workout today felt SO good!), back at Zumba (squee!!!), and counting calories like I never stopped. :smile:

    So feel free to add me!

    My stats:
    Age: 25
    Height: 5' 2 3/4"
    SW: 210
    CW: 200
    GW: 130
  • vwdyess
    vwdyess Posts: 12 Member
    Feel free to add me!I This is a GREAT site!
  • I will add ALL of you! I joined MFP October 1st and so far I've lost almost 30 lbs and will be running my first 5K on January 19. We can do this!

    GREAT JOB!! :)
  • Davidea76
    Davidea76 Posts: 16 Member
    Anyone that is searching for friends that get on and motivate everyday then add me. I absolutely look forward to logging everyday because it helps me be more accountable for what I am putting into my body. I am a college student and have nothing better to do with my free time then to be on MFP annoying the crap out of people. If you need to chat I'm almost always online. I look forward to talking to you all and hearing everyones story.
  • chantnoelle
    chantnoelle Posts: 1 Member
    I'm NOT a picky eater, weigh 207 and 32 years and desperately need someone who can call me out when I want to eat that apple pie, or have 2 glasses of wine, instead of one and a glass of water. Or ask if I went to the gym.
  • cyberiarob
    cyberiarob Posts: 229 Member
    Any of you can feel free to add me as a friend. My main motivation to becoming the new me was being able to keep up with my kids. I know how hard it can be, and it's no fun doing it alone. I can help with motivation and tips :)
  • missANWilson
    missANWilson Posts: 24 Member
    So I am 18 years old and 260 pounds and my weight goal is 148 and I just joined the site and I would love some buddies to keep me motivated and on the right track. I want to get in shape for my self but also for my mother she always thought i could be a better me. Also because I'm just tired of being the biggest girl. I want to be able to get an acting job without being singled out because of my weight and not looked at for my talent and them judging me without knowing me.
  • ALL add me if you like. I Just finished a 21 day cleanse. Absolutely amazing results. 21 days lost 18 pounds through learning healthy eating which equates to lifestyle change.
  • I could use some support as well I am a mother of one I work and go to school. I gained 30lb when I got pregnant with my son and then another 20 after he was born leaving me with a frand total of 220lb and I have found it impossible to lose this weight. I have a bad habbit of starting a deit and work out routine for a few weeks then giving into the food cravings. I am very hard on my self and how I look and I can tell it is starting to get in the way of my relationship with my boyfriend. He tells me I am beautiful the way I am and even though I know he is just being nice I cant help but make smart comments like "ya right" and "How could you love me im gross". I guess self-esteem is something we all struggle with but I am determinded to make the changes so I can be happy with my self. I am planning on taking a cruse this summer with my family and I would like to be some what comfortable in a bathing suit. So all the help and support I can get on here would be much appreciated. Does any one have any diet tips for me food is my biggest weekness as it is for most I am sure. I also have the Insanity work out DVD that I plan on using to work out with I was wondering if just doing the DVD a few times a week rather then daily as directed by the program would be adequate work out routine? Thanks so much for anyone who responds.
  • good luck with your journey, feel free to add me.
  • LadyT1190
    LadyT1190 Posts: 12 Member
    I've been using MFP for over a year and never once been on the website. I've only used the app on my phone. Never knew anything about adding friends until I received one friend request two months ago. Having friends really motivates you to work harder to achieve your goals. I've lost over 50 lbs using MFP but I lost 25 lbs before joining MFP. I really would like to have some friends to finish running the last leg of this weight loss race.
  • Danielle817
    Danielle817 Posts: 62 Member
    Good morning!! Feel free to add me! That goes for anybody!
  • I have just joined the site as well so will need some support too. Please add me to your friends if you would like. Elaine::
  • curt40
    curt40 Posts: 137 Member
    Feel free to add me too. I have two young girls that keep me busy and not eating right, but that is going to change.
  • californiatastic
    californiatastic Posts: 1 Member
    Anyone, everyone add me too! I have no friends here lol. Willing to chat and help with weight loss :)