Evian101 Member


  • Im a latecommer, but eager to get started :)))) Hope you dont mind. I've been walking for a while, but I've been way too inconsistent. so, I'd like to hold myself accountable for the next 30 days. 18 October will be my overall target date @ 4 miles a day. so, by the end of this month (September), I should complete 48…
  • I've been following the program for 2 weeks. I have gone up a tiny bit in body fat and therefore weight. My muscle has gone down a tad. It's odd because after a workout, I am actually shaking so I know I've worked my muscles. And they are really sore by the evening on the same day. So, I know I'm working hard. I've also…
  • This is the exact same issue I had. I started a new calorie regime of 1200 a week, did my exercise etc., and in the first week lost 1 kg. Fve weeks later - everything being the same - I haven't lost or gained anything! I am really confused about it myself. Clothes are not changing and measurements are not moving. So, I…
  • Thanks Okcat :)
    in Tae Bo Comment by Evian101 November 2013
  • Hi PC, Not sure what you mean in your first sentence ( which is camouflaged by...what is that....sarcasm?). In the not too distant past, I've only done exercise with very little change in diet, and that worked very well for me. Not anymore though. Besides, I'm not sure why you are responding since you don't even mention…
    in Tae Bo Comment by Evian101 November 2013
  • I don't know if this is still active, but yes, I just signed up for FitOrbit. I start on Thursday. the only thing I miss is an online community to share info with, swap trainer stories etc. Did you join in the end?
  • Hi! I just started on T25 a couple of days ago, and so far so good. I have done insanity - but would moan and groan into changing into my exercise clothes prior, and would sometimes even find a way to talk myself out of it. It was sooo intense and I was very unfit. Yet, when I tried less intense workouts I would get bored…