Real Focus T25 Results? Anyone got a unbiased review?



  • Can anyone help me. I'm on day 5 week 3. I've put weight on.. I'm sticking to the diet writing everything down. Workouts are 100% effort had to follow the modifier but now I don't. I'm gutted I've put on. I'm 189 lb so not slim what the hell is wrong

    This might help hang in there. I lost nothing my first month of insanity so I gave up. Now I'm wishing I hadn't because apparently the big weight loss on these programs sometimes happens in the second month.

    I will echo this. I did 2 rounds of insanity and loved it, but it was definitely hard to persevere the first few weeks, partly b/c it was quite taxing but also because I was quite disappointed that I wasn't seeing much in terms of body change, weight loss or anything despite how diligent I was with the diet and how hard I pushed during the exercise. HOWEVER, shortly into month 2, results really came through like crazy, including quite a bit of weight loss and incredible definition and cardio. I think I lost 15-20 pounds and my resting heart rate went from something like 80 to 45 or so. So, honestly, I would sincerely urge anyone who is discouraged after the first few weeks to push through and those results really will come. Mind you, I am not a beachbody coach or anything, just a regular guy who decided to give insanity and t25 a shot.

    I have since started doing Focus T25 and I have been pushing through it pretty quickly; generally doing 1 in the morning and 1 at night (only 25 mins makes it very easy to slot in!!). I have gone through all the videos, including gamma, and I think each phase contributes different things. For example, alpha has certain workouts that I think beta and gamma lack, for example, lower focus and ab intervals whereas in contrast, gamma has less lower body and much more upper body. On that note, Gamma, I think, is very worth it if you want to pack on some upper body muscle.

    Coming from insanity, alpha did seem like a less intense insanity, but that's mainly because of the duration of the workout, but also because some of the really high impact moves in insanity (i.e. power jumps) which might hurt the joints are reduced to lower intensity moves like half tuck jumps, which still make up a great workout. Moving into beta and especially gamma, you no longer feel that it's easier than insanity, but rather, that it's different. T25 builds on some of the weaknesses or complaints that people had about insanity, for example, getting injured from high impact moves, the long duration (1 hour every day in month 2) and that it was all cardio and lower body, with not much upper body exercise.

    To conclude/sum up, my hopefully unbiased review is that T25 really is great. You get full body workout, cardio, upper body, lower body, abs/core, you name it. It's short and fast but really burns those calories, gets your heart rate moving, your muscles working, and you feel great after. And yes, persevere through the initial disappoint if results don't show up immediately and they WILL COME!
  • Hello,
    I am also a beachbody coach but fairly new. I joined as a coach to get the discount to purchase the T25 and Shakeology and I have to say my results are amazing! I have tried to lose weight for 10 years and it has been hell. I tried INSANITY in the past and lost a lot of weight but did not keep up with exercising or eating right and put it all back on. Now that I am a beachbody coach, I am learning how to turn this into an everyday lifestyle. I enjoy working out everyday and have learned how to prepare healthy meals and when to eat. My life has completely made a turn around for the better and I am loving life more than ever. The workout is so fun and quick! You get a total body workout with an amazing feeling. I am on week 3 and have lost 7 inches and 4 lbs!! I am getting stronger and building muscle. I also love using myfitnesspal because it helps me keep track of my calorie intake and burn throughout the day. I think beachbody and mfp are a perfect combination to meet anyones weightloss or fitness goals!
  • I downloaded the torrent for alpha & beta & gamma. Starting sunday
  • I just finished week 1 of Beta today. I LOVE T25. Can't say enough good things about it. Major changes in my body and I've dropped past my goal weight! I'm 116.6lbs and 5'4" and was 123.6 when I started Alpha. I can't wait to finish Beta, will definitely order Gamma!!!!

    PS, not a coach :)
  • I posted my before and after alpha in another thread last night!
  • kotldan
    kotldan Posts: 1
    I just became a coach after joining a challenge group because I believe in it SO much!!! Within 4 weeks, I lost over 15 lbs, over 4 inches off of my waist, and went from a size 12 to a 6!!!
  • I like that it's only 25 minutes, but it is hard work. I have noticed that some people did Insanity/p90x and are going to do another round of them....Makes me wonder, then if it really works:/ If one finished insanity or p90x, shouldn't they be done with that; do they look like the after pictures in the informercials? If I did Insanity, I don't think I would want to do that again, LOL:)

    I did two rounds of insanity and the reason I stopped was to switch to T25. The reason I kept it up is because at least with myself, it's pretty easy to lose what you gained if you stop working out. I also kept at it because I tend to be more black and white, so if I stop exercising, there goes my discipline in terms of watching my diet and all that too. Also, with programs like Insanity, it's all about how hard you can push yourself, so as you get more fit, you can do more, so not only are you maintaining the awesome results, but you're getting even better, and you NOTICE the improvements as you keep at the workouts :)

    On that note, I do love T25, but I think as you get more fit, at least with the exercises that don't use weights (i.e. some of beta and most of gamma), people might end up plateau-ing because you're following Shaun and the others with regards to the number of times you do each exercise, since he's counting it off. In insanity, for more of the exercises he just tells you to do an exercise for 1 minute and then you push yourself to do as many as you can, so as you get better, you can do more. For Focus T25, I don't know how one should necessarily push past, once they can keep up well with it.
  • T25 is quick, fun and efficient.
    It relies on slightly lower calories to get weight loss (insanity did twice as long workouts with about 200 cals a day more).
    If you stick to the diet plan, you WILL lose weight steadily on this, as well as tone up your core and strength.
    Realistically, 2-4lbs a week is achievable without any other exercise routines/super low calorie diets.

    For those wanting/expecting it to be a short insanity... it isn't! I would say this is easier than insanity as well as being half as long.
    Saying that though, it goes quickly and you do get a huge sweat, which means you are still working hard.

    I would definitely recommend it as a shorter and efficient exercise route, but if you are a little sadistic for exercise pain, stick to insanity & asylum!
  • Evian101
    Evian101 Posts: 8 Member

    I just started on T25 a couple of days ago, and so far so good. I have done insanity - but would moan and groan into changing into my exercise clothes prior, and would sometimes even find a way to talk myself out of it. It was sooo intense and I was very unfit. Yet, when I tried less intense workouts I would get bored and needed slightly more intensity. So, I looked around for a while for something that pushed me just enough but that didn't go overboard. With Insanity, I was regularly light-headed and needed to take the glucose tablets.

    I am hopeful that T25 is the answer. I find that I do it without any moans and groans, and get on with it. No excuses are bubbling up in my brain, and I hope that continues! In fact, today, after the speed 1.0 cardio workout, I actually picked up my free weights to add a bit of weight training at the end of the session (only 10 minutes), but I've never done that before after a workout. I was super sweaty, and just wanted to round off a bit with my arms. On its own though, it does a very good job of giving you a really sweaty workout.

    I think I will be able to stick with it for a change. Also, it's wonderful to be able to finish it within a good amount of time - only 25 minutes (cooldown is on top) and feel like I've accomplished something important.

    Anyway, let's see after 2 weeks.
  • I just started t25 this week...i would love to get similar results to what you had in just 4 weeks! what was your diet like during the alpha phase??
  • how do you register the t25 workout on my fitness pal exercise
  • SherylMary
    SherylMary Posts: 15 Member
    I have a Polar FT4 heart rate monitor/watch so I put my calories in that way.

    I just finished Week 6 yesterday and have lost 5.5 pounds and almost 6 inches overall. Beta is a lot harder than Alpha, so be prepared. It's nice to have weights added in Beta though. Weight training is one thing I really missed in the Alpha Stage.
  • jrburn
    jrburn Posts: 1
    I have been doing t25 for six weeks now. I post photos and stats on my Facebook page . I noticed that the first five weeks (Alpha stage) really tackles your legs. If you do t25 correctly you will have very strong and flexable legs. I lost 10 lbs on the Alpha stage. After the first five weeks you will go into the Beta stage. It keeps the same leg moves that you learned in the first five weeks but adds dumbbells and more upper body workouts to them. I have been a fan of Shawn T for some time. His first workout I did was Rock'N Body which I lost 30 lbs on in 2 1/2 months. The difference is this. You must decide if you want to have fun during your workout or if you want to kill it and be done. Rock'N Body is fun and you will dance for 45 mins. But T25 will have you in tears for 25 mins. Lol. Its your choice. Art Rardon Beachbody coach WWW.BUFF4LIFE.COM
  • 1174964_10152137089278574_1934055338_n.jpg


    Sorry can't get the photos to fit properly in the page but here are my results so far.
  • autumnsquirrel
    autumnsquirrel Posts: 258 Member
    how do you register the t25 workout on my fitness pal exercise
    Hi:) I create the exercise and put in what my Heart Rate Monitor says for calorie burn.
  • sgtbrown
    sgtbrown Posts: 58 Member
    Me too. I use my HRM for every workout, whether it is T25, or riding my bike. It is the most accurate way to keep track.
  • autumnsquirrel
    autumnsquirrel Posts: 258 Member
    I lost inches each week except for this past week. I start week 5 on Monday. Worried that I won't lose anymore:(
  • Any older, out of shape folks out there that are using T25? I am 53 years old and have not done anything in the way of fitness in a very long time. I love the idea of a 25 minute work out, and the commercial says that the modifications make the workout doable for people of all ages and fitness levels but I am wondering if it is really realistic for me. Any thoughts? Any suggestions for a program that might be better for me as I start out?
  • autumnsquirrel
    autumnsquirrel Posts: 258 Member
    Any older, out of shape folks out there that are using T25? I am 53 years old and have not done anything in the way of fitness in a very long time. I love the idea of a 25 minute work out, and the commercial says that the modifications make the workout doable for people of all ages and fitness levels but I am wondering if it is really realistic for me. Any thoughts? Any suggestions for a program that might be better for me as I start out?
    It is pretty intense. That said, there is someone in the video who modifies the moves and you should be fine. It's 25 minutes, but it's one that is definitely a decent workout. Years ago when I started up exercising again after having been sedentary for awhile, I started Leslie Sansone's walk programs; they were wonderful and I was able to do more and more after that. Kudos to you for getting back into fitness.
  • I have just completed the alpha part of the program and I have lost 28 pounds. I am living proof that this program works. Just start Beta and am expecting the same results!!!