Real Focus T25 Results? Anyone got a unbiased review?



  • nofearbebravelive
    I am not a BB coach. T25 is the first BB series I HATE, passionately. I think it is the most painful workout I have ever done, and not painful like DOMS, it's painful like holy eff are the bones in my leg going to break? I was so sore in tendons and bones that I couldn't do it longer than ten days. In case it matters, I have completed Turbo Fire and currently doing Les Mills Pump and Les Mills Combat, plus I lift heavy and I jog/run. T25 is not for me. Oh and my spine hurt all the time on T25. Unless you are inclined for jumping, burpees, moutain climbers and bouncing I say pass. TF is way more fun, as is LMCombat and Pump.
  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    I am not a BB coach. T25 is the first BB series I HATE, passionately. I think it is the most painful workout I have ever done, and not painful like DOMS, it's painful like holy eff are the bones in my leg going to break? I was so sore in tendons and bones that I couldn't do it longer than ten days. In case it matters, I have completed Turbo Fire and currently doing Les Mills Pump and Les Mills Combat, plus I lift heavy and I jog/run. T25 is not for me. Oh and my spine hurt all the time on T25. Unless you are inclined for jumping, burpees, moutain climbers and bouncing I say pass. TF is way more fun, as is LMCombat and Pump.

    I tweaked my achilles tendon doing T25 the second week of Alpha (which technically was my third week cause I did a zero week first). I ignore Shaun T when he tells me to get up on my toes now because I can feel my lower tendons struggling and pulling. I think that is the one biggest complaint I have is that to much of the workout is on the toes. My calfs are on fire after the cardio and speed workouts. I am going to stick with it because I am seeing results and I am hoping the Beta is less lower body and more core and upper body.
  • steely185
    Just some background on myself. I'm about 6'3" and in the past I weighed as much as 240 pounds. I started working out around 9 or 10 years ago and got down to around 200 pounds or a little less. I did P90x about three years ago and dropped to about 172 pounds. It was a great program for dropping weight but I got too skinny without gaining much muscle or losing some problem area fat. I just didn't look right with my frame. I did p90x2 for a short while before hurting myself doing it ( A resistance band came free and hit me in the eyes from 8 ft away, that did permanent damage to my eye and almost blinded me). My accident backed me off that program but I still worked out to differing degrees but my weight stayed constant around 185 pounds.

    I wanted to try t25 because of the intensity and because it was a shorter program so I started in December. I enjoy the shorter workouts of t25 compared to the 1 1/2 hour yoga routine of p90x. I am finishing t25 gamma in the next two days. I added one additional week to alpha, beta, and gamma so I could get the moves down so I could really push myself in each segment and get the most out of it. I didn't follow the nutrition plan through the first 6-8 weeks but have since to try and maximize my results. I am not out of shape by any means but I have climbed to 196 pounds since starting.

    In order to slim down I upped my protein intake (averaging around 200 grams a day now which is a lot but in line with what weight lifters intake if not less than them) and with that came an expected gain (have to eat to gain muscle). I will say that in doing so I have slimmed down on the program even though my weight has gained. My midsection is becoming leaner. I'm trying to get lean but also gain muscle. I love the program and loved gamma the most because I love working with weights and you definitely gain strength with gamma (lots of burpees, curls, and presses but less squats). The hardest workout in the series is speed 3.0. I'm considering doing another round of beta and gamma using the same nutrition plan I am on now.

    I plan on trying body beast in the future as well because I like pushing my limit with weights and the workouts are 30-50 minutes each.
  • beachylove
    beachylove Posts: 137 Member
    I am not a BB coach. T25 is the first BB series I HATE, passionately. I think it is the most painful workout I have ever done, and not painful like DOMS, it's painful like holy eff are the bones in my leg going to break? I was so sore in tendons and bones that I couldn't do it longer than ten days. In case it matters, I have completed Turbo Fire and currently doing Les Mills Pump and Les Mills Combat, plus I lift heavy and I jog/run. T25 is not for me. Oh and my spine hurt all the time on T25. Unless you are inclined for jumping, burpees, moutain climbers and bouncing I say pass. TF is way more fun, as is LMCombat and Pump.

    I tweaked my achilles tendon doing T25 the second week of Alpha (which technically was my third week cause I did a zero week first). I ignore Shaun T when he tells me to get up on my toes now because I can feel my lower tendons struggling and pulling. I think that is the one biggest complaint I have is that to much of the workout is on the toes. My calfs are on fire after the cardio and speed workouts. I am going to stick with it because I am seeing results and I am hoping the Beta is less lower body and more core and upper body.

    Beta is still a lot on the legs, lots of jumping still. The modifications make it a little easier but its too much for my knees still, I am hoping to cut more weight and maybe that will help my knees not give out half way through.
  • dancindiva09
    I am not a BB coach. T25 is the first BB series I HATE, passionately. I think it is the most painful workout I have ever done, and not painful like DOMS, it's painful like holy eff are the bones in my leg going to break? I was so sore in tendons and bones that I couldn't do it longer than ten days. In case it matters, I have completed Turbo Fire and currently doing Les Mills Pump and Les Mills Combat, plus I lift heavy and I jog/run. T25 is not for me. Oh and my spine hurt all the time on T25. Unless you are inclined for jumping, burpees, moutain climbers and bouncing I say pass. TF is way more fun, as is LMCombat and Pump.

    I tweaked my achilles tendon doing T25 the second week of Alpha (which technically was my third week cause I did a zero week first). I ignore Shaun T when he tells me to get up on my toes now because I can feel my lower tendons struggling and pulling. I think that is the one biggest complaint I have is that to much of the workout is on the toes. My calfs are on fire after the cardio and speed workouts. I am going to stick with it because I am seeing results and I am hoping the Beta is less lower body and more core and upper body.

    Ahh same here!! I love Focus T25 but it kills my achilles and the move where you jump with your feet left and to the right gave me shin splints I think. I took a break, and then went back to it and really focused on my form, and *still* every time I finish, my achilles kills.
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    I've only read a few pages so far but SO glad I have. I just turned 50 last week and am starting Alpha on Monday. I feel much better after reading some of the posts and am looking forward to sharing my SUCCESS :smile:
  • AmyTyo
    AmyTyo Posts: 11
    I know my mom did all of insanity with me and she is 56 and I wouldn't say peak physical condition by any means but she had been running and doing some lifting. And she did great with insanity. And I heard T25 offered more modified moves for you and a lot of less impact which I think a lot of times is peoples biggest complaint. I haven't done T25 yet but I'm thinking if you run marathons you shouldn't have any issues! The harder as you push yourself the more outcomes you will have!
  • AmyTyo
    AmyTyo Posts: 11
    that's awesome you're doing so well. Seems like T25 really is working, are you doing anything else with it??
  • RocknGirl8
    RocknGirl8 Posts: 27 Member
    Tomorrow will be week 3 for me. Haven't lost too much. Ive been staying within calories but feel also I need to add more cardio to see more weight lose. I was feeling discouraged that there wasn't significant weight lose but I've noticed my body being more toned and everything coming in and taking shape. So T25 is working and I think in some ways it's adding muscle. My stomach has slimmed down and my arms have started to form a muscle lol.

    I do agree take before and after pics and it will help you recognize that it's working. Also, I now fit into a dress I wasn't able to fit into months before so that's wonderful. Need to lose a few but that will be the dress to determine if I'm losing even if the scale says otherwise. Overall T25 is a good but hard workout. You do sweat a lot and hurt sometimes too. There will be times where you'll just lay on the floor and say Shaun T I'll catch up with you in a minute lol. You do lose a lot of calories about 300-342 modified. I was getting those calories with Hip Hop Abs as well but now it's shorter time which is great.

    So don't be discouraged if you don't see the scale moving. Continue on and know it's working. I read plenty of other places that T25 is strength training and muscle building, so it's imperative to add some extra cardio to it too.
  • pittjenn
    pittjenn Posts: 247 Member
    So I'm now on week 3 of my second round of T25. The first round, I lost 1-3lbs a week. It was awesome!

    This time, I took some time off, lifted weights, built some muscle. I still feel like I'm working up a sweat and getting a great workout, but I lost 1/2lb in weeks 1 and 2. I'm OK with that! First, the scale is moving (!!) and second, I have less to lose this time around. My calorie burns aren't quite as high as they were in round 1 (maybe 250-350 per workout instead of 300-500), but I'm hoping that means I'm just more cardiovacular-ly fit, if that's a word :) I still love it!
  • Left4Good
    Left4Good Posts: 304
    I did it for a week and lost 5 lbs and a couple of inches around my hips. But it was hell on my joints so i had to stop =/ i might try again sometime though.
  • therealkat
    therealkat Posts: 53 Member
    The scale didn't move for me, initially, because I was trading fat for muscle. Once that started evening out more, the numbers started coming off. I am losing inches. I am feeling great. We are just wrapping up our first round, and starting another soon... and adding GAMMA! I can't wait!
  • mymelody25
    My husband wants to get the T25 and I was thinking as a mother of twin toddlers it might be easier than getting them to the gym which I then am ALWAYS interrupted as they are crying/need a diaper change in the daycare. My hesitation is that we have low ceilings in my home. We tried Insanity but had to return it as our ceilings were really too low with all the jumps. What about T25? Is it a lot of jumps etc where low ceilings would really hinder your ability for a good workout?
  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    My husband wants to get the T25 and I was thinking as a mother of twin toddlers it might be easier than getting them to the gym which I then am ALWAYS interrupted as they are crying/need a diaper change in the daycare. My hesitation is that we have low ceilings in my home. We tried Insanity but had to return it as our ceilings were really too low with all the jumps. What about T25? Is it a lot of jumps etc where low ceilings would really hinder your ability for a good workout?

    I can only speak for the Alpha phase so far but I have a low ceiling in my basement and I have no issues. When it comes to the jumping jacks and vertical mountain climbers I can't fully extend but it doesn't affect my workout.
  • feickert
    feickert Posts: 1 Member
    Meredith, I appreciated your take on T25. My husband and I are considering purchasing it, but we are looking more for holistic body movements rather than specific targeting of certain muscles due to injuries we are both dealing with. If you had to guess at a percentage of full body movements vs. targeted (bicep curls or triceps, etc.) what would you guess the percentage to be? If most of the moves are all over body moves, we'll likely purchase it. Thank you!
  • HockeyGoalie35
    HockeyGoalie35 Posts: 84 Member
    Just starting today, following the 5 day startup for food. Spent alot on the grocery list which can probably make 3 weeks worth of meals if it stays good that long. Looking forward to the first workout tonight
  • subylove32
    subylove32 Posts: 8 Member
    I started T25 a couple months ago. I stuck to the plan through the whole Alpha Cycle. I enjoyed the Beta a lot more than Alpha, but still felt like I needed to incorporate more strength at the gym. Doing Alpha got me back in to the routine of working out 4-5 days a week which is exactly what I needed. Now I just pick and choose the one's I want to do on my cardio days and do minimal cardio on my strength days at the gym. Both my parents also do T25 as well as p90x and they say they actually enjoy p90x a bit more because of the weights that are incorporated, but they said T25 has definitely helped them with their cardio. Just a tip....try to find T25 or any beach body program on Craigslist...I got mine for 1/2 off not even opened.
  • scapstick1
    I have completed T25 and I am currently starting gamma. In the 10 weeks, I have lost 12lbs, 6in off my waist, 4in off my chest and 4in off both of my thighs. All in all I am completely satisfied! :)
    Love T25!!!
  • JessicaP327
    JessicaP327 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi all. I am on the 4th week of T25. Am I the only one who has not lost ANY weight at all??!??!?! I am following the diet recommended, which is low-carb and 1600 calories-- recommended by my coach. I've "lost" maybe 3 lbs. I do the exercises to the letter, sometimes using the modifier or taking a second to catch my breath, but I'm burning and dripping sweat when I'm done. I don't do much outside of T25 except additional crunches on the off days when I don't do ab intervals. As for measurements, none of those are moving either. I feel like I'm stuck in the twilight zone... everyone else is losing weight and inches and its not working for me.

    Literally, I am at a total loss. Is ANYONE else having this issue. I'm 5'3" and 166, so gross. My weight fluxes +/- 2lbs throughout the week, and I take my weight same time of day each time. I'm open to suggestion and conversation. Anything would be appreciated!
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Hi all. I am on the 4th week of T25. Am I the only one who has not lost ANY weight at all??!??!?! I am following the diet recommended, which is low-carb and 1600 calories-- recommended by my coach. I've "lost" maybe 3 lbs. I do the exercises to the letter, sometimes using the modifier or taking a second to catch my breath, but I'm burning and dripping sweat when I'm done. I don't do much outside of T25 except additional crunches on the off days when I don't do ab intervals. As for measurements, none of those are moving either. I feel like I'm stuck in the twilight zone... everyone else is losing weight and inches and its not working for me.

    Literally, I am at a total loss. Is ANYONE else having this issue. I'm 5'3" and 166, so gross. My weight fluxes +/- 2lbs throughout the week, and I take my weight same time of day each time. I'm open to suggestion and conversation. Anything would be appreciated!

    You may be eating too much, the instructions state you should eat only 1200 calories if you're only doing T25, 1600 if you're doing other workouts. I did strength training along with T25, so I ate 1600 calories. I went through the entire 10 week program, lost 1lb and 10 inches. Also went down a pant size.