

  • I usually use "circuit training" as the exercise.
  • I've logged classes or videos as circuit training if they are cardio/strength workouts.
  • I know someone who did it through a medical office. It was super expensive and she did lose some weight but they also told her only to eat 500 calories a day - so clearly you'd lose weight only eating that!! They also told her no exercise...it just really didn't sound healthy at all. She lost weight while she was doing it…
  • Thanks!!! The hardest part is making the time to stick to everything and not let work and life obligations be the excuse not to workout. So hard. I have 15 weeks to go til my trip! What have you been doing for workouts? Did you join a gym or are you doing your workouts at home?
  • Hi! That's great that you are already seeing results! Keep up the good work. I'm in a similar goal track as you. Every day is a challenge. I'm hoping to get to my first goal by end of Sept in time for a trip to mexico!!
  • The was last year when I talked with her - she told me to stop using "fake" stuff and use sugar and exercise it off. I'm hoping she'll be ok with the stevia b/c it's derived from a natural sweetener and is not as "chemically" like splenda and aspartame. My next visit isn't until september so we'll see what she says. My own…
  • Most of those artificial sweeteners are really bad for you especially aspartame. If you want to switch off sugar, try using the newer natural ones with stevia or use agave nectar. I am a recovering splenda addict myself...thought that splenda would be much healthier than the sugar and the other fake stuff but turns out…
  • I've used circuit training - not sure if that's much better.
  • I started the 30 day shred too. Going to be moving on to week 2 exercises this week. I spread week 1 over a 2 week period because I was mixing in yoga and other workouts too. Did it about 3 days each week...seemed to be helping!
  • Hi - That's awesome!! I'm looking to lose about 30lbs myself and have a goal by September in time for a trip to Mexico. I'd love to add and maybe we can motivate each other!
    in support Comment by didi7422 April 2011
  • I'm curious to know as well. I just started her new dvd ripped in 30. It's 4 weeks/levels of workouts but I think I'm going to do 10 days as well of each level. Have you been losing on 30 day shred?
  • How about the elliptical instead? There's less impact on your knee because it's just constant fluid motion, where as on the treadmill you are bearing down on the knee joint with each step. You should probably check with your doc either way just to be sure but usually they say the elliptical is better impact wise than the…