Brand New and Already Losing Weight!

Hi, everyone!

I'm new to MFP and I have to say that I absolutely love it! I have been slowly but surely gaining weight these last few years and I'm eager to get fit and healthy! In 1 week I've lost 6 pounds and my boyfriend has lost 10! MFP is probably the best weight loss tool I've ever used and I'm so thankful that I found it because it's definitely putting me back on track!

I see so many people motivating each other and it's such a breath of fresh air to see such a wonderful support system! Strangers coming together to make a difference in each other's lives... That's just amazing! I hope to make new friends among you in my weight loss adventure! You guys inspire me!

SW: 171
CW: 165
GW: 115


  • didi7422
    didi7422 Posts: 14
    Hi! That's great that you are already seeing results! Keep up the good work. I'm in a similar goal track as you. Every day is a challenge. I'm hoping to get to my first goal by end of Sept in time for a trip to mexico!!
  • helloimangela
    Oooo, Mexico! How fun! I hope you reach your goal! You can do it!!!!
  • didi7422
    didi7422 Posts: 14
    Thanks!!! The hardest part is making the time to stick to everything and not let work and life obligations be the excuse not to workout. So hard. I have 15 weeks to go til my trip! What have you been doing for workouts? Did you join a gym or are you doing your workouts at home?
  • runlorirun
    runlorirun Posts: 389
    Great results already! Keep up the awesome job.
  • helloimangela
    I've had a gym membership for years and years, but I could literally count on my two hands how many times I went each year...

    I started going to the gym and doing lots of cardio! In the past when I've lost weight, it was always due to cardio so I went back to what I knew. I'm also going to start attending group classes so I can have more of a push during my workouts and I really really want to start doing Bikram Yoga again. I always felt super amazing afterwards and burned a ton of calories during Bikram Yoga!

    I know what you mean by not letting things get in the way... I'm going on a weekend trip to Palm Springs for my boyfriend's birthday and I'm worried about my calorie intake (birthday drinks, restaurants, possible bday cake, etc.) and I want to make sure to work out while I'm there, but I know how easyily I can push it off... The good thing is, my boyfriend is also trying to lose weight so hopefully when one of us is about to slip, the other one will catch it. :)