qnotes Member


  • Gettin' hot! Kill it. Great work! *hotter! :D
  • In order to burn calories, you need to consume calories. It takes fuel to keep a fire burning.
  • Marinated broiled pork chop quinoa organic green salad in olive oil and lemon juice with almond slivers
  • What I have been doing is making sure my net doesn't exceed 1000 calories. I eat, on average, 2200 cal and the recommendation for me 2560. I exercise and burn 1400-1500, which leaves me with a net of about 1k cal if I am consuming 2500. This should lead to weight loss of about 2lbs a week, theoretically. I am losing more…
  • Okay, good. I'm glad the information I've provided is redundant. Doctors don't seem to give good dietary advice, or at least incomplete advice. Most are not required more than A CLASS in nutrition, and I don't even know if that constitutes study in dietetics.
  • 1. Where were you born? Los Angeles, Ca 2. Where do you live at the moment? San Francisco Bay Area 3. Where else have you lived? SF Suburbs; various cities Los Angeles, Ca Modesto, Ca Fresno, Ca Paris, France 4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation? unemployed graduate; I'm so glad i have this…
  • Get moving, girl! If you aren't doing your daily cardio, hop to! One of the easiest non-dietary ways, and it seems to be so fashionable right now (hmm), is to move your groove thang. Get thine butt to a walking path! Start a walking club--always easier when you have others to stumble around uneven pavement with. Seriously,…
  • Quite the transformation! You're an inspiration.
  • There is debate on chewing gum when you are hungry. My understanding is that chewing gum can fool your stomach into producing stomach acid when you don't need stomach acid. This could lead to ulcers. I probably shouldn't be answering your post b/c I'm going to be a negative Nancy. Fasting is detrimental to weight loss, and…
  • Very often generics are produced by the big brands. So, you can buy generics and save some money. It's all marketing agreements, lot sales, patent expirations, commodity exchanges, blah blah blah, economics, yawn. I don't like being soap box guy, but buy local and organic as much as possible. The more we do it, the more it…
  • The beauty of rice and lentils is that they count as starch and veg-fiber, but they also make a complete protein.
  • I was praised for being an amazing opera singer, but was also told that I wouldn't make it far if I didn't fit the bill physically. Fitness standards, visually and physically, in classical performance have changed dramatically (lil tongue in cheek for you). I want a legendary career.