When was your last straw that made you want to change?

Ugh, so this isn't my first time around on this site, but it's my last try and soon to be victory... This week, I busted out of two pairs of slacks that DID fit loose that now are okay, but could be looser. I bent down to pick something up and to my disbelief, "RIP" and wow was all I could think. That was definately my last motivation that got me into gear! What was yours? Was it funny? Sad? :happy:


  • amber_gem
    amber_gem Posts: 23 Member
    Elevated blood sugar
  • manda_monroe14
    Mine was just being tired of being lazy. I was at work with my students (I'm a preschool teacher) and I was running around with them and just couldn't breathe then the weekend came and I made a decision to stop being so lazy and take control of my health. I was always one to read stories about others who have health from not eating right or getting enough exercise so I'm giving it an honest go and hoping to receive some great results.
    But I have been in your place before, the whole pants rip thing happened to me TWICE! Embarrassing lol but humorous once I got home in my own area.
  • N_IT2_WIN_IT
    N_IT2_WIN_IT Posts: 9 Member
    This may be TMI but you asked lol

    I'm diabetic...I have been diabetic since I was 15...Not fair because I was very active and not overweight at the time of my diagnosis. I got kinda depressed and turned a blind eye to it, eating and drinking like a normal 23 year old but then it happened...Yeast infections.

    If you're not familiar with diabetes, if your blood sugars are horribly out of range, you have more sugar than your kidneys can handle and what do you know? You urinate the sugar and get YEAST INFECTIONS.

    In summary, I got tired of yeast infections, I got tired of weighing sixty pounds more than my fiance, I got tired of blurry vision, I got tired of feeling bad about myself, and I got tired of being a ghost of the happy, confident woman that I used to be.

    THAT was my last straw.
  • emboslice94
    I just wasn't happy and I hated my body. So I decided to do something about it.
  • laurasaintlouis
    laurasaintlouis Posts: 131 Member
    I weigh more now than when I was pregnant. I decided I have to lose weight.
  • katznkt
    katznkt Posts: 320 Member
    I got a bad yearly health exam and bloodwork AND my friend was getting married and I had to buy a size 20 dress. And looked awful in it!

    No thanks. I realized that no food was worth feeling that bad.
  • jacqueinhutto
    jacqueinhutto Posts: 34 Member
    I have a neighbor we all call the crazy lady because she is a little stange....well one day she caught me at the mail box and asked meif I was pregnant. Im 56. But it did make me think. I quit smoking 3 yrs ago and have gained 40 lbs....so I dont smoke, dont drink, and on a diet. Someday ill look back at this and think it is a good thing...for right now im feeling a little frustrated.
  • Shynique37
    Shynique37 Posts: 66 Member
    Lets see it was so sad. I bust out of 5 pairs of jeans I used to fit 8 months ago. The doc told me I had high blood pressure & my friend lost a lot of weight so I'm jealous.
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    Mine was about clothes. The summer I was my heaviest I could no longer fit into my size 16 shorts and I refused to buy 18s, so I spent the summer in a couple different pair of workout shorts. Woo, sexy.

    It did make me decide that enough was enough already and thus began my first attempt at losing weight.

    For the record, this is my third and final attempt, because I finally realized I'm not on a diet or a workout crusade. I'm doing something that is manageable for the rest of my life. :)
  • lizless1
    lizless1 Posts: 10 Member
    My Dr is testing for congestive heart failure so I started thinking nutrition and healthy not necessarily weight loss. This past Friday I cut 14" of hair off and the photo was taken to post to show my friends. I could not believe the woman I saw. I am as big as house! I then got onto this site and did my profile shot. I have never had any clue what I really look like-very morphed body image. I saw my picture and was just shocked. I almost gave into oh poor me look how fat I am but I quit smoking two months ago after 33 years and if I can do that nutritiously loosing 100 pounds "ain't no thing":) will take me a bit but I have no doubt I will do because I set a goal and make it happen:)
  • qnotes
    qnotes Posts: 20 Member
    I was praised for being an amazing opera singer, but was also told that I wouldn't make it far if I didn't fit the bill physically. Fitness standards, visually and physically, in classical performance have changed dramatically (lil tongue in cheek for you).

    I want a legendary career.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I ordered a whole wardrobe's worth of new clothes in "my size" online. I tried the first pair of pants on- "Must be mis-labeled size"....second pair "Weird, did I happen to get two mis-sized pair of pants?" Third pair "Ok, I'm apparently fat"

    They were not one, but two sizes too small.
  • stormbornkraken
    stormbornkraken Posts: 303 Member
    I am returning after falling out of grace and gaining back the weight.

    1. Clothes don't fit like they use to or just don't fit period.
    2. Self-esteem plummeted. Mood swings and anxiety have increased dramatically.
    3. And it never seems to fail but family pictures. I finally can see myself from a distance. (Sounds silly)

    Those were the three main ones. I am was completely happy until two other parts of life (work and grad school flared up) and instead of taking charge with health and wellness I let that off my plate.
    I am hoping to take charge of my diet and exercise to help balance the other parts of my life back out.
  • wonderwoman325
    I'm having a hard time keeping up with my 2 year old nephew, and I am so self-conscious about how I look that I've become agoraphobic for the past 3 years. So, enough is enough.
  • stormbornkraken
    stormbornkraken Posts: 303 Member
    I was praised for being an amazing opera singer, but was also told that I wouldn't make it far if I didn't fit the bill physically. Fitness standards, visually and physically, in classical performance have changed dramatically (lil tongue in cheek for you).

    I want a legendary career.

    I wish I had something as awesome as that for motivation. I can only enjoy opera from the audience. And in the car... alone. :laugh:

    Best of luck on your journey.

  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    I had a kidney stone. Ever see what happened to swerengen in Deadwood? Yeah it's quite the motivator.
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    Usually it's the tight feeling of my belt around my waist but the very first thing that made me decide to do this right back in 2011 was when I'd get cramps in my back when wiping after a number 2.

    TMI I know but it was embarrassing knowing I couldn't do what everyone else does without needing to reach and strain!
  • melissalazar5
    Seeing that scale screen display 200 lb, not being able to go up one flight of stairs without feeling winded, always feeling lazy and tired at 20 years old. Ugh! Time to get to health!
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    My initial motivation was wanting to fit into better clothes.
  • MarKayDee
    MarKayDee Posts: 196
    I tried on dresses for New Year's Eve, dresses I didn't expect to look stellar but that I thought I could pull off. Not only did they look terrible but I literally could not get them off, my husband had to help. When I ended up buying a bubble skirt to hide myself under I thought I had gotten as low as possible, then at the party I to a compliment in the dress from a friend's girlfriend. I explained that I had bought it because it fit, and off handed lay said "my size 6 jeans don fit anymore", she said "I know what you mean, I'm up to a seven or an eight" I just bought size 14 for work because I don't want to have to worry about having room in my pants for my stomach AND the shirt I have to tuck into them.