When was your last straw that made you want to change?



  • JaniePapageorgio
    JaniePapageorgio Posts: 142 Member
    Wow, lots of the clothes experience!

    That's my story, too. I injured my back and stopped running, after losing 40lbs the first time...my pants started getting tight by spring, and I normally spend spring and summer in skirts in dresses... come fall, NONE of my pants fit, and looking at myself in the mirror at the store trying on pants just made me want to cry because I had gained back every last pound... it was like being overweight in high school all over again.
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    Usually it's the tight feeling of my belt around my waist but the very first thing that made me decide to do this right back in 2011 was when I'd get cramps in my back when wiping after a number 2.

    TMI I know but it was embarrassing knowing I couldn't do what everyone else does without needing to reach and strain!

    When I was 280lbs my back fat was excessive so I had this problem too. I couldn't reach back there anymore. Don't feel so bad for the TMI. I'm 235 now and that problem is long gone. There are all kinds of unspoken problems you have when you get really fat, hundreds of small and not so small issues like this. Someone should make a list of fat happenings.
  • BozGirl
    BozGirl Posts: 333 Member
    What was yours? Was it funny? Sad?

    Sad -- I was so out of shape that I couldn't hold my newborn for very long. He was a big baby, but still...
  • Roaringgael
    Roaringgael Posts: 339 Member
    Mine was deciding to get moving.
    I started walking on a flat track near the river in very good walking shoes with my two dogs and damaged my left knee - in a nasty way.
    Pathetic is what I thought.
    Too fat to walk!
  • MickeyCastello
    My doctor told me I was pre-diabetic, and a few days later I was in my dentist's office reading an article about visceral fat. That was enough for me.
  • BrittneyJ2006
    BrittneyJ2006 Posts: 70 Member
    The realization that I have Obstructive Sleep Apnea (due to being overweight). Sleeping with a c-pap mask that is uncomfortable and embarrassing. When I lose the weight, I lose the diagnosis.
  • compgeek812
    compgeek812 Posts: 57 Member
    There were many reasons but the pivotal point for me was because of a friend. He'd been bugging me to join the police force with him for a long time to I signed up and eventually the time came to take the first physical exam. I ran my *kitten* off and managed to jump that wall (adrenaline is a hell of a thing), and actually passed (barely) but immediately afterward my vision started to get dark and spotty. I tried to find a place away from the crowd to rest as best I could but I blacked out and vomited. I was in excruciating pain for the next few hours and I decided right there, never again.
  • brackenquilldancer
    The other day at work (Im in nursing) I crouched down to put someones socks on and wasnt sure if the cracking sound was my knees or my trousers giving way. turned out to be a bit of both :embarassed:

    I full on ripped the butt out of my trousers before doing the same thing :laugh:
  • alc212
    alc212 Posts: 124 Member
    Shopping with my Aunt and Cousin - they were looking at belts and pulled out one that was a size large and laughed because that's for the 'fatties'. I didn't say anything but that's the one that fits me. That's when I really realised that I'm the biggest woman in my family and really really want to change that.
  • karinamargarita
    The last straw for me was my clothes not fitting anymore and the guilt i felt after every binge eating episode i had. The worst part probably was the fact that wanted to change but i felt i had to control over myself when it came to eating. But i plan on making changes:happy:
  • janupshaw
    janupshaw Posts: 205 Member
    My husband got deployed overseas & lost 25 pounds since he was getting regular exercise. Now I weighed the same as him. That was humiliation enough to get my *kitten* in gear! I lost 30 pounds before he got home, & have lost a total of 45.
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    When the scale said 246 pounds and I realized I was nearly 250 pounds!!
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    The "need" for back surgery and the fact that I was told I had to lose in order to get it. I was in such pain, I could hardly walk a lot of the time let alone exercise and I thought it was a lost cause. then I found MFP and the boards and learned that all I needed was a caloric deficit to lose the pounds. So I created one, and as my ticker says I have lost now over 50 pounds - and somehow don't "need" back surgery any more because the disc that was bulging so badly, isn't any more. I still have 60-ish pounds to go to be at the weight I envision as ideal, but now I know I can definitely do it.
  • nursekirsty
    nursekirsty Posts: 110 Member
    At work at few colleagues were looking at my family photos - and a few were asking me what happened and how had a put on so much weight

    One also asked me if I worry when my partner goes out for a night out ???

    I have no concerns about my partner we have been together almost 12 years and have a great relationship but I don't like that people think that I am fat and unattractive and I don't like what I see in the mirror anymore either - time for change x
  • blankney94
    A couple of things made me change.

    1. I was only one digit away from the overweight category on the BMI index. A BMI of 24 heading towards 25. (Now I'm 22 yay!)
    2. My jeans were stuffed tight. Sitting was uncomfy and I'd have to undo the top button sometimes. Not comfortable at all, and I refused to move into the next size up either. Now two months later that pair of jeans just about falls off me!

    My journey so far has been hard work, but so rewarding and worth it!
  • Glitterhips
    I'm a mother of 4. That's the first one and you would think it should have been the most important but my eldest is 12 and I've been fat for most of his 12 years, poor lad. I lost over 6 st after my third son. Yaaaay! Except I did it in 6 months by eating 500cals a day (maybe) and exercising daily. I was miserable. This time I'm determined to lose the weight by doing something that I hope is lifetime sustainable. The final straw this time was really coming out of the shower and being caught of gaurd by my image in the tall mirror. When you truly relax, don't breathe in and don't look for the best bits the weight hits you smack in the face. I'm a heffer. It's a fact. But it's a fact that I can change.

    I am going to change.
  • akhety
    akhety Posts: 1
    It's been building up to this, but it really, finally made me realize I need to lose weight when I spent over $300 to buy and ship some pants to me in Japan and they don't fit. My fat bulges around it, and I'm sure the seams will burst if I try to move around too. I couldn't even fasten one of them. I certainly don't fit into any of the pants here, but I should be able to fit into my normal size pants from back home. Adding to this, I try not to look in the mirror anymore and I have a lot of trouble finding clothes that fit me well. Health-wise I seem to be fine, but I'm tired of feeling fat all the time. And I'm not one to waste $300 worth of clothes.
  • JuciLuce
    What a great question.
    I just put this on my "Introduce yourself page" but my dad has dementia and his tact button is now faulty.. he told me over christmas what a "large' lady I was, and it damned near broke my heart (silly old fool I am, I know).
    Anyway, onward and upward. That's my defining moment, for sure. That and I feel like Im about to go pop…

    I reeeeally wanna get into my old clothes again too. I hate them just siting in the wardrobe with me wearing baggy old rubbish!
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    I had to decide to either buy larger size clothes, or lose weight. Went for the latter but still had to buy new clothes - smaller sizes! :laugh:
  • Nightfall30
    Nightfall30 Posts: 112 Member
    Being nearly 180 lbs at a height of 160 cm at age 16 - with the number elevating because I pretty much refused to eat healthy & feared exercise, I stopped fitting into women's clothing, my blood sugar levels (ugh genes) were already elevating, yo-yo dieting...well, that's what started it. I'm motivated to finish the weight loss process (I'm 21 now) now because I realised I'll never be so young again, now is the time to look the best I possibly can.