

  • Do you know that if you use your muscles, your heart rate will go up? HR is just a measurement of your exertion. If you're sleeping, and your HR is 110, you will not be walking with 110 bpm. It will be higher. Because you're exerting yourself more. And using your muscles.
  • You gained weight because you ate more calories than you burned. You lost weight because you ate less calories than you burned. Weight loss happens in the kitchen, fitness happens in the gym. You don't have to take my word for it! Feel free to do your own research or experiments! I'm just trying to save you some time. And…
  • Here's another hint: heart rate monitors do not measure oxygen. They measure the number of times the heart beats. Based on other pertinent data (weight, age, sex, height), it figures out APPROXIMATE number of calories burned per heart beat. Using simple multiplication, they multiply the number of heartbeats by the…
  • 24.3 miles in under two hours? That's approximately 12 miles per hour, or 5 minute mile, sustained… Faster than world record marathon runners. Very impressive, especially after only 2 months of training! ;-)
  • The only truly negative calorie beverage is ice water, which has no calories but requires the body to expend some energy to raise the liquid to body temperature. True story!
  • That is REALLY awesome and quite amazing!
  • Get an appointment to your PCM, and request a referral to orthopedic surgeon. The only symptom of Exercise Induced Compartment Syndrome that you're missing is numbness and tingling in your feet/toes during and after exertion. Once you're diagnosed, they'll cut you open, and fix you right up! To be honest with you, if my…
  • Don't reward yourself with food.
  • Go to youtube and search for indoor exercises without equipment. It's free, and just as good as anything else! :-) Good luck!
  • Garmin Forerunner 910xt. On the run, walk, bike, in the pool, and even during weight training!
  • Believe me, I can commiserate! When I first started jogging/running, I thought I had a great pair of running shoes. And I did! Only, they were not so great for me, my feet, and my gait. So, I went to a specialty runners shop. The sales people evaluated me, and, after trying on 16(!) pairs of shoes, I finally found the…
  • 46% of people know that!
  • I'm curious, what point are you trying to prove, and have you done it?