
Do you incorporate a cheat meal or day into your week? I haven't done this so far, but I'm considering the inclusion of a cheat meal (with dessert) each week that I wouldn't have to count. I'm hoping that looking forward to my cheat meal will keep me from wanting to cheat throughout the rest of the week. What works for you?

Created by - Free Calorie Counter


  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I don't. But I do have dessert planned into most days (1/4 of ice cream or something similar). And if I decide to eat a piece of cake or anything else I eat it - actually, usually a small portion of it. I enjoy it and I count it into my calories.

    I love food. I love to eat. I love eating healthy. And I have really enjoyed losing weight.

    Rather than planning a cheat meal that doesn't count, why don't you just have a meal where you're going to relax, but then make sure that OVER THE COURSE OF THE WEEK you make sure you're under.

    In other words, know that you'll go over one day, but know you'll make your goals for the week.
  • aminer31
    aminer31 Posts: 54 Member
    I tried having a cheat but found I would go to far that day! So no more planned cheat days. However if something comes up or I just can't resist something I go ahead and have a cheat item. Today that was a delicious donut that kept calling my name. :)
  • umer76
    umer76 Posts: 1,272 Member
    Do you incorporate a cheat meal or day into your week? I haven't done this so far, but I'm considering the inclusion of a cheat meal (with dessert) each week that I wouldn't have to count. I'm hoping that looking forward to my cheat meal will keep me from wanting to cheat throughout the rest of the week. What works for you?

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
    All of us have cheat days here and there but even on cheat day you should count all the cals you will be eating this will allow you to realize the damage done. Atleast keeping track will help you to balance out in the rest of the week:)
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    This works for some people.

    i've never done it. I just eat the food I like all through the week, and I don't call it cheating. :wink:

    If you're going to do it, it would be wise to keep an eye on the calories, at least to start with, just to make sure you're not going to wipe out your week's hard work. It's unlikely you'll do that with one meal, but some people manage it! On the other hand, some people find that taking the break from counting is the important bit, psychologically, but don't necessarily splurge while they do it. Play around a bit, and find what works for you.
  • I've heard mixed results but I just don't have the willpower yet to try to pull it off.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    i usually have a "cheat" everyday..but it fits into my no worries...other than cream was so spontaneous....we were having a bad we got ice cream to make it better..!
  • garystidham1
    garystidham1 Posts: 30 Member
    i was wondering on your cheet day how many cal do you eat is it your mantaine cal needs or just 100 over your avarage i feel bad if i go over my allocated cal
  • syrklc
    syrklc Posts: 172 Member
    Do you incorporate a cheat meal or day into your week? I haven't done this so far, but I'm considering the inclusion of a cheat meal (with dessert) each week that I wouldn't have to count. I'm hoping that looking forward to my cheat meal will keep me from wanting to cheat throughout the rest of the week. What works for you?

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    not cheating yet. some interesting comments here so far :wink: i think i might consider it after 10 pound loss :drinker:
  • littlewhittles
    littlewhittles Posts: 402 Member
    I don't plan for one, but if something comes up (dinner out with friends, a party, etc) I allow myself an indulgence. Otherwise, I get grudgey and throw my whole diet out the window, lol.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I eat whatever I feel like having most every day, I just mind the calories and eat smaller portions.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    I've found it's better to set a reasonable deficit and fit treats into my calorie goal/macros. Sometimes emotions or events will cause me to have a higher calorie day and I don't stress out when it happens, but I try to limit them.
  • Catlady87
    Catlady87 Posts: 302 Member
    Im confused about what exactly a cheat day or meal is. Is it a meal you don't add into your diary or is it when you go over you calorie limit because say you're having a pizza?
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I keep track of a weekly deficit instead of daily ones.
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    I can understand why you wouldn't want to use the forum search function. SOOO many people talking about infidelity on a fitness message board! WTF?!
  • barb1241
    barb1241 Posts: 324 Member
    Why not just incorporate the things you enjoy into your daily LIFESTYLE? Rumor has it that it will help you to lose weight more consistently and to maintain if you don't feel like you are on a "deprivation diet" all the time.

    It's working for me, maybe not for anyone else-YMMV. But I have a snack every evening, usually chocolate, cheese, wine, popcorn-whatever fits into my macros for the day (not usually the SAME day, LOL!) and I've lost 70-ish pounds that way.
  • Don't reward yourself with food.
  • I have 2 "Blowout days" a week where I have a really good dinner and dessert. I usually have something for dessert every day, even if it's only a couple of biscuits. I usually average about 1900 calories a day (net) which include about 4 hours of hard exercise a week. I am losing about a pound a week. This week I went out for a curry and finished the evening with an ice cream sundae! Needless to say the hour on the exercise the next morning was painful! I guess if the weight loss plateaus off then i'll have to cut down on the blowout days!
  • xxmangexx
    xxmangexx Posts: 13 Member
    I have done it both ways, and now that I think about it, I am have fallen into sloppy tracking habits as of late. Probably because of the cheat days. Here is the thing, I have done a daily way since I started. I was fascinated to see how eating differant foods would have an affect on me. For the first 30lb's or so I did not have one. After a few months the birthday season followed by holidays and more birthdays I incorportated 1 day a week I wouldn't track. I didn't deviate from my diet plan so much. I would still monitor portions, but if I wanted a beer and hot wings, I would have that as a lunch and go back to healthier options through out the day. I did see a wild swing in my weight when I did this. I would put on 2 extra lbs in the next few days and have to work it off before my weigh in day. If you are ok with seeing the swings or feeling kind of bad after months of healthier options....go for it.
  • eandrsmom
    eandrsmom Posts: 119
    I have one meal a week where I can enjoy whatever I have been craving. Savor it, log it, and next meal is back to normal. :smile:
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Who needs to cheat when you can work it into your meals! If you want something completely devious (so bad it takes up a whole days worth) then just plan the rest of your days around it or work your butt off to have it :)