faithful0609 Member


  • Here's the video link - sorry I forgot to put in in there:
  • Great job!! I'm "back again".... I always think I'm eating healthy but really do not seem to grasp the portion control thing. So the scale was out this morning to weigh my food and get me back on track!!! Looking forward to trying to stick with it this time. Funny you do this for so long ... there is no 'blame" .... you…
  • Also if you are a guacamole nut (like me) ... Wholly Guacamole has put out single serving cups that are 100 calories. They have plain or spicy ---- I find it at Target. I love having these cups because the "fat" in avacados is good for you - it's also portion control and the rest doesn't go bad.
  • Watch the carbs. It turns to sugar in your body - so going "low fat" is not always the best. No white bread, white rice or anything white... always whole grains and breads with "sprouted grains". If you are into jelly and sauces (i.e., chocolate, caramel, etc), Smuckers makes a whole line of sugar free that are delicious -…
  • Joel: Most of us have fought the yo yo battle. For myself, I've lived a life thinking I can eat "normal" and not gain wait ..... but don't see the big picture. Most people who are thin are exercising and only eating 1 bad meal. Example - every morning in my work cafeteria a slim young girl would order 2 eggs, bacon and…
  • This is really the only way to go - by putting down EVERYTHING you put in your mouth and measuring your food. I've spent decades being overweight because I have the mind set that I can eat whatever whenever.... then I wonder why I can't lose? So... I'm back (like you) again - started 2 weeks ago - first week did everything…
  • Stopped having 2 glasses of wine each night, logging everything in to see how many calories I'm eating, and also got a food scale. using measuring spoon and scale to eat "real" portions instead of eye balling the food.
  • thanks all! yesterday was a wash .. but today I've logged in everything and planned dinner. So I'm on track - I've fought my weight my whole life - so bad habits are going to die hard, but I have to be honest with myself and just do it. the only way I can lose weight is by knowing exactly what I'm putting into my mouth -…