Time to stop the Yo-Yo

Hey Everyone...

So I am new to this site, but I love what I have seen from it since I started using it a few days ago. I have struggled with my weight for my entire life. I was over 300 lbs when I graduated from High School and over the course of 2 years of dieting and vigorous exercise got all the way down to 165. I have been up and down for years since. Right now I am way up again and am hoping by making myself accountable to what I'm eating by keeping my food diary and committing to a vigorous exercise routine I can get the weight off again and keep it off this time.

I would love some more friends on here to help each other stay motivated.



  • faithful0609
    faithful0609 Posts: 17 Member
    Joel: Most of us have fought the yo yo battle. For myself, I've lived a life thinking I can eat "normal" and not gain wait ..... but don't see the big picture. Most people who are thin are exercising and only eating 1 bad meal. Example - every morning in my work cafeteria a slim young girl would order 2 eggs, bacon and cheese on a crouisant. I said to the guy at the check out one day - how come she can eat like that & stay thin? He said "it may either be her only big meal for the day, or else she works it off in the gym/running". I recall that all the time - but need to keep that in my head. No matter what - it's about controlling your portions, cutting out the crap and exercising. There is no magic pill
  • joelschendel
    joelschendel Posts: 27 Member
    That is exactly it. I'm either on or off when it comes to having a healthy lifestyle. Its either a compulsive obsession to eating healthy and exercising, or its sitting on the couch eating 3 fast food meals a day. This time I looking for some long term habits so I can start making healthy choices for life.

    Thanks for the response