

  • Sounds like loose skin to me. If so, the only answer is surgery
  • Definitely just start over today. I did the SAME thing yesterday. I worked last night and "my stomach was eating itself "when I got home so I ate, too much. I used to the livestrong site starting in 2009 after I had my twins. I have had several phases where I have gone over and have managed to keep off about 15 pounds…
  • I totally understand your frustration! Hang in there! Remember, this is a LIFE change. I obssess over the scale too. If your scale doesnt motivate you further when it does not move, I agree with the memeber that said, "ignore it for a few months." I have worked out like a madwoman this week and have recorded every single…
  • thanks for the responses. I am quite sore today and am glad this is water, as I suspected. Being a numbers person, it still makes me nuts though. I will get over it :ohwell:
  • You MAY have loose skin from the pregnancy and if this is the case, their is nothing you can do aside from surgery. I am a nurse and have had alot of experience with this. You can do ab exercises and cardio, cut carbs and everything else but it will not tighten your skin up. Once you have reached your ideal body weight and…