jw_lefebvre Member


  • My go to is: -1 cup skim milk -1/4 cup liquid egg whites -1 scoop vanilla whey -1/4 cup plain 0% Greek yougurt 1 cup frozen fruit mixture (any kind works I use tropical) Has about 375kcal and about 50g of protein
  • I do about 5k a day 4-5times a week and have not had any problems since I started. I usually do my weights first, so the running does not effect my workouts.
  • Squats and deadlifts are the best exercises for a beginner. Beginners (and in my opinion everyone) should only focus on compound lifts. Fire the trainer. Just make sure your form is proper and the weights are not increased to much until form is spot on.
  • I can only see it as a bad thing if you are on a limit calorie diet and it prevents you from having enough calories to get adequate protein/healthy fats in
  • Of course there are individual differences in the hormones that create a desire to eat...so it is impossible for anyone to know how bad anothers cravings for food are. So yes genetics play a role in how much you crave food for sure. BUT despite this it is still possible to not give in to these cravings. As for genetics…
  • I would disagree...although german volume training is a great program it is for advanced lifters. Many beginners make the mistake of jumping to advanced lifting programs right away which is silly and here is why: Beginner programs are actually harder than advanced programs in the sense that they make you increase your…
  • I have completed two in Toronto in the last year. They are not as difficult as the videos make them out to be, it is highly dependent on the pace you take. Those trying to complete it at their own personal records and really pushing it can make it super difficult, but you could take it easy and slow and doing it this way…
  • you can eat out, just make wise choices. Get chicken/fish, etc. with a side salad or something
  • lol sorry was not directed at you, just some of the earlier posters...just happened to click on your post as a quote
  • Agreed. Your training can only break down muscle, it does not build muscle at all. The repair of muscle is what builds muscle, and that is dependent on what you do in the kitchen. Protein synthesis requires, surprise surprise, protein.
  • Eat whatever you want so long as you make your macronutrient profile and are eating enough "good" food to get your proper micronutrients I'd like to state that there is no such thing as "good/clean" or "bad/dirty" foods. You can gain weight eating to much of anything, eat too many fruits you will gain weight. Eat to many…
  • I agree for the majority of people eating "clean" is not necessary to lose weight. Most of us are just trying to shed weight to get into the healthy level. For them so long as they eat less calories than maintenance per day they will lose weight. Obviously you may see slightly faster progress and other non-weight related…