laurawalker357 Member


  • hello, my name is Laura I have been misdiagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis, was taking shots for yrs. and not working so I'm on DMARDs, and I am fed up with pain, I also have spinal stenosis, I :/ cant do any real workouts but I sure can control my calories, and maybe one day I can start a regular walking routine. having…
  • I hate going to rhumatoligist and having to step on scale thankfully he understands I hate this disease. How ever the only thing that helps me lose is calorie restriction.
  • we have a lot in common , as and over a hundred to go. ill be your friend,:smile:
  • hello, i myself have had a partial knee replacement and since then nothing but problems , on top of that i have lower exxtreeeeem spinal pain due to a disease called ankylosing spondylitis. and yes i have the plantars facilitates to go with the disease , i get all steamed up about how we should be running walking when we…
  • hello, i my self can not , i have planters facitis, and ankylosing spondylitis and a partial knee replacement that has givien me nothing but probs. but any way yes. ! it really ticks me off when i see gyms, commercials, first lady , etc, all talk about fitness what about us , who struggle and in my case in constant chronic…
  • used to love fried zucchini, nice to see this recipe , i love zucchini thanks
  • oh i see you have plantar facieatas i do too and its a ***** ,so how in the hell am i suposed to do any thing back, knee and heel prob, pain when walking errrrrr, well i say i should just do the calorie restriction for now and wait and see
  • hi , i had partial knee replacement 3 yrs ago, not any better and now other knee is useless. and i have spine probs too, i have ankylosing spondylitis , it affects all joints, back mainly and tendons i am 100 lbs over wt, and so ashamed and need to change my life , nice to meet others that have mobility issues .