kalejaiye Member


  • Welcome to fitness pal. I am trying to lose weight too with exercise and the right food choices. I would stay away from the meal replacement shakes as they are usually only temporary quick fixes.
    in Newbie Comment by kalejaiye May 2011
  • Hey, am happy to be your pal but usually leave for work really early so could only send message late at night for encouragement. Am currently training for a cycle ride from London to Paris which is 300km over 3 days. Abit scared especially as my training has derailed recently. I find that without training for something, I…
  • Just remember to start everyday as new. Also remind yourself of all the reasons why you enjoy being healthy. Stay positive, we all have blips.
  • Thanks for the advice; will try all of them. The problem is actually long-standing but slightly worse when I am being healthyand I have a slightly low blood pressure.
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