
laaiqahg Posts: 2 Member
Hi Everyone!

I am really excited to be here! I am excited to start my weight loss journey.

Last night I went out for supper and ordered a fillet steak with a salad! Which is a good start :)

My diet will be a combination of counting calories, low gi and just making the right choices.

This morning for breakfast I had:

3 tbsp Rolled Oats (raw)
2 tbsp mixed seeds (flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds etc)
4 tbsp low fat yoghurt

I had a cup of rooibos and ginger tea and I also have 1 tbsp of extra virgin coconut oil (i read an article about its benefits this week, anyone else heard about it)

Thinking of having a meal replacement shake for lunch and for supper some veggies and chicken.

Hope to get loads of encouragement from people who have changed their lifestyles



  • kalejaiye
    kalejaiye Posts: 6 Member
    Welcome to fitness pal. I am trying to lose weight too with exercise and the right food choices. I would stay away from the meal replacement shakes as they are usually only temporary quick fixes.