Absolutely! Where are you seeing Black Sabbath?
YUM! Wasabi peas
Hahahahahahaha, YES!!!
An ENGLISH boy?? Umm....YES! ;)
Thank you, hahahahahahahahaaha
Thanks, guys, for talking to me through this post. This being the internet and all, you could have torn me a new one for any number of reasons. Anyway, I do appreciate it. If anyone wants to add me, that'd be cool. I've been on this site on and off forever, but never really been myself in a social sense. It'd be nice to…
Wow, thanks. I've never heard of that website. And that gif is too. Flippin. Cute. :)
Thank you for the book recommendations. I've thought about reading some "self-help" books as a sort of first step towards therapy, but, again, just haven't. Making that appointment is DEFINITELY the most difficult part, though I really don't know why. =/
I've tried (for a very short period of time) to do that, but I felt too silly.
That actually made me smile. Thanks. :)
I know, this is very true. I am just so overwhelmed and needed to tell SOMEONE how I am feeling, even if it is a group of (very nice) strangers on the internet. I really want to seek help from a therapist. Aside from money, I don't know what's holding me back. It just seems frightening.
I'm sure a lot of it stems from emotional abuse from my father, as well as the fact that when I was 17, I weighed around 220 lbs. I have an immense fear of gaining that weight back, and have definitely yo-yo'ed a bit over the years (20 lbs or so). It's how I've always felt, though. And yeah, of course I compare myself to…
I'm healthy according to whatever scales and charts the ladies at the gym showed me after doing my measurements and whatnot, but it's like I can't see past the fat. When I'm good, I exercise 4-5 times a week and I do eat very well...that is until I drink. And lately, I've been doing a lot of that. I drink and everything…
Thanks for the adds, guys! :D
25 y/o Floridian here. My name is Melissa and I log every day, work out 5-6 times a week, and am extremely committed to staying healthy and getting fit! :)
Hey Kev, Thanks for the response. I know what you mean about the beer belly--I am definitely working on ridding myself of extra baggage around my midsection as well. Just received your request and will add you! :) -Mel
Thanks, guys! "Adds" sent. :)
I completely understand where you're coming from. My friends tend to have different goals than me, so I feel held back if I workout with them. The only person I've been able to workout with and still feel like I got a "good one in" is with my sister. But yeah, I would probably do the same as you and avoid walking with my…
I actually got myself out of bed at 4:30am today for a boot camp class at my gym, and I SO did not want to wake up, haha. I usually work out after I get off work, but having the motivation to do so can be difficult. Mind if I add you?
I totally relate to the whole "falling off the wagon" deal, as I'm sure most of us do. I was doing really well, and in better shape than I had been in for YEARS. But alas, I met a guy, we went out on dates a lot, ate and drank, yadda yadda, you know the rest. BUT, just like you, I have been back on the proverbial wagon as…
Body acceptance is the biggest feat I have yet to tackle. I don't have many friends on here--just my sister, and others that I know IRL. Mind if I add you?