quackmunch Member


  • @AbbeyDove I have arthritis in my hands and find using lifting gloves helps reduce (not remove) the pain a great deal. Would something like straps or similar help you? This is something I'm thinking about if my arthritis spreads.
  • that is absolutely amazing...just seeing your progress has a big grin on my face. Well done!!!
  • phew...finished! Loads of great advice here - thanks so much @usmcmp !!
  • I've had the strawberry one and the vanilla one. At the moment I'm adding it to my spinach and blueberry smoothie so the vanilla flavour works best for that. Been using it around 2 years now and love it.
  • I usually workout around 6-8 times a week, sometimes twice on the same day: Monday - 50mins yoga Tuesday - spin class Wednesday - weight training Thursday - spin class (am) and 50mins yoga (pm) Friday - weight training Saturday - 50 mins yoga Sunday - weight training. Saying that sometimes I miss a Monday or Thursday yoga…
  • Sorry to hear about your experience with the PA but well done on the 100lb loss!! That's fab well done you :)
  • Meant to update this a few days ago but only getting round to it now! I've tried the tips you guys gave, especially on 'shoving my knees out' and my technique is a lot better now, thanks so much for the help guys :)
  • Thanks for the reply, cleared things up for me :) I'll have a read at the pdf and try to get a video of a BW squat. I've never checked myself in a mirror doing BW squats so can't think off the top of my head if the knee does the same thing.
  • Hi! Thanks for taking the time to reply. I don't have the feeling you describe with my knees, I'll have to give that a try and see if it resolves my issue. Not something that would have occurred to me but thanks. We're not allowed to take pictures or video in our gym, but I could get a video at home. That would be without…
  • Hi, thanks for the reply. The knee giving issues is my left knee...I'm left handed but I'm not sure if this is also my dominant foot I'll have to check that out! I'm only new to weight training, what does BW mean? Sorry if it's a stupid question! I'll try the things you've suggested and see how I get on with those,…
  • I do yoga 2-3 times a week, cardio 2 times a week and have started stronglifts twice a week. I find that yoga has really helped my training throughout anything I've been doing up until now. I would do one of my yoga sessions to focus on stretching out the muscles that get tight during my lifting, for example quads, glutes,…
  • totally agree, everyone seems so helpful
  • The TDEE I worked out is from http://thefitgirls.com/tdee-calculator.aspx and I worked it out with moderate exercise (working out 3-5 times a week).
  • SideSteel thanks, I appreciate your help.
  • Hi, I use a food scale for things that don't have a calorie content on the packet, you know if I ate a mars bar the calories are on it so I don't measure that but brown rice for example I do. If that makes sense :) I have a diet plan from my PT for main meals and follow it so don't add sauces etc to food unless he says so…
  • I usually work out after work, but a few times I've worked out in the morning. One time I had a PT session first thing and didn't eat but found the routine a real struggle. The second time I ate about an hour before working out and found it much easier. I couldn't eat right before a workout though.
  • I haven't really cut anything out completely but I am definitely trying to swap less healthy and processed food for more healthy and non-processed food. I have cut out bread about 80-90% purely because we don't play well together but everything else is in moderation as long as it fits into my calories for the day.